LIBROS DEL AUTOR: norman l geisler

15 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: norman l geisler

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  • The Official Study Guide to I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
    Jason Jimenez / Norman L. Geisler
    'I wish I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist had been available when I was an atheist-it would have saved a lot of time in my spiritual journey toward God.'Lee Strobel, author, The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, and The Case for a Creator'This extremely readable book brilliantly builds the case for Christianity from the question of truth all the way to the inspirati...

    10,12 €

  • Love Your Neighbor
    Norman L Geisler / Ryan P Snuffer
    Love Your Neighbor is a concise introduction to Christian ethics. It begins with a look at the biblical basis for morality, defines and describes various philosophical approaches to the subject of ethics, then connects biblical morality with the idea of absolute truth in philosophy.The book then moves from its philosophical basis to a practical application of Christian ethics, ...

    22,17 €

  • Is Man the Measure?
    Norman Geisler / Norman L. Geisler
    An academically respectable description and evaluation of secular humanism is available at last.The diversity within humanism receives full recognition in this book, as does the fact that not everything about humanism is bad from a Christian point of view. Indeed, the author continues, there are many emphases within humanism that are compatible with Christian beliefs, a thesis ...

    25,83 €

  • Decide for Yourself
    Norman Geisler / Norman L. Geisler
    What is the origin of the Bible? To what extent is it inspired? Does inspiration preclude the possibility of error?These and other questions about the Bible are considered in the author’s presentation of both the Bible’s statements about itself and the thoughts of various theologians throughout the history of the church. Dr. Geisler presents this material with a minimum of edit...

    17,95 €

  • Apologetics in the New Age
    David K. Clark / David KClark / Norman L. Geisler
    Many books have successfully defended Christianity against Western rational skepticism. ’Apologetics in the New Age’ represents the first serious attempt by evangelical philosophers to answer Eastern pantheism in general and the New Age movement in particular.Teaming up with David Clark, Norman Geisler, one of evangelicalism’s leading apologists, probes the pantheistic worldvie...

    26,87 €

  • The Battle for the Resurrection
    Norman L. Geisler / Norman LGeisler

    27,75 €

  • The Reincarnation Sensation
    J. Yutaka Amano / JYutaka Amano / Norman L. Geisler / Norman LGeisler
    One in every four Americans believes in reincarnation according to a recent Gallup poll. Why does our society have such a growing preoccupation with death and past-life experiences? Authors Norman L. Geisler and J. Yutaka Amano conclude that among the reasons for the popularity and influence of reincarnation philosophy are the rapid rise of the New Age Movement and society’s fa...

    24,06 €

  • Miracles and the Modern Mind
    Norman L. Geisler / Norman LGeisler
    That miracles exist is an important part of the Christian tradition, yet a brief survey of modern thought reveals a marked prejudice against this notion. Here, Geisler shows how the laws of logic and science speak to the reasonableness of miracles. A dispassionate look at the facts and arguments demands that doubters question their own naturalistic assumptions. Geisler also des...

    22,34 €

  • I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
    Frank Turek / Norman L. Geisler
    To some, the concept of having faith in a higher power or a set of religious beliefs is nonsensical. Indeed, many view religion in general, and Christianity in particular, as unfounded and unreasonable. Norman Geisler and Frank Turek argue, how 3 ...

    23,57 €

  • Philosophy of Religion
    Norman L. Geisler / Winfried Corduan
    Is there any basis in reality for a religious experience?Is there any basis in reason for belief in God?Is it even possible to speak meaningfully of a transcendent being?And how does one account for evil?The authors answer these questions, representing the four most important issues in the philosophy of religion, in a comprehensive way and ''form the perspective of classical th...

    38,44 €

  • Worlds Apart
    Norman Geisler / Norman L. Geisler / William D. Watkins
    Those looking for a compendium of the major world views, written from a Christian perspective, need look no further. Comprehensive and readable, well organized and up to date, ’Worlds Apart’ stands alone.After introducing the meaning and function of a world view, the authors explore the seven major world views of our day -- theism, atheism, pantheism, pantheism, deism, finite g...

    31,80 €

  • Knowing the Truth About Creation
    Norman L. Geisler
    Are human beings a mere product of the cosmos with no future in eternity? Or are we infinitely more valuable than any other creatures on earth? Can we put a price tag on human life? How should we treat marginal members of society: those whiling away empty days in nursing homes, the terminally ill, the unborn child?Norman Geisler believes that many of us have become confused abo...

    22,00 €

  • To Understand the Bible Look for Jesus
    Norman L. Geisler / Norman LGeisler
    Believing the fundamental Christian claim that the purpose of the Bible is to present the Savior, Geisler focuses on Christ as the unity and unfolding message of the whole of Scripture. Christ is the tie between the Testaments, the content of the canon, and the unifying theme within each book of the Bible.This book is basic to both Bible study and preaching and serves as an exc...

    19,73 €

  • Four Views on Eternal Security
    Michael Horton / Norman L. Geisler / Norman LGeisler / Steven Harper

    25,31 €

  • The Life and Death Debate
    J. P. Moreland / JPMoreland / Norman L. Geisler / Norman LGeisler

    95,77 €