LIBROS DEL AUTOR: natalie knox

3 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: natalie knox

  • Bonito el Héroe
    Natalie Knox / Clara Vaquero / Micky Thomas
    La noche de los fuegos artificiales, todos los perros del barrio están aterrorizados. A Bonito, el galgo español, no le importan las fuertes explosiones. Le recuerdan su antigua vida con los cazadores. Cuando una cachorrita sale corriendo asustada, Bonito acude al rescate. ¿Podrán su velocidad y valentía arreglar el día?Bonito el Héroe cuenta la encantadora historia de un galgo...

    13,88 €

  • Bonito the Hero
    Natalie Knox
    'I’m trim, I’m slim, I’m built for speed. I’ll dash and flash, when off the lead.'On Fireworks night all the neighbourhood dogs are terrified. Bonito, the Spanish greyhound, doesn’t mind the loud bangs. They remind him of his old life with the hunters. When a puppy bolts in fright, Bonito springs to the rescue. Can his speed and bravery save the day?Bonito the Hero tells an enc...

    12,20 €

  • The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily
    Natalie Knox
    Finalist, 14th Annual National Indie Excellence AwardsYou know your kids are affected by the divorce but they seem okay.  How do you know what’s really going on inside of them?  How can you better communicate with them and get them talking to you?The Mending Chronicles of Liam and Emily is a compelling self-help divorce recovery book for kids. It aims to provide a safe space fo...

    26,89 €