1241 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: n y

  • Avaliação comparativa de camelos e ruminantes como fontes de carne
    Gerald N Akpa / Hassan Y Abbaya / Mahaman J. E. Saley
    Os ambientes do Sahel são caracterizados por temperaturas elevadas, alta radiação solar e escassez de água, o que torna alguns animais difíceis de lidar. As fontes de carne convencionais conhecidas nestas áreas são o gado bovino, caprino e ovino. O camelo tem sido mantido para a seca, o transporte e outros fins. O camelo é um animal especial que provou adaptar-se bem a um ambie...

    39,35 €

  • Valutazione comparativa del cammello e dei ruminanti come fonti di carne
    Gerald N Akpa / Hassan Y Abbaya / Mahaman J. E. Saley
    Gli ambienti del Sahel sono caratterizzati da alte temperature, elevata radiazione solare e scarsità d’acqua che rendono alcuni animali difficili da affrontare. Le fonti di carne convenzionali conosciute in queste aree sono bovini, capre e pecore. Il cammello è stato allevato per la siccità, per il trasporto e per altri scopi. Il cammello è un animale speciale che ha dimostrato...

    39,35 €

  • Évaluation comparative du chameau et des ruminants comme sources de viande
    Gerald N Akpa / Hassan Y Abbaya / Mahaman J. E. Saley
    Les environnements du Sahel sont caractérisés par des températures élevées, un fort rayonnement solaire et une pénurie d’eau, ce qui rend certains animaux difficiles à supporter. Les sources de viande conventionnelles connues dans ces régions sont les bovins, les chèvres et les moutons. Le chameau a été élevé pour la sécheresse, le transport et d’autres raisons. Le chameau est ...

    39,35 €

  • Vergleichende Bewertung von Kamelen und Wiederkäuern als Fleischlieferanten
    Gerald N Akpa / Hassan Y Abbaya / Mahaman J. E. Saley
    In der Sahelzone herrschen hohe Temperaturen, eine starke Sonneneinstrahlung und Wasserknappheit, die einigen Tieren schwer zu schaffen machen. Die bekannten konventionellen Fleischlieferanten in diesen Gebieten sind Rinder, Ziegen und Schafe. Das Kamel wurde wegen der Trockenheit, als Transporttier und für andere Zwecke gehalten. Das Kamel ist ein spezielles Tier, das sich nac...

    39,35 €

    N. M. Kachhadiya / N. V. Radadiya / Y. H. Ghelani
    Das Buch ist über die Sorghum-Sprossenfliege geschrieben und beinhaltet verschiedene Aspekte wie die genetische Variabilität der Sorghum-Sprossenfliege, A. soccata, unter Verwendung molekularer Marker, die Populationsdynamik der Sorghum-Sprossenfliege, A. soccata, im Zusammenhang mit Wetterparametern, das Screening von Sorghum-Genotypen gegen die Sorghum-Sprossenfliege, A. socc...

    96,09 €

    N. M. Kachhadiya / N. V. Radadiya / Y. H. Ghelani
    Il libro è scritto sulla mosca del sorgo e comprende vari aspetti come la variabilità genetica della mosca del sorgo, A. soccata, utilizzando marcatori molecolari, la dinamica della popolazione della mosca del sorgo, A. soccata, in relazione ai parametri meteorologici, lo screening dei genotipi di sorgo contro la mosca del sorgo, A. soccata, l’efficacia degli insetticidi per la...

    96,11 €

  • DIVERSIDADE E GESTÃO DA Atherigona soccata , mosca-dos-sorgos
    N. M. Kachhadiya / N. V. Radadiya / Y. H. Ghelani
    O livro foi escrito sobre a mosca do sorgo e inclui vários aspectos como a variabilidade genética da mosca do sorgo, A. soccata utilizando marcadores moleculares, a dinâmica populacional da mosca do sorgo, A. soccata em relação aos parâmetros climáticos, o rastreio de genótipos de sorgo contra a mosca do sorgo, A. soccata, aeficácia dos insecticidas para tratamento de sementes ...

    96,09 €

    N. M. Kachhadiya / N. V. Radadiya / Y. H. Ghelani
    Le livre est écrit sur la mouche des pousses du sorgho et comprend divers aspects tels que la variabilité génétique de la mouche des pousses du sorgho, A. soccata à l’aide de marqueurs moléculaires, la dynamique de la population de la mouche des pousses du sorgho, A. soccata en relation avec les paramètres météorologiques, le criblage des génotypes de sorgho contre la mouche de...

    96,08 €

  • Studi in vitro degli effetti dei macroelementi sulla pianta di Banano
    Supraja N. / Venkateswarlu Y.
    Coltura di tessuti vegetali è un termine collettivo per le tecniche di coltivazione di cellule vegetali, organi tissutali o anche una piantina su un terreno definito in un contenitore adatto in condizioni asettiche e controllate. La coltura di tessuti vegetali prevede la coltivazione di tessuti vegetali da materiale vegetale prelevato da una pianta sorgente. È stato scoperto ch...

    61,69 €

  • Estudos in vitro dos efeitos dos macro-elementos na bananeira
    Supraja N. / Venkateswarlu Y.
    Cultura de tecidos vegetais é um termo coletivo para as técnicas de cultivo de células vegetais, tecidos, órgãos ou mesmo uma plântula em um meio definido em um recipiente adequado sob condições assépticas e controladas. A cultura de tecidos vegetais envolve o crescimento de tecido vegetal a partir de material vegetal retirado de uma planta de origem. Verificou-se que as planta...

    61,69 €

  • Études in vitro des effets des macro-éléments sur le bananier
    Supraja N. / Venkateswarlu Y.
    La culture de tissus végétaux est un terme collectif désignant les techniques de culture de cellules végétales, de tissus, d’organes ou même d’une plantule sur un milieu défini dans un récipient approprié dans des conditions aseptiques et contrôlées. La culture de tissus végétaux implique la culture de tissus végétaux à partir de matériel végétal prélevé sur une plante source. ...

    61,76 €

  • In vitro-Studien zur Wirkung von Makroelementen auf die Bananenpflanze
    Supraja N. / Venkateswarlu Y.
    Pflanzengewebekultur ist ein Sammelbegriff für die Techniken zur Züchtung von Pflanzenzellen, Gewebeorganen oder sogar eines Pflänzchens auf einem definierten Medium in einem geeigneten Behälter unter aseptischen und kontrollierten Bedingungen. Bei der Pflanzengewebekultur handelt es sich um die Züchtung von Pflanzengewebe aus Pflanzenmaterial einer Ausgangspflanze. Es wurde fe...

    61,76 €

  • Kanase Kadumallige(Kannada)
    Madhu Y N
    Kanase Kadumallige(Kannada) Kannda novel by Madhu Y N Published by Nelamugilu Publication ...

    22,14 €

  • In Vitro Studies of Macro-Elements Effects on Banana Plant
    Supraja N / Venkateswarlu Y.
    Plant tissue culture is a collective term for the techniques of growing plant cells, tissues organs or even a plantlet on a defined medium in a suitable container under aseptic and controlled conditions. Plant tissue culture involves the growing of plant tissue from plant material taken from a source plant. It has been found that plants can reproduce whole plants from fragments...

    62,94 €

    Y. N. Varma
    The history of modern India is almost always told through the careers of wellknown political leaders. But the Indian nation, especially in the first decadesafter Independence, was shaped as much by a few hundred remarkable, largelyinvisible civil servants-part of the ’steel frame of India’. This fascinating bookis the memoir of one such extraordinary administrator.Y.N. Varma ro...

    26,94 €

  • Abstracts of Wills On File in the Surrogate’s Office
    New York County (N.Y.) Surrogate’s Co...
    A valuable genealogical resource for anyone interested in tracing their New York ancestry, this book contains abstracts of wills that were filed in the Surrogate’s Office in the City of New York between 1665 and 1800. With detailed information on thousands of individuals, this book offers a fascinating glimpse into the lives of New York’s early settlers.This work has been selec...

    41,59 €

  • Minutes of the Aqueduct Commissioners; Volume 10
    New York (N.Y.). Aqueduct Commission
    These minutes detail the proceedings of the Aqueduct Commission in New York City, documenting their efforts to build an aqueduct system to bring fresh water to the city in the mid-19th century. They offer a glimpse into the challenges faced by the commission and the political and economic climate of the time.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important,...

    34,61 €

  • Outline History of Utica and Vicinity
    N.Y.) New Century Club (Utica
    A comprehensive history of the city of Utica and its surrounding areas, including accounts of the people, events, and landmarks that have shaped the region.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other na...

    35,59 €

  • A Typical American ; or, Incidents in the Life of Dr. John Swinburne, of Albany, the Eminent Patriot, Surgeon, and Philanthropist
    N.Y.) Citizens’ Association (Albany
    The fascinating true story of Dr. John Swinburne, a prominent physician and civic leader in early 19th century America. This engaging biography sheds light on an overlooked figure in American history.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the Uni...

    39,52 €

  • The Bellevue Hospital Nomenclature of Diseases and Conditions
    New York (N.Y.). Trustees Of Bellevue...
    This is a comprehensive guide to the classification of diseases and medical conditions, as used by the Bellevue Hospital in New York City. The guide is intended for physicians, medical students, and other healthcare professionals, and includes detailed descriptions, diagnostic criteria, and treatment recommendations for hundreds of different diseases. It is an essential referen...

    26,21 €

  • Charter And Directory Of The City Of Rochester
    Rochester (N.Y.). Charters
    This informative guide to the city of Rochester provides readers with a detailed overview of the city’s history, government, and civic institutions. Featuring practical information and fascinating insights, this book is an essential resource for anyone interested in the history and culture of Rochester, New York.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally import...

    23,17 €

  • An Act To Incorporate The New York Juvenile Asylum, Passed June 30, 1851, 'three-fifths Being Present.'
    N.Y.) Children’s Village (Dobbs Ferry
    This book includes the by-laws adopted by the New York Juvenile Asylum in 1851, along with the act that incorporated the institution. It provides a unique window into the early days of the asylum and its mission to help homeless, neglected, and delinquent youths in New York City. Historians, sociologists, and students of public policy will find this book an invaluable resource....

    15,88 €

  • Annual Report
    N.Y.) Committee of Fourteen (New York
    This annual report offers a comprehensive overview of the work being done by the Committee of Fourteen in New York City, which is dedicated to the eradication of vice and the promotion of social welfare. From prostitution to gambling, this report covers all the areas where the Committee is working to effect positive change. Anyone interested in the history of social reform and ...

    17,33 €

  • Souvenir Of The Revolutionary Soldiers’ Monument Dedication, At Tarrytown, N.y. October 19th, 1894
    Marcius Denison Raymond / Tarrytown (N.Y.). Monument Committee
    Discover the rich history of the American Revolution and the brave men and women who fought for freedom with this beautifully illustrated souvenir book. Featuring speeches, photographs, and other mementos from the dedication of the Revolutionary Soldiers Monument in Tarrytown, New York, this book provides a captivating glimpse into the past.This work has been selected by schola...

    35,48 €

  • Clarence King Memoirs. The Helmet of Mambrino
    N.Y.) ... Century Association (New York
    This fascinating memoir offers an inside look at the life and career of Clarence King, a renowned geologist, explorer, and writer who played a crucial role in the early development of the American West. Drawing on unpublished letters, photographs, and other archival materials, the book is an intimate and revealing portrait of a complex and often enigmatic figure.This work has b...

    41,48 €

  • Julian Alden Weir
    N.Y.) Century Association (New York
    This book is a comprehensive study of the life and works of Julian Alden Weir, a prominent American painter associated with the Impressionist movement. The text covers Weir’s artistic development, his relationships with fellow artists and patrons, and the critical response to his work during his lifetime and beyond. It is an essential resource for art historians, students of Am...

    35,71 €

  • The Craftsman
    Eastwood N.Y. United Crafts
    A pioneering journal of the Arts and Crafts movement, this magazine features articles, essays, and illustrations by some of the most influential artists and designers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Grounded in the ideals of craftsmanship, beauty, and social justice, this publication remains a source of inspiration for creators and innovators today.This work has been...

    46,99 €

  • Document, Part 2, issues 9-13
    New York (N.Y.). Board Of Aldermen
    This document contains a collection of issues 9-13 from the Board of Aldermen of New York City. With topics ranging from financial reports to city ordinances, this book provides a unique glimpse into the inner workings of one of America’s largest cities.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we...

    46,89 €

  • Minutes of the Common Council of the City of New York, 1784-1831; Volume 1
    New York (N.Y.). Common Council
    Experience the development of the United States in the most complete collection of titles covering this period. Sourced from the Library of Congress, the collection contains approximately 1,000 pamphlets and books published primarily from 1776 to 1900. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we ...

    46,72 €

  • City of Binghamton;
    N.Y. Board of trade. [fro... Binghamton
    Explore the rich history and vibrant community of Binghamton, New York with this engaging guide. From its early industrial roots to its modern cultural offerings, Binghamton is a city full of surprises and delights.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public do...

    33,64 €