LIBROS DEL AUTOR: melissa smith

65 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: melissa smith

  • Shannon’s New Destiny
    Melissa Smith
    Terrified. Anxious. Guilt-ridden. Heartbroken. Shannon and Maya feel the same despite being torn apart by light-years. Taken together from Earth by The Reapers years ago, they were sold together as slaves. Unfortunate events saw Shannon returned as Maya became a personal slave to a very evil, rich man. Freed by Charlie and Ethan, Shannon now has the strength and help she nee...

    16,81 €

  • Charlie’s New Life
    Melissa Smith
    Charlie is just your average teenage boy living a normal life. Until it flips upside down. Learning you’re adopted is hard enough but learning that your parents are genius scientists that are labeled crazy for their work? That’s an entirely new level of insane. Add on the bombshell of learning that what you’ve been taught to believe about the universe is wrong, and you’ve got o...

    16,64 €

  • When Miracles Arise
    Melissa Smith
    Twelve days of sweet Christmas ideas to make it the best one yet, but will her one true Christmas wish finally come true? Christmas is quickly approaching, and with it comes the gift-giving season meant to share love with those who matter most in your life. It’s a time of joy and gratitude and love. Then why does Alexa feel as if there’s a gaping hole in her life? Why does this...

    11,70 €

  • Saving the Sautiitions
    Melissa Smith
    Destiny is a strange thing. Changing our life paths dramatically with every twist and turn. Nothing held more true for Captain Kari Hanley.With a mission to complete and people to save, she won’t let destiny stop her. One way or another she will finish what she started. Returning home poses all new problems, putting lives in danger, and causing secrets to be revealed. When an ...

    16,73 €

  • When Hearts Heal
    Melissa Smith
    Trina is starting her life over after 10 years of marriage to Antonio. Recovering from an abuse that long is hard enough, but she also has to learn how to take care of herself. She’s finding her first job, finding her independence, and finding herself. Detective Will Trenton was working Trina’s case when she finally asked for help to get away from Antonio. He saw her strength,...

    12,10 €

  • Ethan’s New Mission
    Melissa Smith
    The Reapers exist and they don’t discriminate. They also don’t always let their victims live. It’s been over six months since Ethan has seen his best friend, Charlie. Doubt and worry that he’ll never see him again begin to creep in when Charlie makes his sudden appearance. With big offers and promises of dreams fulfilled, how can Ethan say no? Getting kidnapped, waking up on a ...

    16,62 €

  • When You Fight
    Melissa Smith
    Brody’s been a lawyer for years and has helped police put away many offenders. He’s not afraid of them and never takes their threats seriously. Until now. The man he’s after in his new domestic violence case is willing to go farther than anyone he’s dealt with before. Brody can handle threats made towards himself, but when the threat is against his wife, things go to an entirel...

    16,50 €

  • Zaynt’s New Target
    Melissa Smith
    The Reapers must be stopped, and it’s my destiny to make it happen. Zaynt has stood by his friends, helped them, watched them grow and fight this evil for the last two years, but something has to change. Ethan and Charlie can’t keep up this pace forever, someone needs to do something. Taking matters into his own hands, Zaynt is determined to rid the universe of the biggest cr...

    16,54 €

  • Ngozii’s Plight
    Melissa Smith
    How far will a High Priestess go to save her people? As far as it takes. Chief Criido’s life is in danger, and by extension, the entire village is at risk. Kari and her crew are attempting to protect against an enemy unlike any they’ve come across before. Tavionna’s people are dying, and she doesn’t know why or how to stop it. All she knows is that something needs to be done,...

    16,59 €

  • Molly’s New Dream
    Melissa Smith
    Invisible. That’s how Molly felt with Charlie as her brother growing up. Until he went ’missing’. Now she just wants to go back to being invisible, to get away from the constant condolences, and get back to studying. She wants to find her place in the universe, help people in more ways than she is, and Charlie can help her get there. But he refuses to take her into space. Moll...

    16,74 €

  • Restoring the Ngozii
    Melissa Smith
    Lives hang in the balance. Death is heavy in the air. Who will be spared? Tavionna’s people are hanging on by a thread, her efforts to save them have all failed, and now she’s leaning on a last resort. Relocation and revenge all in one. Despite her whole-hearted decision, doubt clouds her mind. Kari’s discovered Tavionna’s secret, the one that will stop her terrorizing once a...

    16,50 €

  • When You Testify
    Melissa Smith
    Two tormented souls clash, intertwining as they search for love and solace, but will they find it, mending their souls as one? Billy has moved on with his life in a new town, a new state, attempting to run from the pain of his past. But can you truly run from the things that haunt you? The worst moments of his life hover, waiting for the time when they can reveal themselves and...

    16,44 €

  • Becoming a Self-Published Author
    Melissa Smith
    Written by Melissa Smith, a stay at home mom and self-published author of over 15 books, this guide contains all the information you need to start building a lasting readership. As an author, editor, and PA to other authors, Melissa has multiple years of experience in the community and has tried many of the things she recommends to others. This guide is a passion project design...

    16,76 €

  • A Cosmos Valentine
    Melissa Smith
    Valentine’s Day is Kari’s least favorite holiday. It’s retch-inducing with its displays of love and affection and hearts everywhere. Thank God she doesn’t live on Earth anymore, right? For Jeff, Valentine’s is the perfect day to really share his feelings, to go above and beyond without judgment. Why wouldn’t he share that with Vahru and others so they can make amazing surprise...

    8,11 €

  • Akasha-Chronik
    Melissa Smith
    Fühlen Sie sich verloren, festgefahren oder auf der Suche nach einem tieferen Sinn in Ihrem Leben?Versuchen Sie, den Zweck Ihrer Seele zu entdecken, Traumata aus der Vergangenheit zu heilen oder authentischere Verbindungen zu anderen aufzubauen?Wenn Sie eine dieser Fragen mit 'Ja' beantwortet haben, ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie.'Während die Sonne in einem flammend...

    17,96 €

  • Japanese Mythology
    Melissa Smith
    Have you ever imagined stepping into a world where ancient myths and legendary creatures are brought to life through captivating illustrations? ’Japanese Mythology’ invites you on a visual and narrative journey into the mystical heart of Japan’s most beloved tales and folklore. This beautifully illustrated book features: Stunning artwork that vividly portrays the essence of eac...

    16,83 €

  • Whispers of Wonder Stories for Your Little One
    Melissa N Smith
    'Whispers of Wonder: Stories for Your Little One' is a collection of heartwarming tales and lullabies designed to create cherished moments between parents and their babies. These stories are more than just words on a page; they are the building blocks of a child’s imagination and the foundation for a lifelong love of reading.'Whispers of Wonder' is more than a book; it’s a gat...

    30,23 €

  • Tarot Shadow Work
    Melissa Smith
    Are you curious about unlocking a new path of self-exploration that integrates the wisdom of age-old tarot with innovative shadow work techniques? Have you ever wondered if there’s an untapped potential within you, waiting to be discovered, that could lead to a deeper understanding of your inner self? If you found yourself nodding affirmatively this book is a journey you might...

    19,19 €

  • Animal Spirit Guides
    Melissa Smith
    Journey into the mystical world of spirit animals and unlock the wisdom of the wild with "Animal Spirit Guides". This comprehensive guide will take you on a transformative journey, uncovering the profound insights and guidance that spirit animals can offer in our lives. Whether you’re seeking direction, facing a challenge, or yearning for personal growth, let the spirit of natu...

    16,70 €

  • Fiamme Gemelle
    Melissa Smith
    Hai mai avvertito una connessione così profonda e intensa con qualcuno che sembra quasi divina? Ti sei mai chiesta/o se esista una connessione dell’anima che supera le relazioni comuni? Se la risposta è sì, allora sei pronto per scoprire il mistero delle Fiamme Gemelle e il loro potere trasformativo. Immergiti in questo libro affascinante e scopri: - Il misterioso e affascinan...

    17,98 €

  • Twin Flames
    Melissa Smith
    Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure of love, growth, and spiritual transformation? Prepare to be captivated by the compelling world of Twin Flames and discover the profound depths of a connection that transcends all boundaries. In this book, you will be guided through the captivating stages, exhilarating challenges, and incredible growth that awaits you on thi...

    19,01 €

  • Angel Numbers
    Melissa Smith
    Have you ever noticed recurring numbers in your life, appearing seemingly out of nowhere? What if these numbers held a deeper meaning, a divine message just for you? Welcome to the enchanting world of Angel Numbers, where the universe speaks to us through the language of numbers, guiding us on a profound journey of spiritual growth and personal transformation. In this captivati...

    16,87 €

  • Wicca Para Principiantes
    Melissa Smith
    ¿Alguna vez has sentido un llamado hacia lo misterioso, una atracción hacia lo desconocido? ¿Estás listo para embarcarte en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y despertar mágico? Si es así, 'Wicca Para Principiantes: Hechizos Wiccanos, Magia con Hierbas y Brujería: El Camino Hacia el Misterio y el Dominio de lo Desconocido' es el libro que estabas esperando. Descubre un camino llen...

    19,17 €

  • REGISTROS AKÁSHICOS Una guía completa para acceder, interpretar y utilizar los Registros Akáshicos para el crecimiento personal, el desarrollo espiritual y la curación de traumas kármicos.
    Melissa Smith
    ¿Te sientes perdido, atascado o en busca de un sentido más profundo en tu vida? ¿Buscas descubrir el propósito de tu alma, sanar traumas pasados o forjar conexiones más auténticas con los demás? Si respondiste 'sí' a alguna de estas preguntas, entonces este libro es para ti. Dentro de esta guía reveladora, explorarás: • Los orígenes antiguos e historia de los Registros Akáshico...

    16,85 €

  • Astrología para Principiantes
    Melissa Smith
    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado qué significan realmente tu signo solar, tu ascendente o tu luna? ¿Quieres descubrir cómo los signos, planetas y casas en tu carta natal pueden revelar aspectos profundos de tu personalidad y destino? Si es así, 'Astrología para Principiantes: Descubre los Misterios de los Signos, Planetas y Casas en tu Carta Natal y Conecta con tu Propósito Cósmi...

    19,01 €

  • Authentically Grounded
    Melissa Smith
    Authentically Grounded: A Guided Journal for Unraveling and Soothing Your Soul is a one-of-a-kind tool designed to help you tap into your inner strength and connect with yourself on a deep level. Authentically Grounded offers a refreshing approach to self-exploration by providing a safe and empowering space to celebrate your strengths, acknowledge your challenges, and explore y...

    15,34 €

  • Astrologia per Principianti
    Melissa Smith
    Vuoi scoprire se il tuo partner Leone è un buon candidato per una relazione felice e duratura?Ti sei mai chiesta/o in che modo gli astrologi calcolano gli oroscopi?Vuoi scoprire come e perché il Sole, la Luna, i Pianeti e gli Ascendenti influenzano chi sei, come ti comporti, quali emozioni provi e persino cosa stai pensando in questo momento? Questo è solo un assaggio di ciò ch...

    17,94 €

  • Runas para principiantes
    Melissa Smith
    ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado cuál es el significado detrás de las runas nórdicas? ¿Te apasiona la cultura y la mitología nórdica? Si es así, entonces este libro es para ti. Descubre el misterioso mundo de las runas y su conexión con la magia y la adivinación en este completo y detallado libro.La primera parte del libro comienza con una breve historia de las runas y los nórdico...

    16,87 €

  • Registri Akashici
    Melissa Smith
    Vi sentite persi, bloccati o alla ricerca di un significato più profondo nella vostra vita?Cercate di scoprire lo scopo della vostra anima, di guarire dai traumi del passato o di creare connessioni più autentiche con gli altri?Se avete risposto 'sì' a una di queste domande, questo libro fa per voi.Mentre il sole tramonta su una tela infuocata di rossi e arancioni, proiettando l...

    19,04 €

  • Akashic Records
    Melissa Smith
    Are you feeling lost, stuck, or searching for deeper meaning in your life? Do you seek to uncover your soul’s purpose, heal past traumas, or forge more authentic connections with others? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Inside this enlightening guide, you’ll explore: • The ancient origins and history of the Akashic Records, revealing t...

    20,23 €

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