15 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: m joshi

  • Produttività in ufficio
    Himanshu M Shukla / Mahendra M Gupta / Mangesh P Joshi
    Questo libro fornisce informazioni esaustive sulla comprensione dei problemi affrontati dagli impiegati sul posto di lavoro. Il libro ruota attorno ai 3 pilastri principali del comfort generale: comfort fisico, comfort psicologico e comfort ambientale. Il linguaggio del libro è semplice e preciso, in modo che anche un profano possa capire bene i contenuti. Le persone che svolgo...

    86,83 €

  • Produtividade no escritório
    Himanshu M Shukla / Mahendra M Gupta / Mangesh P Joshi
    Este livro fornece informações exaustivas sobre a compreensão dos problemas enfrentados pelos empregados de escritório no local de trabalho. Este livro gira em torno dos 3 pilares principais do conforto geral: conforto físico, conforto psicológico e conforto ambiental. A linguagem do livro é simples e precisa, para que um leigo possa compreender bem o conteúdo. As pessoas que t...

    86,83 €

  • Produktivität im Büro
    Himanshu M Shukla / Mahendra M Gupta / Mangesh P Joshi
    Dieses Buch bietet umfassende Informationen zum Verständnis der Probleme, mit denen Büroangestellte am Arbeitsplatz konfrontiert sind. Dieses Buch dreht sich um die 3 Hauptsäulen des allgemeinen Komforts, nämlich physischer Komfort, psychologischer Komfort und Umweltkomfort. Die Sprache des Buches ist einfach und präzise gehalten, so dass ein Laie den Inhalt gut verstehen kann....

    86,96 €

  • Productivité au bureau
    Himanshu M Shukla / Mahendra M Gupta / Mangesh P Joshi
    Ce livre fournit des informations exhaustives sur la compréhension des problèmes rencontrés par les employés de bureau sur leur lieu de travail. Il s’articule autour des trois principaux piliers du confort global, à savoir le confort physique, le confort psychologique et le confort environnemental. Le langage du livre est simple et précis, de sorte qu’un profane peut bien compr...

    86,89 €

  • Effect of ozone and plastic material against the microes of tomatoes
    A.M. Joshi / A.MJoshi / Brijesh Khanpara / Dhara Vagh
    Tomato is very important crop but has short shelf life. They are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, and a great source of vitamins C, potassium, etc. They carry microbial flora while passing from the farm to the table. Microbial spoilage and contaminating pathogens pose a serious problem in food safety. The prese...

    57,83 €

    1 Water 2 Analytical Chemistry 3 Advanced Materials 4 Fuels 5 Corrosion And its Prevention 6 Metallic Materials and Green Chemistry ...

    36,61 €

  • Chirality in Practical Utility
    Kirti M. Joshi / Kirti MJoshi / Naresh K. Prajapati / Naresh KPrajapati / Sunil T. Patel / Sunil TPatel
    The book deals with the recognition of asymmetry in molecules of practical utility in revolutionary chemistry. The book consists of six chapters quoted with references. The first chapter includes the introductory evolution, drug discovery from so many years ago. Why the optically pure fragrances have much pleasant odour also described. The other chapters designed taking specifi...

    84,41 €

  • Asymmetric Oxidation
    Kirti M. Joshi / Kirti MJoshi / Naresh K. Prajapati / Naresh KPrajapati / Sunil T. Patel / Sunil TPatel
    This book ’Asymmetric Oxidation’ is an interesting portrait about the oxidation with some example in nature,human body & living organization. Oxidation is about manmade things Asymmeric oxidation chemistry in this book is the base of organic oxidation reactions.Chapter 1 describes the applicative organic oxidation reactions. What are the substrates, product(selective/Non-selec...

    63,07 €

  • The End of Suffering
    Dr Nikhil Joshi M. D.
    The End of Suffering is about the shared human experience and our universal desire to be free of the burden of suffering. It is about healing. Even though the causes of our pain are different, the nature of what we share is identical. All of us at one time hurt and we all carry events which sometimes break us. But we are not alone, we can feel better, and there is a way forward...

    19,76 €

  • Introduction to Mathematical Portfolio Theory
    Jane. M Paterson / JaneM Paterson / Mark. S Joshi / MarkS Joshi

    86,90 €

  • Nanotechnology
    Mandar M. Joshi / Mandar MJoshi / Santosh V. Agarkar / Santosh VAgarkar
    Concrete is a macro-material strongly influenced by its nano-properties.The addition of nano particles to cement based materials can control the degradation of the calcium-silicatehydrate reaction caused by calcium leaching in water, blocking water penetration and leading to improvements in durability. Nano-sensors have a great potential to be used in concrete structures for qu...

    60,20 €

  • C++ Design Patterns and Derivatives Pricing
    M. S. Joshi / MSJoshi

    92,02 €

  • Diamond Itihas Mahiti Kosh
    M.RProfKulkarni / S. H. Prof. Joshi / Shilpa ProfDandekar / SHProfJoshi
    NA ...

    43,79 €

  • Introduction to the Theory of Distributions
    F. G. Friedlander / FGFriedlander / M. Joshi / MJoshi

    210,66 €

  • Introduction to the Theory of Distributions
    F. G. Friedlander / FGFriedlander / M. Joshi / MJoshi

    81,66 €