LIBROS DEL AUTOR: kevin n lala

2 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: kevin n lala

  • Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony
    Kevin N. Lala
    Humans possess an extraordinary capacity for culture, from the arts and language to science and technology. But how did the human mind—and the uniquely human ability to devise and transmit culture—evolve from its roots in animal behavior? Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony presents a captivating new theory of human cognitive evolution. This compelling and accessible book reveals how ...

    30,99 €

  • Niche Construction
    F. John Odling-Smee / FJohn Odling-Smee / Kevin N. Lala / Kevin N. Laland / Kevin NLaland / Marcus Feldman / Marcus W. Feldman / Marcus WFeldman
    The seemingly innocent observation that the activities of organisms bring about changes in environments is so obvious that it seems an unlikely focus for a new line of thinking about evolution. Yet niche construction--as this process of organism-driven environmental modification is known--has hidden complexities. By transforming biotic and abiotic sources of natural selection i...

    122,23 €