120 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: kabir

  • Songs of Kabir
    Songs of Kabir, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of...

    14,20 €

  • Ascend Beyond
    Kabir Mehbub
    Ascend Beyond: A Guide to Peak Performance, a convincing investigation into the immortal quest for progress and the extraordinary excursion it involves. We begin a profound investigation of what it truly means to be successful and the paths that lead us there in this book. Success, which is frequently regarded as the pinnacle of human endeavor, is a broad concept that encompass...

    9,63 €

  • Eine Studie über das histomorphologische Muster von Hautläsionen in Form von Psoriasi
    Nurul Kabir / Zaman Ahmed
    Die psoriasiforme Dermatitis bezeichnet eine Gruppe von Erkrankungen, die klinisch und/oder histologisch der Psoriasis ähneln. Die Psoriasis ist die älteste aller erfassten dermatologischen Erkrankungen. Wörtlich bedeutet psoriasiform 'wie oder in der Form der Psoriasis'. Histopathologisch ist das psoriasiforme Reaktionsmuster definiert als das Vorhandensein einer epidermalen H...

    68,55 €

  • Um estudo sobre o padrão histomorfológico das lesões cutâneas sob a forma de psoríase
    Nurul Kabir / Zaman Ahmed
    A dermatite psoriasiforme refere-se a um grupo de doenças que, clínica e/ou histologicamente, simulam a psoríase. A psoríase é a mais antiga de todas as doenças dermatológicas registadas. Literalmente, psoriasiforme significa 'como ou com a forma de psoríase'. Histopatologicamente, o padrão de reação psoriasiforme é definido como a presença de hiperplasia epidérmica com alongam...

    68,48 €

  • Étude sur le modèle histomorphologique des lésions cutanées de type psoriasis
    Nurul Kabir / Zaman Ahmed
    La dermatite psoriasiforme désigne un groupe de troubles qui, d’un point de vue clinique et/ou histologique, simulent le psoriasis. Le psoriasis est la plus ancienne des affections dermatologiques répertoriées. Littéralement, psoriasiforme signifie 'comme ou en forme de psoriasis'. D’un point de vue histopathologique, le schéma réactionnel psoriasiforme se définit par la présen...

    68,55 €

  • Uno studio sul modello istomorfologico delle lesioni cutanee della forma psoriasica
    Nurul Kabir / Zaman Ahmed
    La dermatite psoriasiforme si riferisce a un gruppo di disturbi che clinicamente e/o istologicamente simulano la psoriasi. La psoriasi è la più antica di tutte le patologie dermatologiche registrate. Letteralmente, psoriasiforme significa 'come o a forma di psoriasi'. Dal punto di vista istopatologico, il modello di reazione psoriasiforme è definito come la presenza di iperplas...

    68,48 €

  • Holy Republic (Part 3 of 3)
    N U M Akramul Kabir Khan
    Holy Republic is a book of Social Engineering which has included incredible applicable models & ideas based on theistic worldview. The author has successfully shown that only theistic world-view oriented social philosophy can properly flourish all people (including theistic, agnostics, atheistic, anti-theistic, anarchists, nihilists, physically/mentally ill etc.) better than se...

    175,67 €

  • Mobile Banking and Access to Public Services in Bangladesh
    Hasanul Banna / Jannatul Ferdous / M. Kabir Hassan

    26,33 €

  • Mobile Banking and Access to Public Services in Bangladesh
    Hasanul Banna / Jannatul Ferdous / M. Kabir Hassan

    78,19 €

  • Application of Zakat
    Aishath Muneeza / M Kabir Hassan / Magda Ismail Abdel Mohsin
    Zakat, being the third pillar of Islam, is an act of worship fulfilled by Muslims. As an obligatory means of alms- giving expected of Muslims, it also helps to alleviate poverty in society by assisting such individuals to achieve a state of financial independence. It is maintained by Muslims that the principles of zakat derived from the Sharia are expected to remain unchanged w...

    117,92 €

  • Infection par le virus Orf
    Jahangir Alam / S. M. Lutful Kabir
    En 2050, la population mondiale atteindra 9,1 milliards d’habitants. Pour répondre à la demande en protéines de cette population plus nombreuse, la production annuelle de viande devra augmenter de plus de 200 millions de tonnes pour atteindre 470 millions de tonnes. Une forte expansion de l’agriculture animale sera donc nécessaire. Cependant, l’élevage peut souffrir de l’appari...

    50,44 €

  • Infezione da virus Orf
    Jahangir Alam / S. M. Lutful Kabir
    Entro il 2050 la popolazione mondiale raggiungerà i 9,1 miliardi di persone. Per soddisfare la domanda di proteine di questa popolazione più numerosa, la produzione annuale di carne dovrà aumentare di oltre 200 milioni di tonnellate, raggiungendo i 470 milioni di tonnellate. Sarà quindi necessaria una forte espansione dell’agricoltura animale. Tuttavia, l’allevamento animale pu...

    50,38 €

  • Orf-Virus-Infektion
    Jahangir Alam / S. M. Lutful Kabir
    Bis 2050 wird die Weltbevölkerung auf 9,1 Milliarden Menschen anwachsen. Um den Eiweißbedarf dieser größeren Bevölkerung zu decken, muss die jährliche Fleischproduktion um über 200 Millionen Tonnen auf 470 Millionen Tonnen steigen. Daher wird eine starke Ausweitung der Tierhaltung erforderlich sein. Die Tierhaltung kann jedoch unter dem Ausbruch bestehender, neu auftretender un...

    50,44 €

  • Infeção pelo vírus Orf
    Jahangir Alam / S. M. Lutful Kabir
    Em 2050, a população mundial atingirá 9,1 mil milhões de pessoas. Para satisfazer a procura de proteínas desta população mais numerosa, a produção anual de carne terá de aumentar em mais de 200 milhões de toneladas, atingindo 470 milhões de toneladas. Por conseguinte, será necessária uma forte expansão da agricultura animal. No entanto, a criação de animais pode ser afetada por...

    50,38 €

  • Ham Koun
    Kalim Ullah Kabir
    The history of India was written under the influence of western thoughts. India has rich history of more than lakhs of years . Quran and bible from its incident of Prophet Noha justify the Yug system.God is one but people calls him by different names. God send approximately 1,24,000 messengers across world to eradicate evils and establish love and peace. Vedas was send by God m...

    14,83 €

  • The Impact of Pollution
    Our world, vibrant and teeming with life, faces a silent threat: pollution. From the belching smokestacks of industry to the invisible fumes of exhaust pipes, toxins infiltrate our air, water, and soil, weaving a web of harm through the very fabric of our environment. 'The Impact of Pollution: Understanding Environmental Toxicology' delves into this critical realm, illuminating...

    33,65 €

  • Balancing Back Strong
    Kabir Sharma
    In a world that is constantly throwing us curveballs, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. We may feel like we are constantly on the brink of falling, struggling to keep our balance and stay afloat. But what if there was a way to not only survive these challenges but to thrive in the face of them?That is where courage and resilience come in. Courage is the ability to face o...

    29,73 €

  • Vantaggi della malta geopolimerica e del calcestruzzo
    Afia Sharmin / S. M. Alamgir Kabir
    L’enorme richiesta di calcestruzzo dovuta all’industrializzazione e all’urbanizzazione ha portato all’esaurimento delle risorse naturali e, pertanto, questa ricerca si concentra su materiali alternativi, tra cui l’utilizzo di materiali di scarto in sostituzione dei leganti e degli aggregati convenzionali. L’indagine riguarda l’uso della proporzione ottimale di due materiali di ...

    49,74 €

  • Vantagens da argamassa e do betão de geopolímero
    Afia Sharmin / S. M. Alamgir Kabir
    A enorme procura de betão devido à industrialização e urbanização resultou no esgotamento dos recursos naturais e, por isso, esta investigação centra-se em materiais alternativos, incluindo a utilização de resíduos como substitutos de ligantes e agregados convencionais. A investigação diz respeito à utilização da proporção óptima de mistura de dois resíduos pozolânicos disponív...

    49,74 €

  • Institutionelle Kredite und ländliche Entwicklung in Bangladesch
    Mohammad Kabir Hosen
    Dieses Buch ist ein Versuch, den institutionellen Ansatz für die ländliche Entwicklung Bangladeschs zu verstehen. Das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung besteht darin herauszufinden, wie effektiv die Rolle des Mikrokredits für die Entwicklung der landwirtschaftlich geprägten ländlichen Gesellschaft in Bangladesch ist, und zwar auf der Grundlage der Analyse und Untersuchung...

    48,76 €

  • Crédit institutionnel et développement rural au Bangladesh
    Mohammad Kabir Hosen
    Ce livre est une tentative de comprendre l’approche institutionnelle du développement rural au Bangladesh. L’objectif principal de la présente recherche est de déterminer l’efficacité du rôle du microcrédit dans le développement de la société rurale agro-industrielle du Bangladesh, sur la base de l’analyse et de l’examen approfondi des faits fournis par l’étude sur le terrain. ...

    48,69 €

  • Credito istituzionale e sviluppo rurale in Bangladesh
    Mohammad Kabir Hosen
    Questo libro è un tentativo di comprendere l’approccio istituzionale allo sviluppo rurale del Bangladesh. L’obiettivo principale della presente ricerca è scoprire quanto sia efficace il ruolo del microcredito per lo sviluppo della società rurale del Bangladesh, sulla base dell’analisi e dell’esame dei fatti forniti dallo studio sul campo. In che misura il microcredito svolga un...

    48,63 €

  • Crédito institucional e desenvolvimento rural no Bangladesh
    Mohammad Kabir Hosen
    Este livro é uma tentativa de compreender a abordagem institucional do desenvolvimento rural do Bangladesh. O principal objetivo do presente estudo consiste em determinar a eficácia do papel do microcrédito no desenvolvimento da sociedade rural de base agrícola do Bangladesh, com base na análise e no exame minucioso dos factos fornecidos pelo estudo no terreno. Até que ponto o ...

    48,69 €

  • Songs of Kabir
    Saint Kabir / Rabindranath Tagore
    The poet Kabir, a selection from whose songs is here for the first time offered to English readers, is one of the most interesting personalities in the history of Indian mysticism. Born in or near Benares, of Mohammedan parents, and probably about the year 1440, he became in early life a disciple of the celebrated Hindu ascetic Ramananda. Ramananda had brought to Northern India...

    16,31 €

  • Holistic Islam
    Kabir Helminski
    Islam once gave birth to a great civilization that respected religious diversity, freedom of conscience, and scientific thought, and Islamic knowledge contributed to the birth of humanism in the Renaissance. Today’s world is desperately in need of a spirituality that is free of dogma, based in experiences not beliefs, one that can reconcile the human and spiritual realms. In hi...

    18,40 €

  • Lebende Präsenz
    Kabir Helminski
    German edition of the contemporary classic on presence and mindfulness, Living Presence: The Sufi Path to Mindfulness and the Essential Self.In Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam, presence is the quality that describes a heart-filled state of mindfulness, an experience of being conscious in the present moment. It is only in this present moment, Sufi teachings reveal, that we ...

    17,04 €

  • In the House of Remembering
    Kabir Helminski
    The chapters of this book are transcriptions of talks and dialogs from within a private circle of spiritual practitioners. This collection explores subjects such as developing intention, will, awareness, awakening our capacities for love, reducing the domination of ego, honoring the masters, saints, and prophets that have gone before. As the saying goes, 'The body is fed throug...

    17,16 €

  • Medição dos serviços de informação e da satisfação dos utilizadores - Biblioteca D U
    Rabiul Kabir
    A palavra 'Biblioteca', mais valorizada, deriva da palavra latina 'Libraria'. As perspectivas fundamentais da biblioteca são as seguintes (1) uma biblioteca é o local onde os livros, papéis e outros materiais são recolhidos e reunidos; (2) esses livros, papéis e outros materiais são para utilização pública (Huang, 1995). Deste ponto de vista, embora a biblioteca seja uma organi...

    69,78 €

  • Misurare i servizi informativi e la soddisfazione degli utenti-D U Library
    Rabiul Kabir
    La parola 'biblioteca', molto apprezzata, deriva dal termine latino 'Libraria'. Le prospettive fondamentali della biblioteca sono le seguenti: (1) una biblioteca è il luogo in cui vengono raccolti e riuniti libri, documenti e altri materiali; (2) quei libri, documenti e altri materiali sono destinati all’uso pubblico (Huang, 1995). Da questo punto di vista, sebbene la bibliotec...

    69,78 €

  • Messung von Informationsdiensten und Nutzerzufriedenheit - D U Library
    Rabiul Kabir
    Das meist geschätzte Wort 'Bibliothek' stammt vom lateinischen Wort 'Libraria' ab. Die grundlegenden Perspektiven der Bibliothek sind wie folgt: (1) eine Bibliothek ist der Ort, an dem Bücher, Unterlagen und andere Materialien gesammelt und zusammengetragen werden; (2) diese Bücher, Unterlagen und anderen Materialien sind für die öffentliche Nutzung bestimmt (Huang, 1995). Obwo...

    69,85 €

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