1745 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: julian

  • Archibald Malmaison
    Julian Hawthorne
    A must-read for fans of strange or gothic literature!Every seven years, Archibald Malmaison falls into a trance-like state to emerge with one of two alternate personalities. Within these pages you will find insanity, death, ghosts, revenge, duels, star-crossed lovers-everything fans of the gothic will love, written by Julian Hawthorne (June 22, 1846 - July 21, 1934), son of the...

    27,84 €

  • Analysing Maritime Archaeological Archives
    Jesse Ransley / Julian Whitewright / Julie Satchell
    With contributions by Jesse Ransley and Julian Whitewright.Maritime archaeological archives within the UK often face an uncertain fate. Some are deposited in public repositories, while others are dispersed, are deteriorating, remain uninterpreted and uncurated, are sold or sometimes abandoned. The net result puts elements of the nationally important cultural heritage resource, ...

    102,84 €

  • The Mystery of the Three Stones
    Julian Desmond
    Amazonia, 1934A mysterious relic is found in the thick of the forest by a troop of nazis assigned to explore the remains of an ancient civilization.USA, 2019Two federal agents come in contact with a mysterious man who claims to have visions of humanity’s future and their contact with a higher species, what we commonly refer to as angels. ...

    65,61 €

  • The Mystery of the Three Stones
    Julian Desmond
    Amazonia, 1934A mysterious relic is found in the thick of the forest by a troop of nazis assigned to explore the remains of an ancient civilization.USA, 2019Two federal agents come in contact with a mysterious man who claims to have visions of humanity’s future and their contact with a higher species, what we commonly refer to as angels. ...

    54,45 €

  • Hope
    Julian Desmond
    Padre Valerio, tra tutti i compiti che il papa poteva assegnargli, non avrebbe mai immaginato di cercare un misterioso libro il cui contenuto potrebbe mettere in pericolo tutta l’umanità. In questa ricerca dovrà scontrarsi contro le forze dell’ordine e contro una soldatessa ebraica, decisa anch’essa a svelarne il mistero. ...

    66,83 €

  • Hope
    Julian Desmond
    Padre Valerio, tra tutti i compiti che il papa poteva assegnargli, non avrebbe mai immaginato di cercare un misterioso libro il cui contenuto potrebbe mettere in pericolo tutta l’umanità. In questa ricerca dovrà scontrarsi contro le forze dell’ordine e contro una soldatessa ebraica, decisa anch’essa a svelarne il mistero. ...

    54,40 €

  • Il mistero delle tre pietre
    Julian Desmond
    Amazzonia, 1934Una misteriosa reliquia viene ritrovata nel fitto della foresta da una truppa di nazisti, incaricata di esplorare i resti di un’antica civiltà.USA, 2019Due agenti federali vengono in contatto con un uomo misterioso che sostiene di avere delle visioni sul futuro dell’umanità e sul loro contatto con una specie superiore, quella che definiamo comunemente come angeli...

    64,32 €

  • Il mistero delle tre pietre
    Julian Desmond
    Amazzonia, 1934Una misteriosa reliquia viene ritrovata nel fitto della foresta da una truppa di nazisti, incaricata di esplorare i resti di un’antica civiltà.USA, 2019Due agenti federali vengono in contatto con un uomo misterioso che sostiene di avere delle visioni sul futuro dell’umanità e sul loro contatto con una specie superiore, quella che definiamo comunemente come angeli...

    48,16 €

  • Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 116
    Julian H. Steward / Julian HSteward
    Ancient Caves of the Great Salt Lake Region, by Julian H. Steward, 1937. ...

    14,38 €

  • Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 120
    Julian H. Steward / Julian HSteward
    Basin-Plateau Aboriginal Sociopolitical Groups, by Julian B. Steward, 1938. ...

    21,60 €

  • Liderança em tempos de crise
    Edgardo Muñoz / Julian Casallas
    Nossa existência baseada nos conceitos de crescimento evolutivo e de mudança constante relacionada às interações sociais, orientada pelas teorias de troca social de Thibaut e Kelley, estabelece e dá prioridades substanciais voltadas à estabilidade social como processos e mudanças. Nesse sentido, como seres humanos, gostaríamos de uma evolução constante em cada um dos processos ...

    99,94 €

  • Führung in Zeiten der Krise
    Edgardo Muñoz / Julian Casallas
    Unsere Existenz basiert auf den Konzepten des evolutionären Wachstums und des ständigen Wandels im Zusammenhang mit sozialen Interaktionen, geleitet von den Theorien des sozialen Austauschs von Thibaut und Kelley, und legt wesentliche Prioritäten fest, die auf soziale Stabilität als Prozesse und Veränderungen abzielen. In diesem Sinne wünschen wir uns als Menschen eine ständige...

    99,90 €

  • Leadership in times of crisis
    Edgardo Muñoz / Julian Casallas
    Our existence based on the concepts of evolutionary growth and constant change related to social interactions, guided by the theories of social exchange of Thibaut and Kelley, establishes and gives substantial priorities aimed at social stability as processes and changes. In that sense, as human beings, we would like a constant evolution in each of the processes to which we are...

    99,99 €

  • Leadership en temps de crise
    Edgardo Muñoz / Julian Casallas
    Notre existence basée sur les concepts de croissance évolutive et de changement constant liés aux interactions sociales, guidée par les théories de l’échange social de Thibaut et Kelley, établit et donne des priorités substantielles visant la stabilité sociale en tant que processus et changements. En ce sens, en tant qu’êtres humains, nous souhaitons une évolution constante dan...

    99,92 €

  • Leadership in tempi di crisi
    Edgardo Muñoz / Julian Casallas
    La nostra esistenza basata sui concetti di crescita evolutiva e cambiamento costante legati alle interazioni sociali, guidata dalle teorie dello scambio sociale di Thibaut e Kelley, stabilisce e dà priorità sostanziali finalizzate alla stabilità sociale come processi e cambiamenti. In questo senso, come esseri umani, vorremmo un’evoluzione costante in ciascuno dei processi a cu...

    99,96 €

  • Black Existentialism
    Julian Thomas
    About the Author:JULIAN THOMAS is a poet, acting teacher, and youth mentor bornand raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. With deep family history in East Harlem,where he now teaches and resides, Julian’s Afro-Caribbean roots traceback to Sierra Leone, Grenada, and Honduras.Gravitating toward acting from an early age, Julian Thomas is a graduateof the renown theatre program at Northwestern...

    19,12 €

  • Sketches
    Julian Jamaal Jones
    Julian Jamaal Jones is an African American interdisciplinary artist born and raised in Indianapolis, IN. Jones earned his Bachelor’s degree in Photography in 2020 from the Herron School of Art + Design in Indianapolis, IN. Julian will soon graduate with his Master’s in 2022 from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, MI, under the tutelage of Chris Fraser. Julian draws d...

    55,16 €

  • Ship-Bored (Esprios Classics)
    Julian Street
    Julian Leonard Street (1879-1947) was an American author, born in Chicago. He was a reporter on the New York Mail and Express (later Evening Mail) in 1899 and had charge of its dramatic department in 1900-01. His writings, characterized by a rather obvious but yet a genuine sense of humor, include: My Enemy the Motor (1908), The Need of Change (1909) and Paris à la Carte (1912)...

    17,57 €

  • The Subterranean Brotherhood (Esprios Classics)
    Julian Hawthorne
    Julian Hawthorne (June 22, 1846 - July 14, 1934) was an American writer and journalist, the son of novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne and Sophia Peabody. He wrote numerous poems, novels, short stories, mystery/detective fiction, essays, travel books, biographies, and histories. While in Europe Hawthorne wrote several novels: Bressant (1873); Idolatry (1874); Garth (1874); Archibald M...

    22,88 €

  • Why You Should Date Your Bank, Not Marry Them!
    Cara Julian
    Are you ready to transform your relationship with your bank and take control of your financial journey? Why You Should Date Your Bank, Not Marry Them is your essential guide to navigating the mortgage world and your finances with confidence and bravado.This book will give you:An opportunity for a fundamental mindset shift when it comes to managing your money. Knowledge and insi...

    15,07 €

  • Prerigmen
    Julian Gomez
    Cuando Jaslander, el más grande guerrero de Hosltmer desapareció, el futuro de sus habitantes quedó a la deriva; Jaslander, quien durante muchos tiempo lideró las fuerzas militares encargadas de hacerle frente a Or y sus legiones oscuras, las cuáles bajo las ordenes de Zalucitan un demonio muy temido en diferentes galaxias, pretendían conquistar el universo. Pedro, hermano de J...

    15,60 €

  • Curly Haired Unicorn
    Julian Charles
    About the Book: Binah is part of a beautiful herd of horses but doesn’t always fit in. The other youngsters often make fun of her because she looks a little different. One day the teasing sends her on a journey that would change her thinking about beauty and herself.Along the way, Binah discovers that true beauty comes from within and learns to embrace her unique qualities. ...

    13,08 €

  • A Storm Like Iron
    Everly Frost / Julian Madden
    War is in my blood.But it’s my heart that will betray me.Born in the north from a line of warriors. Banished to the west with my father and brother. Raised to hunt the monsters that threaten our snowy mountain home.With my wolf at my side, I will protect my family from the Blacksmiths, whose dark magic corrupts the land.Always, I follow our most important rule: Do not go near t...

    22,13 €

  • Yo Peko! Guess What?
    Julian Stokoe
    Welcome to a farm full of surprises, where a simple shopping trip turns into the wildest game of telephone! When Farmer Blue heads out for a few errands, his message to Peko spirals into a hilariously mixed-up adventure.Join Peko and his farm friends as they spread the 'news', each adding their own silly twist. Will Farmer Blue really fly to the Moon on a pumpkin? Are mustard p...

    11,55 €

  • A Poetics of the Image
    Julian J. I. Koch
    What is an image? Literary imagery is often understood as figurative speech. But images can also be visual in artworks. They can be abstract, too, if mankind is understood as an image of God. Similarly, Plato often speaks of ideas and forms in visual terms. The question of the image prompted debates in philosophy, theology, and art history for many centuries, which had a profou...

    15,11 €

  • Reimagining History in Contemporary Spanish Media
    Paul Julian Smith
    This book offers a new perspective via visual culture of the reimagining of history for contemporary Spanish media audiences. It gives close readings of major recent texts in a number of media (theater, cinema, television, and streaming) which have yet to receive scholarly attention and are closely connected to each other. And it stresses the intermediality of the visual by cal...

    14,35 €

  • Del éxito profesional a un hospital psiquiátrico
    Julian Díaz Olaya
    Nacido el 28 de noviembre de 1986 en Bogotá, Colombia, en una familia tradicional. La primera infancia de Julián fue feliz y llena de juegos. Pasaba los días jugando con su hermano mayor, experimentando con las telas y máquinas de la fábrica textil de su madre, y consentido en las delicias culinarias de su querida abuela. Su padre estaba constantemente trabajando, y aunque esto...

    11,38 €

  • Rowdy Hearts
    Stephanie Julian
    She fell into my arms. Does that mean I get to keep her?I’m Rowdy Reston, the captain of the St. David Devils. We’re the worst team of misfits in pro hockey and the most fun you’ll have on ice. We thrive on chaos.Lately though, being the town’s favorite son has become a burden. I’m restless and bored. I want more and a job offer at another team is tempting. But I can’t imagine ...

    13,87 €

  • Hope
    Julian Desmond
    Father Valerio, of all the tasks the Pope could assign him, would never have imagined searching for a mysterious book whose contents could endanger all humanity. In this search he will have to clash against the forces of law and order and a Jewish soldieress who is also determined to unravel its mystery. ...

    44,46 €

  • Christ Crucified
    Julian R Gress
    Christ Crucified is a thorough examination of the work of redemption. The sequel to Christ Condemned, Christ Crucified shows how the fundamental doctrines of the Incarnation and the Trinity are manifested in the historical life of Christ. The virgin birth, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and second coming are demonstrated and explained, philosophically and from Scriptur...

    19,33 €