LIBROS DEL AUTOR: julian julian scutts

39 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: julian julian scutts

julian julian scutts Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • My Paperback Book
    Julian Scutts
    The allegory as a literary device is too often dismissed as being artificial and contrived, yet one scholar admits that an allegory arises spontaneously when a writer allows a symbolic traveller make one step towards a symbolic mountain. Therefore the resultant allegory cannot be subject to the writer’s full control and conscious powers of prediction and determination. It has a...

    22,95 €

  • This Ole House
    Julian Scutts
    This book combines elements of parody, social critique, autobiography, general philosophy, literary criticism and religious speculation, a complex into which chickens, and characters of the most various kinds intrude. ...

    16,06 €

    Julian Scutts
    This book consists of several articles on well-known works of literature, which include Hamlet, Wordsworth’s poem known by its opening line ’I wandered lonely as a cloud’ and Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. The underlying approach is termed logocentric, word-based, confuting current theories that words do not constitute the basic stuff of poetry. ...

    18,40 €

  • A Defence of Wandering and Poetry
    Julian Scutts
    The title equates ’wandering’ and ’poetry’ just as great poets including Shakespeare, Milton and Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe did, not to mention William Wordsworth and the other Romantic poets. ...

    19,36 €

  • From Pastiche to Pot Pourri
    Julian Scutts
    This book was not the result of a design or plan. It results from spontaneous on-the-spot decisions to recall a story or idea and find a fitting image from the Internet or related source.Variety is the sauce of life, they say. ...

    38,39 €

  • Strange Fits of Passion I Too Have Known
    Julian Scutts
    The picture on the front cover may need a word of explanation. Why should the author appear holding a copy of one of his books? I hope this is not an indication of vanity in my case. I plead that the issue at stake here is reflexivity. After a while authors may find themselves reading long forgotten passages they have written and thus become the critics of their own works. Ine...

    31,25 €

  • A Defence of Wandering and Why I am not a Follower of the Objectivist School of Criticism
    Julian Scutts
    The title picture of Percy Bysshe Shelley in combination with the words ’Wandering' and 'defence' imply that 'wandering' is another way of saying 'poetry,' an inference to be drawn from the words of great poets of Shelley’s generation. In every age most probably poetry needs to be defended anew. In Shelley’s day the threat sprang from a philosophical climate that saw virtue in ...

    81,58 €

  • A Defence of Wandering
    Julian Scutts
    'Wandering' in the sense indicated in the title of this book concerns the fact that within the ambit of German and English literature since the days of Shakespeare words based on the root of the verbs ’to wander’ and ’wandern’ appear with great frequency and prominence in such titles as 'Wandrers Nachtlied' and 'I wandered lonely as a cloud.' Is it not strange then that very li...

    17,70 €

  • 'And Is There Honey Still for Tea?' Questing Unity
    Julian Scutts
    The reference to ’questing unity' pertains to many different subjects and themes involving grappling with issues in such areas as comparative literature, linguistics, literature, history and mythology. In all events every comparison implies a criterion wide enough to comprehend the scope of the common area occupied by the subjects of comparison, whether the inquirer is aware f ...

    22,29 €

  • The Brexit Blues, There’s Always the Next Cuppa Char Mate, and Other Attempts at Consolatory Verse
    Julian Scutts
    This anthology of to all appearances light and flippant verse with a sketch here and there has a topical flavor, as the title indicates. It may have a few serious things to say as well. ...

    15,76 €

  • What Makes Life Worth Living, Poetry, Children and Animals
    Julian Scutts
    This book is for the most part an anthology of poems by the author devotes to the following themes: poetry and the arts, children, animals and connections with the above. The remaining part contains articles on poems by famous authors. These are: ’I wandered lonely as a cloud,’ William Blakes’s ’London,’ Robert Browning’s ’The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ and Dylan Thomas’s ’Altarwis...

    40,36 €

  • Secret Browning
    Julian Scutts
    Many readers have noted that Robert Browning’s poetry enchants and entertains by the sheer force of its typical vivacity and exuberance, and yet one scholar, Barbara Melchiori, has detected a discrepancy between the overt message of his sentences and the implications of single teltale words. This book extends the enquiry into levels of significance that elude not only casual re...

    37,58 €

  • Literary and Critical Treatments of the WANDERER in Three Languages
    Julian Scutts
    This book comprises a medley of articles and a series of letters written by someone who carries on a tradition established by Goethe when writing his seminal novella revealing the point of view of a distraught young man who welcomes death as a way of escaping his lovelorn condition However, there is a positive side of wandering with enjoyment of nature and the promise of true p...

    15,57 €

  • To Show That Celebrated Works of Literature Impinge on Matters of Theology
    Julian Scutts
    This book examines the words and structures that emerge from a scrutiny of some well-known works of literature including Wordsworth’s 'I wandered lonely as a cloud’ and Macbeth. To judge by a scrutiny of his short stories, Somerset Maugham might have been a closet believer. ...

    19,57 €

  • Just Wandering
    Julian Scutts
    Sometimes scholars and critics of literature tend to impose a pre-determined theory on their interpretation of subject matter. This book is predicated on a reversal of this trend by letting generalizations follow impressions that a close reading of certain literary texts instill in a reader’s mind. ...

    23,90 €

  • The Last Trump
    Julian Scutts
    The word 'Trump' in the title serves as a nexus for ideas, associations and thoughts, some of a purely personal nature, thus giving rise to a medley of forms, essays, dialogues that hang together in some way. ...

    19,21 €

  • Much Fiddling in the Ivory Tower as Rome Burns
    Julian Scutts
    This book concerns the reason there are taboos in the academic world, particularly with regard to religious perspectives in textual studies. ...

    18,04 €

  • The Milkmaid and the Mower, an Anthology
    Julian Scutts
    This anthology contains poems written by Julian scutts. As the words quoted from Milton’s cheerful poem suggest, on the surface at least many poems are humorous in tone and even jaunty. However, a close reading reveals under the surface the verses concern serious and daunting subjects, such as human mortality ...

    17,33 €

  • Just Wandering
    Julian Scutts
    This book is concerned about poems and other literary texts and not about the technicalities of approaches to texts. These should be discreetly in the background. If applied correctly, the approach will become clear. In colloquial terms, let’s cut the cackle! ...

    26,75 €

  • La Tour de Babel Jadis et Maintenant
    Julian Scutts
    This publication incorporates a discourse in French delivered to a French speaking synagogue in Jerusalem. It also includes a preamble in French on three essays published earlier in English ...

    18,42 €

  • Meaningful Coincidences in History, Literature and Life (II)
    Julian Scutts
    This is a revised version of the first edition of a book under this title. Its layout is easier to follow. The 'phenomenon' of meaningful coincidences in history and literature has aroused the attention of noted persons in the areas of psychology, notably Professor C. G. Jung. ...

    27,63 €

  • In Pursuit of Verbal Clues Detected in the Body of Literature
    Julian Scutts
    This book focuses on the choice of certain key words to be found in Macbeth, Richard III, 'I wandered Lonely as a Cloud' and 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' by Robert Browning ...

    16,37 €

  • Dracula,the Pied Piper & Co. and the Question of Evil in the World
    Julian Scutts
    This book begins by outlining the salient acts of Vlad III, prince of Wallachia, 'the Impaler' - alias Dracula and views him in his historical context. From this point of departure the book proceeds with a more general inquiry into the pertinence and relevance of the concept of evil within a broad context that includes a view of the world today. ...

    20,11 €

  • ’History Is .. Bunk' Who Said?
    Julian Scutts
    As the title suggests, not everyone holds 'history' in high regard. However, as everybody will become part of history in the long run, it seems advisable to come to terms with it one way or anothe. This book suggests ways in which this might be possible. ...

    17,59 €

  • Poems on Poetry, Lead On
    Julian Scutts
    Is a poem really about itself, a form of self-enunciation or a record of the process to which it owes its origin and existence? How far can poems about poems sustain themselves before yielding to some external theme and forgetting themselves? A second section of the book consists of studies of individual poems with a close eye on particular words. These include 'I wandered lone...

    17,54 €

  • My Paperback Book
    Julian Scutts
    As though we did not have enough gloom and doom talk already!2016 has not exactly got off to a good start. However, perhaps if we read between the lines, we may detect signs of hope. ...

    23,60 €

  • Those Writings On the Wall
    Julian Scutts
    This books is a collection of stories in prose fiction, dramatic sketches and poetry often with a strong criticism of developments in human affairs ...

    23,56 €

  • The Strange History Of Daniel Mortimer, Followed By Short Stories, Dramatic Scenes and Poems
    Julian Scutts
    The stories contained in this book are strange, for though they depict the common places and situations known to all we feel that behind the edge of the familiar something or other is lurking, possibly the shadow of death that accompanies us most visibly when the sun is shining. But woe to him who like Peter Schlemihl in Chamisso’s classic story loses his shadow and would give ...

    22,51 €

  • 'Wandering' In Literature, a Mere Word?
    Julian Scutts
    This book does not find its starting point in a theory but in the recognition that the word 'Wanderer,' and other forms based on the common root of the verbs to 'wander' and 'wandern,' recur with conspicuous frequency in the writings of Goethe and English Romantic poets such as William Wordsworth and Lord Byron. A notable scholar, Professor L. A. Willoughby sought an explanatio...

    28,65 €

  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin At the Crossroads Of History, Religion and Literature (II)
    Julian Julian Scutts
    This study explores the subject of the Pied Piper of Hamelin from varied angles. It focuses on the historical circumstances in which it arose and leads on to the question of its essential ingredients, its universal appeal to poets and writers. A large part of the book concerns Robert Browning’s famous ditty that has popularized the story of the Pied Piper thoughout the English-...

    48,97 €

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