LIBROS DEL AUTOR: jared tendler

8 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: jared tendler

  • The Mental Game of Trading
    Jared Tendler
    A step-by-step system for mastering trading psychology. Think about your most costly and recurring trading mistakes. Chances are that they’re related to common errors, such as chasing price, cutting winners short, forcing mediocre trades, and overtrading. You’ve likely tried to fix these errors by improving your technical skills, and yet they persist. That’s because the real so...

    32,27 €

  • Il Mental Game Del Poker 2
    Jared Tendler / Giada Fang / Marcello Papa
    Immagina il vantaggio che potresti avere se riuscissi costantemente a giocare a poker in zona. Quando giochi in Zona tutte le decisioni che prendi sono corrette, sai istintivamente quando bluffare e perdere una mano ti lascia indifferente. Riesci a dare il massimo e ti senti imbattibile.È incredibile quanti giocatori di poker raggiungano questo stato mentale elusivo per caso. M...

    22,35 €

  • O Jogo Mental do Poker
    Barry Carter / Jared Tendler / Rainer Furtado
    O jogo mental pode ser mais importante no poker do que em qualquer outra forma de competição. É um dos únicos jogos no mundo, onde você pode jogar perfeitamente, e perder repetidamente. Centenas de jogadores de poker se voltaram para a abordagem revolucionária do treinador de jogo mental Jared Tendler, que os ajudou a jogar o seu melhor, independente de quão ruins fossem as car...

    19,81 €

  • Il Mental Game Del Poker
    Barry Carter / Jared Tendler
    Il mental game è forse più importante nel poker che in qualsiasi altra tipologia di competizione. Questo gioco infatti è uno dei pochi al mondo in cui puoi giocare in maniera perfetta e continuare a perdere. Centinaia di giocatori di poker si sono convertiti all'approccio rivoluzionario del coach Jared Tendler sul mental game per riuscire a giocare sempre al meglio, senza che l...

    22,08 €

  • Le Mental Au Poker 2
    Barry Carter / Jared Tendler / Simon Sanchez
    Lorsque vous êtes dans la zone, vous prenez les bonnes décisions, savez de façon instinctive lorsqu’il faut bluffer, et restez impassible lorsque vous perdez une main. Vous êtes à 200 % et vous vous sentez imbattable.     Il est frappant de voir à quel point de nombreux joueurs de poker se trompent sur ce qu’est cet état d’esprit. Ce sentiment d’euphorie lié au fait de jouer da...

    22,15 €

  • Le Mental Au Poker
    Barry Carter / Jared Tendler / Simon Sanchez
    Le mental est peut-être encore plus important au poker que dans n'importe quelle autre forme de compétition. C'est un des seuls jeux au monde où vous pouvez jouer parfaitement et perdre - encore et encore. Des centaines de joueurs de poker se sont tournés vers le coach mental Jared Tendler et son approche révolutionnaire pour les aider à jouer leur meilleur poker, quelle que so...

    21,99 €

  • The Mental Game of Poker 2
    Barry Carter / Jared Tendler
    Imagine the edge you would have if you could consistently play poker in the zone. In the zone you make all the right decisions, instinctively when to bluff, and are unfazed by a losing hand. You’re locked in and feel unbeatable.It’s shocking how many poker players stumble into this elusive state of mind. As quickly as that euphoric feeling of invincibility arrives, it's gon...

    24,40 €

  • The Mental Game of Poker
    Barry Carter / Jared Tendler
    The mental game may be more important in poker than in any other form of competition. It's one of the only games in the world where you can play perfectly and lose-again and again. Hundreds of poker players have turned to mental game coach Jared Tendler's revolutionary approach to help them play their best, no matter how badly they're running. In this book you'l...

    24,13 €