13 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: james low

  • Being Guru Rinpoche
    James Low
    The book Being Guru Rinpoche shows how to understand and engage with a traditional Tibetan tantric meditation practice (sadhana) and relate it to the lived complexity of our daily life. The ritual focuses on living within the mandala of Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche, and becoming inseparable from the Guru in his Eight Manifestations. The root text is from the terma...

    27,46 €

  • Proud Little Cloud
    James Low
    This attractively illustrated book invites children to see how the sea and the sun and the clouds are all collaborating together to make our bright and variegated world. They all need each other and so the key theme is that none of us is alone and we all get along better with friendly and appreciative participation. The idea is that adults read the book aloud and talk about the...

    20,90 €

  • Sweet simplicity
    James Low
    The brief and beautiful Buddhist texts in this book point towards the inexpressible sweet simplicity of our own minds. This simplicity is usually obscured by the complexity of our reified experience and the conceptual elaboration we employ to try to work out who we are and what our life is for.The doha songs offered here are not fuel for intellectual analysis. Rather they offer...

    27,96 €

  • Me first!
    James Low
    According to Buddhism it is helpful to follow a path because of the universal tendency to get lost. However when a teacher explains the path to us we need to make sure that we understand properly what we are being taught and how to put it into practice. This illustrated book tells the story of a student’s misunderstanding that fed into his overweening ambition and many disaster...

    35,87 €

  • Lotus Source
    James Low / C. R. Lama / CRLama
    This book focuses on Padmasambhava, the Lotus Born Guru who awakens us to our own lotus source. Padmasambhava brought tantric Buddhism to Tibet and his power and blessing continues to guide and inspire meditators in the Himalayan regions and worldwide to this day.All Buddhist practice is concerned with awakening from the illusions which bind us. The lotus represents this awaken...

    46,30 €

  • Longing for Limitless Light
    James Low
    Longing for Limitless Light offers a sequential series of key texts in the Mahayana tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. These prayers and aspirations form part of the daily practice for many in the various Tibetan Buddhist traditions. They include prayers, aspirations, rituals and descriptions of a path to enlightenment. The loving heart of Buddha Amitabha Limitless Light invites al...

    41,45 €

  • This is it
    James Low
    Each section of the book leads into the next, showing how, by peeling away our habitual assumptions and projections, we can directly encounter the intrinsic purity of our own mind. 'This is it', Dzogchen, the great completion.The first facet, One Thing Leads to Another, offers sutra texts on dependent origination. The second, Increased Transparency, includes the Heart Sutra and...

    48,42 €

  • Scintille
    James Low / Elena Gori Corti / Ilaria Corti
    Scintille è l’ottavo libro di questo popolare autore, e il quarto pubblicato in italiano.Si tratta di una raccolta informale di brevi scritti e di poesie, frutto della sua pluriennale esperienza di pratica e insegnamento del Buddhismo.La lettura di questa agile raccolta in prosa e poesia può essere iniziata, goduta e meditata da un punto qualsiasi, poiché ogni “scintilla” o “fr...

    32,95 €

  • Funken
    James Low / Lea Pabst
    ‚Funken‘ ist das achte Buch dieses bekannten Autors. Es ist eine verständliche Sammlung kurzer Texte und Gedichte, die durch seine langjährige Erfahrung mit den Lehren und der Praxis des Buddhismus entstanden sind. In schöner und verständlicher Sprache wird die tiefgründige nicht-duale Sichtweise des Dzogchen dargelegt, die das Buddha-Potential erhellt, das in jedem von uns vor...

    32,97 €

    Inception Point: The Use of Learning and Development to Reform the Singapore Public Service fills a gap in current literature on Singapore's modernisation. While the political leadership of the late Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and his People's Action Party (PAP) government were key to Singapore's modernisation, the role of policy implementation was one shouldered by...

    126,43 €

  • Sparks
    James Low
    Sparks is the 8th book by this popular author. It is an accessible collection of short writings and poems arising from his experience of practising and teaching Buddhism for many years. In simple and beautiful language it is an expression of the profound non-dual view of Dzogchen, which illuminates the enlivening Buddha potential present in all of us.This pithy collection of pr...

    34,02 €

  • Radiant Aspiration - The Butterlamp Prayer
    Chimed Rigdzin Rinpoche / James Low
    Radiant Aspiration offers a clear introduction to the Tibetan Buddhist understanding of the nature of existence, exploring how to free ourselves from all that limits us. It provides a translation of a beautiful prayer which employs the symbolism of the ritual offering of butterlamps, where light is seen as the basis of the nonduality of all experience. The book contains the ful...

    28,38 €

  • Being Right Here
    Andreas Ruft / James Low

    18,15 €