72 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: h y hanna

  • Big Honey Dog Mysteries HOLIDAY COLLECTION (Halloween, Christmas & Easter compilation)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Move over Scooby-Doo - there’s a new dog detective in town!HALLOWEEN HYSTERIA. CHRISTMAS RESCUE. EASTER SECRETS. SERIOUS SLOBBER. Celebrate your favourite holidays with this collection of exciting short mysteries featuring Honey the Great Dane sleuth and her canine friends. In NIGHT OF FLYING SHADOWS, a creepy visitor on Halloween night sends the dogs on a dangerous mission thr...

    10,16 €

  • A High Whisk Situation
    H.Y. Hanna
    When English tearoom owner, Gemma Rose, finds herself on an unexpected trip to Scotland, she is delighted by the chance to stay in a beautiful Scottish castle-complete with mounted stag heads, cosy fireplaces, and misty mountain views. She’s looking forward to a relaxing weekend in the Highlands, sampling traditional Scottish baking, trying her hand at fly fishing, and learning...

    11,22 €

  • A High Whisk Situation (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna
    When English tearoom owner, Gemma Rose, finds herself on an unexpected trip to Scotland, she is delighted by the chance to stay in a beautiful Scottish castle-complete with mounted stag heads, cosy fireplaces, and misty mountain views. She’s looking forward to a relaxing weekend in the Highlands, sampling traditional Scottish baking, trying her hand at fly fishing, and learning...

    18,80 €

  • Mord durch die Blume
    H.Y. Hanna / Rita Kloosterziel
    Allmählich lebt sich Poppy in Bunnington, einem Dorf in der Nähe von Oxford, ein und langsam zeigt sich auch ihr grüner Daumen: Die Gärtnerei ihrer verstorbenen Großmutter, in der Pflanzen für einen typischen englischen Bauerngarten angeboten werden, erstrahlt endlich wieder in altem Glanz. Als Poppy auf dem Dorffest eine wohlhabende Hundeliebhaberin kennenlernt und den Auftrag...

    11,35 €

  • Vier Törtchen und ein Todesfall
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna / Rita Kloosterziel
    Die Geschäfte laufen gut in Gemma Roses gemütlichem Tearoom und nun konnte sie sogar ihren ersten großen Catering-Auftrag an Land ziehen - bei einer Beerdigung im Dorf. Schade nur, dass es dabei eine zweite Leiche zu beklagen gibt. Und ausgerechnet eine der Silberlocken wird des Mordes verdächtigt! Nun muss die findige Tearoom-Detektivin aufdecken, welches der köstlichen Törtch...

    12,98 €

  • To Mulch to Handle
    H.Y. Hanna
    Summer has arrived at Hollyhock Cottage and romance is in the air. The roses are about to bloom, the garden nursery is filled with fragrance and colour-and Poppy is going on her first proper 'date' in a long time. Despite her qualms about mixing business with pleasure, she’s accepted the invitation of a charming pesticide salesman and is looking forward to a night of flirting a...

    13,12 €

  • Too Mulch to Handle (Large Print)
    H.Y. Hanna
    Summer has arrived at Hollyhock Cottage and romance is in the air. The roses are about to bloom, the garden nursery is filled with fragrance and colour-and Poppy is going on her first proper 'date' in a long time. Despite her qualms about mixing business with pleasure, she’s accepted the invitation of a charming pesticide salesman and is looking forward to a night of flirting a...

    19,12 €

  • Unter dem giftgrünen Rasen
    H.Y. Hanna / Rita Kloosterziel
    Poppy hätte nie gedacht, dass sie aufs Land ziehen und ihr Herz an einen launischen rotgetigerten Kater verlieren würde. Das war natürlich, bevor sie wusste, dass sie eine Gärtnerei mitsamt Cottage geerbt hatte, und bevor sie besagtem Kater zum ersten Mal begegnet war. Jetzt genießt sie ihr neues Leben inmitten von wuchernden Rosen, duftenden Kräutern, warmen Sommertagen - und...

    13,17 €

  • Das Totenbeet im Garten
    H.Y. Hanna / Rita Kloosterziel
    Poppy sehnt sich danach, die Schulden ihrer verstorbenen Mutter loszuwerden, ihren langweiligen Job zu kündigen und ihren unbekannten Vater zu finden. Und wenn es ihr gelänge, die Topfpflanzen im Büro am Leben zu halten, wäre das auch nicht das Schlechteste. Aber ihr ist klar, dass dies nur Träumereien sind. Da trifft wie aus heiterem Himmel ein Brief ein, und Poppy erfährt, da...

    11,43 €

  • Wrongfully Infused
    H.Y. Hanna
    Things are eerily quiet at Gemma’s quaint English tearoom and she can’t understand why - until she learns about the trendy new 'tea bar' that’s opened on the other side of the village. To her horror, she soon finds her customers being stolen and her business the target of sabotage, while her mother’s newfound obsession with all things Asian means a whole new world of fluffy foo...

    11,18 €

  • Wrongfully Infused (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna
    Things are eerily quiet at Gemma’s quaint English tearoom and she can’t understand why - until she learns about the trendy new 'tea bar' that’s opened on the other side of the village. To her horror, she soon finds her customers being stolen and her business the target of sabotage, while her mother’s newfound obsession with all things Asian means a whole new world of fluffy foo...

    18,76 €

  • Morgenstund hat Mord im Mund
    H.Y. Hanna / Rita Kloosterziel
    Gemma Rose, die Besitzerin eines hübschen Tearooms in den Cotswolds, freut sich auf die Feierlichkeiten, die alljährlich in Oxford zum 1. Mai stattfinden - bis der schöne Frühlingsmorgen durch einen Mord getrübt wird. Urplötzlich sieht sie sich in ein tödliches Geheimnis verwickelt. Immer dabei sind die Silberlocken, vier neugierige alte Damen, die keine Gelegenheit auslassen, ...

    12,89 €

  • Bikinis and Murder (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Ellie’s vacation in Florida is coming to an end but there’s barely time to savor her last days on the beautiful Gulf Coast. When death strikes a bikini contest at her luxury beach resort, Ellie must use all her sleuthing skills to find the killer. Helped by Hemingway the parrot and Mojito the resort cat-not to mention her eccentric Aunt Olive-Ellie is soon busy combing the beac...

    15,14 €

  • Wer den Teelöffel abgibt
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna / Rita Kloosterziel
    Als Gemma Rose, stolze Besitzerin eines Tearooms in den Cotswolds, ihre kleine Tigerkatze Müsli bei der Katzenausstellung im Dorf meldet, rechnet sie nicht damit, über einen Mord zu stolpern.Und als ihre Mutter, die überall ungefragt ihre Nase hineinsteckt, und die neugierigen „Silberlocken' die Morduntersuchung selbst in die Hand nehmen, bleibt Gemma nichts anderes übrig: Sie ...

    12,88 €

  • Bikinis and Murder
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Ellie’s vacation in Florida is coming to an end but there’s barely time to savor her last days on the beautiful Gulf Coast. When death strikes a bikini contest at her luxury beach resort, Ellie must use all her sleuthing skills to find the killer. Helped by Hemingway the parrot and Mojito the resort cat-not to mention her eccentric Aunt Olive-Ellie is soon busy combing the beac...

    11,59 €

  • Morden und Tee trinken
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Ein nächtlicher Anruf - und schon steckt Gemma Rose, ihres Zeichens Besitzerin des Little Stables Tearooms, mitten in einem neuen Mordfall. Und diesmal ist ausgerechnet ihr guter Freund Seth der Hauptverdächtige! Alles an der blutigen Tat hinter den Mauern eines alten College in Oxford scheint auf eine bittere Fehde innerhalb der Universität hinzudeuten, doch auch in ihrem winz...

    12,86 €

  • Flip-Flops and Murder
    H.Y. Hanna
    English girl Ellie is a ’fish-out-of-water’ when she arrives in sunny Florida for a vacation with her aunt at a luxury beach resort. But she’s barely dipped her toe in the ocean before she stumbles on a sinister murder. Now Ellie must battle sunburn, jet lag and a cheeky parrot named Hemingway, while trying to unravel the mystery. With a writers’ conference in full flow, there’...

    11,82 €

  • Seashells and Murder
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Ellie can’t believe her luck: instead of a dreary English winter, she’s enjoying an unexpected vacation in sunny Florida... and things get even more exciting when she’s roped in to judge the annual Key Lime Pie Contest at her beach resort. The rivalry is fierce, the recipes are daring, but nobody expects the event to end in murder! Before long, Ellie is swapping comfy cabanas a...

    11,77 €

  • Seashells and Murder (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Ellie can’t believe her luck: instead of a dreary English winter, she’s enjoying an unexpected vacation in sunny Florida... and things get even more exciting when she’s roped in to judge the annual Key Lime Pie Contest at her beach resort. The rivalry is fierce, the recipes are daring, but nobody expects the event to end in murder! Before long, Ellie is swapping comfy cabanas a...

    15,45 €

  • Cocktails and Murder
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Ellie is looking forward to finally enjoying her unexpected vacation in Florida: strolling on the white sand beaches, lounging in luxurious cabanas, and swimming in the sparkling waters of the Gulf... But she’s barely sipped her first mojito before she finds herself sucked into another mystery! This time, Ellie is on the trail of a clever murderer who uses a deadly tiki cocktai...

    11,60 €

  • Flip-Flops and Murder (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    English girl Ellie is a ’fish-out-of-water’ when she arrives in sunny Florida for a vacation with her aunt at a luxury beach resort. But she’s barely dipped her toe in the ocean before she stumbles on a sinister murder. Now Ellie must battle sunburn, jet lag and a cheeky parrot named Hemingway, while trying to unravel the mystery. With a writers’ conference in full flow, there’...

    15,55 €

  • Cocktails and Murder (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Ellie is looking forward to finally enjoying her unexpected vacation in Florida: strolling on the white sand beaches, lounging in luxurious cabanas, and swimming in the sparkling waters of the Gulf... But she’s barely sipped her first mojito before she finds herself sucked into another mystery! This time, Ellie is on the trail of a clever murderer who uses a deadly tiki cocktai...

    15,17 €

  • Salted Caramel Sorcery (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    The autumn equinox is here, and Caitlyn Le Fey is excited by the upcoming masquerade ball to celebrate the festival of Mabon. Not only is it a chance to dress up in glamorous costumes, but-with the Widow Mags catering-the villagers might finally put their prejudices aside and appreciate the delicious treats from her grandmother’s chocolate shop. What’s more, with the dreamy mus...

    18,62 €

  • Witch Summer Night’s Cream (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Caitlyn is looking forward to Midsummer’s Eve in the tiny English village of Tillyhenge. Celebrating the summer solstice can be fun - especially when your grandmother is a witch with an enchanted chocolate shop! But when a teenage girl is murdered and a priceless love potion goes missing, she and her cousins are plunged into a puzzling mystery.Is the girl’s death connected to t...

    19,28 €

  • Bonbons and Broomsticks (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Caitlyn is settling into life as a novice witch in an English village chocolate shop - although she’s finding the hardest magic to master is making caramel sauce without burning it! When two men are murdered, and a mythical black hound is seen haunting the countryside, the village gossips are sure dark witchcraft is to blame. Caitlyn decides to do a little magical sleuthing of ...

    19,00 €

  • Tea With Milk and Murder (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    While at an Oxford cocktail party, tearoom owner Gemma Rose overhears a sinister conversation minutes before a University student is fatally poisoned. Could there be a connection? And could her best friend Cassie’s new boyfriend have anything to do with the murder?Gemma decides to start her own investigation, helped by the nosy ladies from her Oxfordshire village and her old co...

    19,10 €

  • Till Death Do Us Tart (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    When Oxfordshire tearoom owner, Gemma Rose, enters her little tabby, Muesli, in the cat show at the local village fair, the last thing she expects is to stumble across a murder.And when her meddling mother and the nosy Old Biddies decide to start their own investigation, Gemma has no choice but to join in the sleuthing. She soon finds there’s something much more sinister sandwi...

    18,75 €

  • Double, Double, Toil and Truffle (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Caitlyn Le Fey is enjoying her first autumn in England, nut-picking in the forest, creating delicious treats in her grandmother’s enchanted chocolate shop, and dreaming of cosy evenings with the handsome Lord James Fitzroy. But the peace is shattered when a mysterious woman claiming to be a witch arrives in the village. Some love her, others fear her... and one person is driven...

    18,83 €

  • Two Down, Bun To Go (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    A sinister phone call in the middle of the night throws tearoom owner, Gemma Rose, straight into the heart of a new murder mystery-this time with her friend, Seth, arrested as the key suspect! The grisly killing in the cloisters of an old Oxford college points to a bitter feud within the University-but Gemma finds unexpected clues popping up in her tiny Cotswolds village.Meanwh...

    18,89 €

  • Four Puddings and a Funeral (LARGE PRINT)
    H.Y. Hanna / H.YHanna
    Business is going well at Gemma Rose’s quaint English teashop and she’s delighted about her first big catering job at a local village funeral... until the day ends with a second body and one of the Old Biddies accused of murder! Now the resourceful tearoom sleuth must find out which delicious pudding contained the deadly arsenic-and who might have wanted the wealthy widow dead....

    18,94 €

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