LIBROS DEL AUTOR: engr dr jazuli s kazaure

37 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: engr dr jazuli s kazaure

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  • Computação de saúde eletrónica (E-Health) com 5G
    Dr. Nwamaka U. Okafor / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Este livro destacou os requisitos para a implementação efectiva de sistemas de saúde inteligentes para cenários 5G específicos. O estudo concluiu que o acesso a sensores bimodais utilizando um algoritmo informático de rede neural artificial (RNA) pode ser utilizado para executar técnicas de extração de dados e as suas aplicações em serviços de cuidados de saúde electrónicos int...

    111,34 €

  • 5G Enabled Electronic Health (E-Health) Computing
    Dr. Nwamaka U. Okafor / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    In diesem Buch wurden die Anforderungen für die effektive Umsetzung intelligenter Gesundheitssysteme für bestimmte 5G-Szenarien herausgestellt. Die Studie ergab, dass der bimodale Sensorzugriff unter Verwendung eines künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerks (ANN) Computer-Algorithmus verwendet werden kann, um Data-Mining-Techniken und ihre Anwendungen in intelligenten E-Healthcare-Dien...

    113,90 €

  • Informatica elettronica sanitaria (E-Health) abilitata al 5G
    Dr. Nwamaka U. Okafor / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Questo libro ha evidenziato i requisiti per l’implementazione efficace di sistemi sanitari intelligenti per particolari scenari 5G. Lo studio ha rilevato che l’accesso a sensori bimodali utilizzando un algoritmo informatico di rete neurale artificiale (RNA) può essere utilizzato per eseguire tecniche di data mining e le relative applicazioni nei servizi di sanità elettronica in...

    114,02 €

  • Technologie, éducation et compétences futures
    Dr. Nwamaka U. Okafor / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    La coexistence homme-robot et l’environnement de travail collaboratif dans des secteurs spécifiques sont des thèmes émergents de la société 5.0. L’objectif de la société 5.0 est de construire une société centrée sur les personnes et durable grâce à la transformation numérique et à des partenariats renouvelés entre les personnes et la technologie. La société numérique actuelle a...

    98,45 €

  • Tecnologia, Educação e competências para o futuro
    Dr. Nwamaka U. Okafor / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    A coexistência entre humanos e robôs e o ambiente de trabalho colaborativo em sectores específicos são temas emergentes da Sociedade 5.0. O objetivo da Sociedade 5.0 é construir uma sociedade centrada nas pessoas e sustentável através da transformação digital e de parcerias renovadas entre as pessoas e a tecnologia. A atual sociedade digital tem assistido a importantes desenvol...

    98,47 €

  • Tecnologia, istruzione e competenze future
    Dr. Nwamaka U. Okafor / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    La coesistenza uomo-robot e l’ambiente di lavoro collaborativo in settori specifici sono temi emergenti della Società 5.0. L’obiettivo della Società 5.0 è costruire una società incentrata sulle persone e sostenibile attraverso la trasformazione digitale e una rinnovata collaborazione tra persone e tecnologia. L’attuale società digitale ha visto importanti sviluppi nella ricerca...

    98,50 €

  • Technologie, Bildung & Zukunftsfähigkeit
    Dr. Nwamaka U. Okafor / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Die Koexistenz von Mensch und Roboter und die kollaborative Arbeitsumgebung in bestimmten Branchen sind neue Themen der Gesellschaft 5.0. Das Ziel der Gesellschaft 5.0 ist der Aufbau einer Gesellschaft, in deren Mittelpunkt der Mensch steht und die durch digitale Transformation und erneuerte Partnerschaften zwischen Mensch und Technologie nachhaltig ist. Die gegenwärtige digita...

    98,45 €

  • Digitalisierung kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen und Wirtschaft
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Samuel Bem Angwe / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Mikroökonomie und Makroökonomie sind die beiden Unterkategorien der Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Während die Makroökonomie das Handeln von Staaten und Regierungen untersucht, befasst sich die Mikroökonomie mit den Entscheidungen von Menschen und Unternehmen. Trotz ihrer offensichtlichen Unterschiede sind diese beiden Bereiche der Volkswirtschaftslehre in Wirklichkeit miteinander ...

    117,82 €

  • Petites et moyennes entreprises et numérisation de l’économie
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Samuel Bem Angwe / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    La microéconomie et la macroéconomie sont les deux sous-catégories de l’économie. Alors que la macroéconomie examine les actions des nations et des gouvernements, la microéconomie est l’étude des personnes et des décisions des entreprises. Malgré leurs différences apparentes, ces deux domaines de l’économie sont en fait interdépendants et bénéfiques l’un pour l’autre. De nombre...

    117,86 €

  • Piccole - Medie Imprese e Digitalizzazione dell’Economia
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Samuel Bem Angwe / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Microeconomia e macroeconomia sono le due sottocategorie dell’economia. Mentre la macroeconomia esamina le azioni delle nazioni e dei governi, la microeconomia è lo studio delle persone e delle decisioni aziendali. Nonostante le loro apparenti differenze, queste due aree dell’economia sono in realtà interconnesse e vantaggiose l’una per l’altra. Sono numerosi gli argomenti trat...

    117,90 €

  • Pequenas e médias empresas e digitalização da economia
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Samuel Bem Angwe / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    A microeconomia e a macroeconomia são as duas subcategorias da economia. Enquanto a macroeconomia examina as acções das nações e dos governos, a microeconomia é o estudo das decisões das pessoas e das empresas. Apesar das suas aparentes diferenças, estas duas áreas da economia estão de facto inter-relacionadas e são benéficas uma para a outra. Há numerosos tópicos que são abran...

    117,89 €

  • Small - Medium Enterprise Businesses & Economy Digitization
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Samuel Bem Angwe / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Microeconomics and macroeconomics are the two subcategories of economics. While macroeconomics examines the actions of nations and governments, microeconomics is the study of people and company decisions. Despite their apparent differences, these two areas of economics are in fact interrelated and beneficial to one another. There are numerous topics that are covered by both are...

    119,32 €

  • Zukünftige Entwicklung der Bildungspädagogik
    Ado S. Kazaure / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Ein weit verbreitetes technologisches Paradigma, das die Gesellschaft 5.0 unterstützt, ist das 'cyber-physische System', das den Cyberspace und den physischen Raum fest integriert, was viele zunächst für eine hochtrabende Vision hielten, ohne dass klar war, wie sie sich tatsächlich auswirken würde. Die vierte industrielle Revolution und der Übergang zur Gesellschaft 5.0 werden ...

    93,37 €

  • Sviluppo della futura pedagogia educativa
    Ado S. Kazaure / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Un paradigma tecnologico diffuso a sostegno della Società 5.0 è il 'sistema cyber-fisico', che integra saldamente il cyberspazio e lo spazio fisico, che inizialmente molti ritenevano un’idea ambiziosa senza alcuna indicazione chiara di come si sarebbe realmente realizzata. La quarta rivoluzione industriale e la transizione verso la società 5.0 sono considerate analoghe, in quan...

    93,39 €

  • Desenvolvimento Futuro da Pedagogia Educativa
    Ado S. Kazaure / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Um paradigma tecnológico generalizado de apoio à Sociedade 5.0 é o 'sistema ciberfísico', que integra firmemente o ciberespaço e o espaço físico, que várias pessoas pensaram pela primeira vez que a ideia era uma visão elevada sem qualquer indicação clara de como ela iria realmente funcionar. A Quarta Revolução Industrial e a transição para a Sociedade 5.0 são consideradas análo...

    93,38 €

  • Future Educational Pedagogy Development
    Ado S. Kazaure / Engr.Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    A widespread technology paradigm supporting Society 5.0 is the 'cyber physical system,' which firmly integrates cyberspace and physical space, which several people first thought the idea was a lofty vision with no clear indication of how it would truly play out. The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the transition to Society 5.0 are considered to be analogous in that both terms ...

    92,22 €

    Engr.Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Educational technologies are the creative combination of computer hardware and software that allows for integration of video, 3D animation, audio, graphics, communication symbols, digital signals and text resources for interactions in such a way that information can be accessed interactively with any information processing device. In essence, educational technologies merges mul...

    92,01 €

  • Infecções Hospitalares Adquiridas e Estratégia de Desinfecção Automatizada
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / EngrDrJazuli SKazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew / Ugochukwu OMatthew
    O presente estudo destaca o aspecto fundamental dos desafios dos profissionais de saúde e a conformidade na perspectiva das medidas de controlo de infecções COVID-19 em curso, prevenção de Infecções Hospitalares Adquiridas nos hospitais públicos. O estudo concluiu que os profissionais de saúde têm conhecimento adequado da prevalência das Infecções Hospitalares Adquiridas, porta...

    62,02 €

    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Healthcare Automation and Digitalization Revolution is the internetworking of healthcare professionals , IT Practitioners, Academia, Researchers and Captains of Industries from the whole value chain of the Industries and Occupations, working together to advance humanity life expectancy . Hospitals & Healthcare providers, Clinical Laboratories, Pharmaceutical companies, Governme...

    120,07 €

  • Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) & Automated Disinfection Strategy
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    The current book highlights the fundamental aspect of the healthcare professionals’ challenges and the conformity in the perspective of the ongoing COVID-19 infection control measures, prevention of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) in the public hospitals. The study concluded that healthcare professionals have adequate knowledge of the HAIs prevalence, therefore, adequate at...

    50,07 €

  • Telecommunication Radio Frequency EMR & Health Technology
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    The global world had witnessed substantial intensification in the perspective of the mobile communication utilization, services improvement and sustainable broadband regime and this development is presumed to persist into the conceivable future with the evolution of the contemporary 6G,5G, 4G and 3G mobile communication technologies. The current mobile communication technologie...

    92,07 €

  • Educational Technology & ICT Infrastructures
    ENGR. DR. JAZULI S. KAZAURE / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    The recent improvements in computing, networking, storage, and information technology have enabled the collection and distribution of vast amounts of multimedia data in a variety of applications such as entertainment, education, environmental protection, e-commerce, public safety, digital government, homeland security and manufacturing. The explosion of multimedia data and its ...

    69,91 €

  • Cloud Computing Technology Infrastructures & IoTs
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    The upcoming generation of educational environment involving big data science, cloud computing, internet of things (IoTs) is a concept promise to deliver a step change in individuals’ quality of life and enterprise productivity in reinventing a new information technology computing paradigm. This paper captured the manageability issues in e-learning environment and explored ways...

    50,07 €

  • Defence Application of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
    ENGR. DR. JAZULI S. KAZAURE / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    The ultimate goal of the current digital society extreme automation is to enable artificial intelligence (AI) autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) modelled with Machine Learning to respond expeditiously in the security surveillance in several missions beyond visually line of sight (BVLOS) which are the fundamental aspect of modern warfare controlled through the cloud infr...

    92,14 €

  • Telecommunication Business Information System & Investment Ecosystem
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    ICT in Nigeria is currently administered under the National ICT Policy issued by the Ministry of Communications in June 2012. The policy articulates the nation’s ICT objective as to become a knowledge-based globally competitive society by 2020. To achieve this objective, the policy seeks to integrate information and communication technologies into the socioeconomic development ...

    50,00 €

  • Disruptive Education Technology & Automation of Industry 4.0
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    Technology advancement will provide the basis for industry 4.0, to remodel the educational business and economic topologies in the coming years. In quantifying the effects of the twenty first century digital automation on the industrial workforce, we also looked at the influence of technology on the advancement of research and education. The application of internet of things, a...

    92,02 €

  • Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) & IoTs
    Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    The medical ambulance UAVs (Drones) are designed for medical emergency responses and healthcare supply chains. The Ambulance Drone is a prototype high speed drone that delivers Automated Defibrillators in the event of a cardiac arrest. The Drone tracks emergency mobile calls and uses GPS to navigate to the emergency site. The usage of drones by companies and individuals is incr...

    92,13 €

  • Healthcare Dynamics & Information Communication Technology for COVID-19
    Dr. Umar A. Adamu / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew
    The greatest achievements of M2M (Machine to Machine) interactions, M2H (Machine to Human) interactions, H2M (Human to Machine) interactions and Internet of Things Technology is the smart service and capability to perform Computing with any Mobile device (PC connected to the internet, Smartphone, Tablet, PDAs etc) in responding to Healthcare scenarios. The technology developmen...

    119,93 €

  • Internet of Health Things (IoHTs) & Internet of Medical Things (IoMTs)
    Dr. Umar A. Adamu / DrUmar AAdamu / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / EngrDrJazuli SKazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew / Ugochukwu OMatthew
    Health Information Communication Technology (HICT) connote the application of extreme information computation and data processing operation requiring computer hardware, software and lifeware that deals with indexing , filing , storage, retrieval, sharing and use of healthcare information, health data, Medicare and understanding of communication techniques for operational decisi...

    112,32 €

  • 5G Technology & Healthcare Automation & Robotic Society
    Engr. Chibueze N. Ubochi / Engr. Dr. Jazuli S. Kazaure / EngrChibueze NUbochi / EngrDrJazuli SKazaure / Ugochukwu O. Matthew / Ugochukwu OMatthew
    The initial 5G network technology deployments will assume non-standalone (NSA) in the mid broad bands, although the approach has been normalized to supports operators to reuse the existing 4G Evolved Packet Core (EPC) networks, providing software upgrade requirements for NSA maintenance. The Standalone (SA) 5G network technology is estimated to succeed first in low/mid broad ba...

    124,98 €

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