LIBROS DEL AUTOR: eman refaat

24 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: eman refaat

  • Nutrition Manual for Health Team Members
    Eman Refaat Youness / Wafaa Wafy
    Adequate nutrition is a basic human need and a prerequisite for optimum health. Proper nutrition is of vital importance especially for vulnerable groups. Malnutrition is still one of the major public health problems in Egypt constituting one of the principal causes of morbidity and mortality among young children and women in the reproductive age period. Deficiencies of specific...

    71,16 €

  • Rheumatoide Arthritis und Stammzellen
    Eman Refaat / Safinaz E. El Toukhy
    Die rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) wird als chronische Erkrankung eingestuft, was bedeutet, dass sich die Symptome im Laufe der Zeit verschlimmern. Bei den Patienten kann es zu einem raschen Fortschreiten der behindernden Auswirkungen kommen. Mit der Abnutzung oder Entzündung der Gelenkschleimhaut nehmen die Beschwerden und das Risiko von Knochenschäden zu. Mesenchymale Stammzellen...

    50,00 €

  • Arthrite rhumatoïde et cellules souches
    Eman Refaat / Safinaz E. El Toukhy
    La polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR) est considérée comme une maladie chronique, ce qui signifie que la progression des symptômes s’aggrave avec le temps. Les patients peuvent connaître une progression rapide des effets débilitants. À mesure que la membrane synoviale s’use ou s’enflamme, l’inconfort et le risque de lésions osseuses augmentent. Les cellules souches mésenchymateuses s...

    49,93 €

  • Artrite reumatoide e cellule staminali
    Eman Refaat / Safinaz E. El Toukhy
    L’artrite reumatoide (AR) è classificata come una patologia cronica, il che significa che la progressione dei sintomi peggiora nel tempo. I pazienti possono sperimentare una rapida progressione degli effetti debilitanti. Quando il rivestimento della sinovia si consuma o si infiamma, aumentano il disagio e il rischio di danni alle ossa. Le cellule staminali mesenchimali sono not...

    49,93 €

  • Artrite reumatoide e células estaminais
    Eman Refaat / Safinaz E. El Toukhy
    A artrite reumatoide (AR) é classificada como uma doença crónica, o que significa que a progressão dos sintomas se agrava com o tempo. Os doentes podem registar uma rápida progressão dos efeitos debilitantes. À medida que o revestimento da sinóvia se desgasta ou fica inflamado, aumenta o desconforto e o risco de lesões ósseas. As células estaminais mesenquimais são conhecidas p...

    49,93 €

  • Comprehensive and Detailed Review of Hyperthyroidism
    Eman Refaat Youness / Mina Wassef Girgiss
    Hyperthyroidism is a pathological condition characterized by the excessive synthesis and release of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. It is identified by high or normal thyroid radioactive iodine uptake, known as true hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis with hyperthyroidism. In cases of thyrotoxicosis without hyperthyroidism, the cause can be either an extrathyroidal source ...

    70,77 €

  • Thalassämie und Komplikationen
    Eman Refaat
    Thalassämien sind (genetisch) vererbte Blutkrankheiten, die durch eine abnorme Hämoglobinproduktion gekennzeichnet sind. Die Symptome hängen von der Art der Erkrankung ab und können von leicht bis schwer variieren. Häufig besteht eine leichte bis schwere Anämie (zu wenig rote Blutkörperchen). Anämie kann sich in Müdigkeit und blasser Haut äußern. Es kann auch zu Knochenprobleme...

    67,24 €

  • Thalassémie et complications
    Eman Refaat
    Les thalassémies sont des maladies du sang héréditaires (génétiques) caractérisées par une production anormale d’hémoglobine. Les symptômes dépendent du type de maladie et peuvent varier de l’absence de symptômes à la gravité. On observe souvent une anémie légère à sévère (faible taux de globules rouges). L’anémie peut se traduire par une sensation de fatigue et une peau pâle. ...

    67,24 €

  • Talassemia e complicazioni
    Eman Refaat
    Le talassemie sono malattie del sangue ereditarie (genetiche) caratterizzate da un’anomala produzione di emoglobina. I sintomi dipendono dal tipo di malattia e possono variare da nulli a gravi. Spesso si verifica un’anemia da lieve a grave (basso numero di globuli rossi). L’anemia può provocare una sensazione di stanchezza e una pelle pallida. Possono anche verificarsi problemi...

    67,24 €

  • Talassemia e complicações
    Eman Refaat
    As talassemias são doenças do sangue (genéticas) herdadas, caracterizadas por produção anormal de hemoglobina. Os sintomas dependem do tipo e podem variar de nenhum demasiado grave. Muitas vezes há anemia ligeira a grave (baixos glóbulos vermelhos). A anemia pode resultar em sensação de cansaço e pele pálida. Também pode haver problemas ósseos, baço aumentado, pele amarelada, u...

    67,17 €

  • Akt und einige Arten von Krebs
    Eman Refaat Youness
    Krebs hat weltweit die höchste Inzidenz und verursacht die meisten Todesfälle. Der Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase (PI3K)/Protein Kinase B (PKB, Akt)-Signalweg gilt als einer der am häufigsten veränderten Signalwege bei menschlichen Krebserkrankungen mit nachgewiesener hoher Relevanz für das Tumorwachstum, die metastatische Ausbreitung und die Resistenz gegen eine Krebstherapie. ...

    70,65 €

  • Akt et certains types de cancer
    Eman Refaat Youness
    Le cancer a la plus forte incidence et cause la plus grande mortalité dans le monde. La voie de la phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/protéine kinase B (PKB, Akt) est considérée comme l’une des voies les plus fréquemment altérées dans le cancer humain, avec une forte pertinence documentée dans la croissance tumorale, la propagation métastatique et la résistance aux traitement...

    70,71 €

  • Akt e alcuni tipi di cancro
    Eman Refaat Youness
    Il cancro ha la più alta incidenza e causa la maggior parte della mortalità in tutto il mondo. Il percorso della fosfatidilinositolo 3-chinasi (PI3K)/Proteina chinasi B (PKB, Akt) è considerato uno dei percorsi più frequentemente alterati nel cancro umano con un’alta rilevanza documentata per la crescita tumorale, la diffusione metastatica e la resistenza al trattamento antican...

    70,65 €

  • Akt i niektóre rodzaje nowotworów
    Eman Refaat Youness
    Nowotwory są najczęstszą przyczyną zachorowalności i największej śmiertelności na świecie. Szlak fosfatydyloinozytolu 3-kinazy (PI3K)/kinazy białkowej B (PKB, Akt) jest uważany za jeden z najczęściej zmienianych szlaków w nowotworach u ludzi, z udokumentowanym dużym znaczeniem dla wzrostu guza, rozprzestrzeniania się przerzutów i oporności na leczenie przeciwnowotworowe. W wiel...

    70,65 €

  • Akt e alguns tipos de câncer
    Eman Refaat Youness
    O cancro tem a maior incidência e causa a maior mortalidade a nível mundial. A via do fosfatidilinositol 3-quinase (PI3K)/Proteína Kinase B (PKB, Akt) é considerada como uma das vias mais frequentemente alteradas no cancro humano com elevada relevância documentada para o crescimento de tumores, propagação metastática, e resistência ao tratamento anti-câncer. Muitos tumores sóli...

    70,65 €

  • Akt and some types of cancer
    Eman Refaat Youness
    Cancer has the highest incidence and causes the most mortality worldwide. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Protein Kinase B (PKB, Akt) pathway is considered to be one of the most frequently altered pathways in human cancer with documented high relevance to tumour growth, metastatic spread, and resistance to anticancer treatment. Many human solid tumours harbour genetic ...

    71,96 €

  • Turmeric
    Eman Refaat Youness / Nabila A. El- Laithy / Nabila AEl- Laithy
    Turmeric has been used in Asia for thousands of years and is a major part of Ayurveda, Siddha medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, Unani, and the animistic rituals of Austronesian peoples. Curcumin is a polyphenolic hydrophobic substance derived within the rhizome of Curcuma longa. It has been proved that usually curcumin provides anticancer impact against different types of...

    62,74 €

  • Obesity; most common metabolic complication in Prader-Willi syndrome
    Eman Refaat Youness / Safinaz E. El Toukhy / Safinaz EEl Toukhy
    Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder due to loss of function of specific genes. In newborns, symptoms include weak muscles, poor feeding, and slow development. Beginning in childhood, the person becomes constantly hungry, which often leads to obesity and type 2 diabetes. Also, mild to moderate intellectual impairment and behavioural problems are typical. Often, the...

    62,81 €

  • Hereditary Spherocytosis
    Eman Refaat Youness / Nabila A. El- Laithy / Nabila AEl- Laithy / Safaa M. Morsy / Safaa MMorsy
    Hereditary spherocytosis is an abnormality of red blood cells, or erythrocytes. The disorder is caused by mutations in genes relating to membrane proteins that allow for the erythrocytes to change shape. The abnormal erythrocytes are sphere-shaped (spherocytosis) rather than the normal biconcave disk shaped. Dysfunctional membrane proteins are observed as well and interfere wit...

    62,94 €

  • Association between hepcidin, ferroportin and iron metabolism
    Eman Refaat Youness / Mahoud M. Masoud / Mahoud MMasoud / Nabila A. El- Laithy / Nabila AEl- Laithy
    Iron is the necessary molecule for cellular metabolism and is an imperative nonorganic substance, that plays a major role inoxygentransport, short-term oxygen storage., electron transfer, DNA synthesis and cell cycle phase transitioning. Iron’s physiological importance, however, is primarily determined by its oxidative state, where it has the ability to change between its ferro...

    64,05 €

  • An Overview on Epilepsy and Pregnant Women
    Eman Refaat Youness
    Epilepsy is a group of neurological disorders characterized by recurrent epileptic seizures. Epileptic seizures are episodes that can vary from brief and nearly undetectable periods to long periods of vigorous shaking . These episodes can result in physical injuries, including occasionally broken bones. Seizure episodes are a result of excessive electrical discharges in the gro...

    64,05 €

  • Association of. Vitamin D and psoriasis
    Eman Refaat Youness / Sherien M. El Daly / Sherien MEl Daly
    Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, and multiple other biological effects. The major natural source of the vitamin is synthesis of cholecalciferol in the lower layers of epidermis skin through a chemical reaction that is dependent on sun exposure. Vitamin D from the diet, or from...

    64,12 €

  • Medicinal plants and cardio-toxicity
    Eman Refaat / Jihan Hussein / Sherien El-Daly
    Many plants, including some of the commonly consumed herbs and spices in our daily food, can be safely and effectively used to prevent and/or treat some health concerns. In the recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the role of diet in human health. Epidemiological studies have shown that high fruit and vegetable consumption have health benefits in the prevention o...

    57,58 €

  • Brassica oleracea L.Var. Italica (Broccoli) and its anticancer effect
    Amr M.M. Ibrahim / Amr M.MIbrahim / Eman Refaat Youness / Mahmoud M Mabrouk
    Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) is one of the most economically important vegetable crops. It belongs to world primary vegetables and its production quantity. Broccoli belongs to the Brassicaceae family, and as other members of this group, it has the capability of accumulating selenium. This property has been linked to reduction in the incidence of some types of cance...

    53,98 €