LIBROS DEL AUTOR: chris kanyane

11 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: chris kanyane

  • South Africa’s Tao Te Ching
    Chris Kanyane
    Forget the usual stereotypes. South Africa is more than just stunning landscapes and diverse cultures. It’s a nation with a unique Tao, a vibrant essence that pulsates with the rhythm of its history.This book delves deep into the heart of South Africa, revealing the philosophy that shapes its character. It’s not just 'African'; it’s a universal country captivating blend of anci...

    53,72 €

  • Jacob Zuma, the Pioneering Visionary Leader
    Chris Kanyane
    This book dives into Zuma’s life story, showing how he faced tough times but never gave up. It’s like watching a movie where the underdog becomes the star player.If you want a story that’s inspiring and shows that anyone can make it big, 'Jacob Zuma, the Pioneering Visionary Leader' is your go-to read. ...

    31,83 €

    Chris Kanyane
    Through the author’s keen insights, you’ll witness a resilient nation on the brink of transformation. South Africa, as it moves beyond the ANC, is poised to emerge as a shining example of rebirth and renewal. South Africa’s Post-ANC Era offers a vivid exploration of a nation on the cusp of a renaissance, where the past no longer defines the future. For those seeking a deeper un...

    17,64 €

  • Traditional Food, Connection
    Chris Kanyane
    The current generation of South Africans is painting the culinary landscape with vibrant strokes of ingenuity and creativity, particularly when it comes to traditional foods like offal and chicken feet. Instead of casting aside these cultural staples, they are infusing them with a burst of innovation, creating delightful and unexpected culinary experiences. ...

    22,06 €

  • Pioneers and Pathfinders
    Chris Kanyane
    The Voortrekkers often gets overshadowed by the dark legacy of apartheid. Their settlements, agricultural practices, and governance structures formed an important foundation for the country’s development. The Voorttrekkers and the movement from Cape to the rest of South Africa showcased a remarkable entrepreneurial spirit.The Voortrekkers were resourceful, adaptable, and willin...

    27,76 €

  • One Diverse Nation, Many Stories
    Chris Kanyane
    Let me start by telling a personal story. Forget "race" – that's a tired concept. We're all just people, colors on a magnificent human rainbow.  Some folks crave sticking with their own "kind," clinging to this idea of "race" for comfort, scared of feeling alone around those different. Me? I can't stand that! I feel most alive, most at peace, when I'm surrounded...

    31,61 €

  • Reignite Your Passion
    Chris Kanyane
    Let's face it, South Africa's public service has gotten caught up in a whirlwind of flashy trends and the latest management fads. It's a constant chase for the "next big thing," leaving a trail of half-baked initiatives and confused citizens. Soar Higher and Deeper cuts through the noise. It's not about chasing the newest management guru or the hottest tech solu...

    38,77 €

  • The Tao of South Africa
    Chris Kanyane
    A land of soaring mountains, endless plains, and coastlines kissed by two mighty oceans. A nation like no other in terms of contradictions. South Africa is an octopus. It’s a place that pulses with vibrant life, where contradictions writhe like tangled roots beneath the surface.But what if I told you this crucible of contradictions also embodies the essence of the Tao Te Ching,...

    30,65 €

  • Moving Forward!
    Chris Kanyane
    Why this book? Barack Obama’s life has been the subject of endless news reports, blogs, memoirs, and case histories. And yet at a deeper personal level, he has remained an enigma, a riddle, a person shrouded in mystery and mystique. There is a need for something definite and specific: a constructive setting forth of reality and truth. That reality and truth is embalmed in the a...

    11,55 €

  • Turfloop a Conscious Pariah
    Chris Kanyane / Kanyane Chris Kanyane
    This book provides reflections on the butterfly effect on how Turfloop brought in the Age of Barack Obama. What is the Age of Barack Obama? To paraphrase Dr Ineke Van Kessel, a prominent historian at the Leiden University in the Netherlands: The University of the North also known as Turfloop, played a vital role as the center of communication, coordination, ideological directio...

    16,71 €

  • Create Better Life Now
    Chris Kanyane
    If you think and focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want, you will know when it is time to take action. And when you do, it will be effortless.For twenty years, author Chris Kanyane examined and studied a countless number of books on personal development and the mind, hoping to discover the secret to success and happiness. Kanyane observed that many people read bo...

    14,00 €