LIBROS DEL AUTOR: charles spurgeon

194 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: charles spurgeon

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  • All of Grace
    Charles Spurgeon
    C. H. Spurgeon writes, “Only God can justify the ungodly, but He can do it to perfection. He casts our sins behind His back; He blots them out. He says that though they be sought for, they shall not be found.”In an age of limited travel and isolated nations, C.H. Spurgeon preached to over 10,000,000 people in person—sometimes up to 10 times per week. It is in this classic work ...

    4,56 €

  • Eccentric Preachers
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    Charles Spurgeon’s Eccentric Preachers will be particularly useful to preachers, teachers, and soul-winners, who should keep this book close at hand. On days when confidence is low and spirits are drained, they will find it a rich source of personal encouragement and spiritual refreshment.Besides examining what it means to be eccentric and whether we should be concerned with su...

    14,72 €

  • Spurgeon on Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
    Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    'Spurgeon on Prayer & Spiritual Warfare' provides a comprehensive guide by Charles Spurgeon to the essential aspects of prayer and the spiritual battles faced by believers. You will discover Spurgeon’s profound teachings on the power, importance, and effectiveness of prayer in the believer’s life. From practical advice to heartfelt encouragement, Spurgeon’s words will inspire y...

    26,05 €

  • Holy Spirit Power
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    'Holy Spirit Power' explores the transformative and empowering work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. This book invites you to experience a deeper understanding and connection with the third person of the Trinity. Through Spurgeon;s powerful biblical teachings, you will discover how to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit in your life. From receiving spiritual gifts...

    27,22 €

  • Morning and Evening
    Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    'Morning and Evening' is a timeless devotional by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, providing daily reflections to nourish your spiritual life. With a morning and evening reading for each day of the year, this devotional offers a rich blend of Scripture, insightful commentary, and heartfelt prayers. Spurgeon’s profound teachings and uplifting words offer encouragement, inspiration, and ...

    60,41 €

  • The Promises of God
    Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    'The Promises of God' presents a revised and updated edition of a beloved devotional by Charles Haddon Spurgeon. In this timeless classic, Spurgeon offers daily spiritual nourishment, drawing upon Scripture to provide encouragement, inspiration, and unwavering trust in God’s faithfulness.This updated version retains the profound teachings and profound insights of the original w...

    35,40 €

  • Pensamientos sobre Guerra Espiritual de C.H. Spurgeon
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    C. H. Spurgeon es considerado uno de los máximos exponentes bíblicos de todos los tiempos. Sus conocimientos de las Escrituras, la sabiduría por él desplegada y su perspicacia espiritual, lo han convertido en uno de los autores cristianos más leídos de todos los tiempos. Lo tenemos aquí, en este libro, hablando sobre el poderoso tema de la guerra espiritual, un tema del que tod...

    11,08 €

  • Life in Christ Vol 12
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    'Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.' (Matthew 5:15-16)Volume 12A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ’s miracles and parables.Men who w...

    16,09 €

  • Life in Christ Vol 11
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    'I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.' (John 10:14-15)Volume 11A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ’s miracles and parables.Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his fin...

    15,37 €

  • Life in Christ Vol 10
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. (Matthew 25:32)Volume 10A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ’s miracles and parables.Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home ...

    15,31 €

  • Charles H. Spurgeon’s Whole Bible Commentary
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    'Charles H. Spurgeon’s Whole Bible Commentary' is a remarkable work that provides a comprehensive exposition of the entire Scriptures. Known for his insightful preaching and deep understanding of God’s Word,Charles H. Spurgeon brings his wealth of biblical knowledge to this exhaustive commentary. From Genesis to Revelation, Spurgeon’s commentary offers profound insights, practi...

    31,36 €

  • Life in Christ Vol 9
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    'Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.' (Matthew 13:45-46)Volume 9A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ’s miracles and parables.Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus w...

    15,24 €

  • La Vida en Cristo Volumen 2
    Charles Spurgeon
    Un estudio profundo, inspirador y a menudo desafiante de los milagros y parábolas del Señor Jesucristo.'Hombres que eran llevados de la mano o caminaban a tientas por el muro para llegar a Jesús, eran tocados por su dedo y volvían a casa sin guía, regocijándose de que Jesucristo les había abierto los ojos. Jesús sigue siendo capaz de realizar tales milagros. Y, con el poder del...

    36,77 €

  • Barbed Arrows
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    The 'artillery' herein has been proven by one of the most skillful archers to be effective in piercing the armor joints of many sinners’ harnesses. The arrows of conviction have gone home to many hearts when shot from a bow drawn at a venture (1 Kings 22:34). It has been a profitable pleasure to bundle the arrows, and it is hoped that the war-worn soldiers may be relieved a lit...

    15,60 €

  • 警告!(Traditional) (Words of Warning)
    查理斯 Charles H 司布真 Spurgeon / 熙 (Xi) 沈 (Shen)
    信子的人有永生,不信子的人得不著永生,神的震怒常在他身上。 (约翰福音 3:36)我們是否為得著救恩而定睛於耶穌基督是我們一生中需要作出的唯一最重要的決定。就每一個可以想像到的自我救助的題目,寫下了無數的著作。其他著作的寫作純粹是為了娛樂。其中有些就其自身來講也還過得去,但是,如果一位讀者終歸失喪,那它們對他又有何益處呢?我們為什麼要花這麼多時間在那些甚至是好的事上,卻忽略了最大的事呢?如果我們不在基督里,我們在世上這七十或八十年的日子里所做的,沒有一件可以算得上數。我們為基督所做的才是永恆的,而藉著在祂裡面得到救恩,我們才有非同尋常光明的未來。這本書,警告,是對人和福音的分析。在聖靈的默示下,查理斯· H·司布真揭示了人們也許會拒絕到基督這裡來的許多方面,但他也對我們如何才能得救發出了耀眼的亮光。沒有得救或搖擺不定的人將被定罪,而如果他們願意,他們...

    14,01 €

  • La Vida en Cristo
    Charles Spurgeon
    Un estudio profundo, inspirador y a menudo desafiante de los milagros y parábolas del Señor Jesucristo.'Hombres que eran llevados de la mano o caminaban a tientas por el muro para llegar a Jesús, eran tocados por su dedo y volvían a casa sin guía, regocijándose de que Jesucristo les había abierto los ojos. Jesús sigue siendo capaz de realizar tales milagros. Y, con el poder del...

    32,83 €

  • Grands Exploits - 3 Vous êtes né pour cela - Guérison, délivrance et restauration
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe / Charles Spurgeon / Tim Lahaye
    Greater Exploits 3 est une continuation de Greater Exploits 2 avec plus de détails, se concentrant sur trois saints que le Seigneur a puissamment utilisés au cours des 100 dernières années, à savoir - Smith Wigglesworth, archevêque. Benson Andrew Idahosa et William BranhamGreater Exploits 3 et d’autres séries du même livre sont pour vous livrés sur 'plateau de diamants' si vous...

    28,91 €

  • Mayores hazañas - 3 Naciste para esto
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe / Charles Haddon Spurgeon / Tim Lahaye
    Greater Exploits 3 es una continuación de Greater Exploits 2 con más detalles, centrándose en tres santos que el Señor usó poderosamente en los últimos 100 años, a saber: Smith Wigglesworth, arzobispo. Benson Andrew Idahosa y William BranhamGreater Exploits 3 y otras series del mismo libro se te entregan en 'bandeja de diamantes' si respondes que sí a cualquiera de las siguient...

    28,97 €

  • Greater Exploits - 15 You are Born for This - Healing, Deliverance and Restoration - Equipping Serie
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe / Charles Haddon Spurgeon
    Greater Exploits 15 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 14 with more details, Featuring - Charles Spurgeon; Tim Lahaye; Guy Greenfield; Dr. James B. Richards and Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe on Perfect Relationship - 24 Tools for Building Bridges to Harmony and Taking Down Walls of Conflicts in our Relationships for Greater Exploits! This is an equipping series with Audio a...

    28,82 €

  • Grandi imprese - 3 Sei nato per questo - Guarigione, Liberazione e Restauro
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe / Charles Spurgeon / Tim Lahaye
    Greater Exploits 3 è una continuazione di Greater Exploits 2 con maggiori dettagli, incentrata su tre santi che il Signore ha usato potentemente negli ultimi 100 anni: Smith Wigglesworth, Arcivescovo. Benson Andrew Idahosa e William BranhamGreater Exploits 3 e altre serie dello stesso libro ti vengono consegnate su un 'piatto di diamanti' se rispondi di sì a una qualsiasi delle...

    29,01 €

  • 慈聲呼喚 (Call of Tenderness) (Traditional)
    Charles H. Spurgeon / Xi Shen
    這是和你,讀者,心貼心的對話。在這裡檢驗並一個個地解決了每一個藉口,理由,和對你來就近耶穌可能的障礙。如果你覺得你這個人很糟糕,或者你也許真的很糟糕而且你公開或隱秘地在罪中,你將發現,基督裡的生命也是為你的。你可以拒絕得救因著信的信息,或者你可以選擇在宣告了對基督的信仰之後卻仍然過一個罪中的生活,但是你卻不能為了你或為了他人來改變這個真理本身。因此,你和你的家庭應當來擁抱這個真理,佔有它,並真正在今日也在永恆中得自由。來吧,接受這個神白白賜予的禮物,為了他而過一個得勝的生活。 ...

    14,07 €

  • Greater Exploits - 15 - Relazione perfetta - 24 strumenti per costruire ponti verso l’armonia
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe / Charles Spurgeon / Tim F. Lahaye
    Greater Exploits 15 è una continuazione di Greater Exploits da 1 a 14 con maggiori dettagli, con: Charles Spurgeon; Tim Lahaye; Guy Greenfield; Dr. James B. Richards e Ambasciatore Monday O. Ogbe su Perfect Relationship - 24 Strumenti per costruire ponti verso l’armonia e abbattere muri di conflitti nelle nostre relazioni per maggiori exploit! Questa è una serie dotata di colle...

    28,25 €

  • Greater Exploits - 15 - Relation parfaite - 24 outils pour construire des ponts vers l’harmonie
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe / Charles Spurgeon / Tim F. Lahaye
    Greater Exploits 15 est une continuation des Greater Exploits 1 à 14 avec plus de détails, mettant en vedette - Charles Spurgeon; Tim Lahaye; Guy Greenfield; Le Dr James B. Richards et l’ambassadeur Monday O. Ogbe sur la relation parfaite - 24 outils pour construire des ponts vers l’harmonie et abattre les murs des conflits dans nos relations pour de plus grands exploits ! Il s...

    31,52 €

  • Greater Exploits - 15 - Perfekte Beziehung - 24 Werkzeuge, um Brücken zur Harmonie zu bauen
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe / Charles Spurgeon / Tim F. Lahaye
    Greater Exploits 15 ist eine Fortsetzung von Greater Exploits 1 bis 14 mit mehr Details. Mit - Charles Spurgeon; Tim Lahaye; Guy Greenfield; Dr. James B. Richards und Botschafter Monday O. Ogbe über die perfekte Beziehung - 24 Werkzeuge, um Brücken zur Harmonie zu bauen und Konfliktmauern in unseren Beziehungen niederzureißen, um größere Erfolge zu erzielen! Dies ist eine Ausst...

    31,44 €

  • Greater Exploits - 15 - Perfect Relationship - 24 Tools for Building Bridges to Harmony and Taking
    Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe / Charles Spurgeon / Tim F. Lahaye
    Greater Exploits 15 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 1 to 14 with more details, Featuring - Charles Spurgeon; Tim Lahaye; Guy Greenfield; Dr. James B. Richards and Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe on Perfect Relationship - 24 Tools for Building Bridges to Harmony and Taking Down Walls of Conflicts in our Relationships for Greater Exploits! This is an equipping series with Audio a...

    20,71 €

  • Finding the Kingdom
    A.W. Tozer / C.S. Lewis / Charles H. Spurgeon
    Frustrated by Christianity? Modern American Evangelicalism has left many feeling that Christianity is partisan, cheap, shallow, and lifeless. But could it be that this current sense of the faith has simply failed to capture the deep, ancient power of what it really means to follow Jesus? Finding the Kingdom takes you on a thoughtfully articulated journey through the writings of...

    14,05 €

  • A Good Start
    Charles H. Spurgeon / P. Miller
    Mr. Spurgeon was emphatically the friend of the young. During the course of his successful and God-honored ministry, his supreme aim was to lead children and youth to Christ and to encourage and stimulate them in their aspirations after true nobility. Now that his voice is hushed, his powerful pen still speaks. In this book, with persuasive earnestness and characteristic force,...

    16,31 €

  • Letters from Spiritual Guides
    A.W. Tozer / Charles H. Spurgeon / Martin Luther
    40 Days on the Ancient Path Perhaps today more than ever, people are hungry for guidance. Fragmented by constant hurry, perplexed by opposing ideologies, and deafened by competing voices, the modern soul longs for wisdom - a compass for truth through the chaos and a pattern by which to build a meaningful life. But finding a guide whose legacy is marked by truth and integrity ca...

    16,45 €

  • The Soul Winner
    Charles H. Spurgeon
    The Soul Winner is one of several works of Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon (June 19, 1834 - January 31, 1892) who was a British Particular Baptist preacher and who remains highly influential among Christians of different denominations, among whom he is still known as the 'Prince of Preachers'. This despite the fact that he was a strong figure in the Reformed Baptist tradition, d...

    30,68 €

  • Spurgeon Quotes
    Charles Spurgeon
    Re-inspire your walk with Jesus. In seasons of trial and monotony, frustration and failure, disappointment and despair, a timely word from a wise, fellow believer can bring encouragement, reigniting passion and purpose on the most desolate days.  Charles Hadden Spurgeon (1834-1892) was one of those voices. Often referred to as 'The Prince of Preachers,' his writings and teachin...

    11,53 €

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