LIBROS DEL AUTOR: catalin barboianu

11 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: catalin barboianu

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  • Texas Hold’em Poker Odds for Your Strategy, with Probability-Based Hand Analyses
    Catalin Barboianu
    In the flop stage, what are your odds of achieving a straight by river and what are the odds of your opponents achieving something higher? If you will achieve the straight, what are the new odds of your opponents beating it in the river stage? How about the full house? How strong is your hand from mathematical point of view and how can you use this information in your play? Thi...

    26,11 €

    Catalin Barboianu / Rafael Martilotti
    La vida cotidiana está llena de situaciones que exigen tomar decisiones. Y en estos casos comparamos y hacemos estimaciones de probabilidades, a veces casi sin darnos cuenta, especialmente en el momento de decidir. Pero las probabilidades no son números simples asociados objetiva o subjetivamente a los eventos, como nos podría parecer, y el cálculo y el uso que le damos están e...

    31,57 €

    Catalin Barboianu / Evgheni Tokarev
    The problem-solving assumes theoretical and analytical skills, as well as algorithmic skills, coupled with a basic mathematical intuition. The concept of this problem book successfully supports the development of these skills of the solver and meanwhile offers mathematics instructors models for teaching problem-solving as an integral part of the mathematics learning process. Th...

    18,92 €

    Catalin Barboianu
    Man’s daily life is full of decisional situations. Whether we have math skills or not, we frequently estimate and compare probabilities, sometimes without realizing it, especially when making decisions. But probabilities are not just simple numbers attached objectively or subjectively to events, as they perhaps look, and their calculus and usage is highly predisposed to qualita...

    31,61 €

  • What is Mathematics
    Catalin Barboianu
    This is not a mathematics book, but a book about mathematics, which addresses both student and teacher, with a goal as practical as possible, namely to initiate and smooth the way toward the student’s full understanding of the mathematics taught in school. The customary procedural-formal approach to teaching mathematics has resulted in students’ distorted vision of mathematics ...

    48,43 €

  • Cladirile vechi din Craiova contemporana
    Catalin Barboianu
    Un inventar în imagini al clădirilor vechi din Craiova - peste 1100 imagini într-un album color nostalgic, care vă invită să vă delectaţi ochiul şi spiritul cu imaginile contemporane ale vestigiilor arhitecturale ale Craiovei vechi.Craiova, oraş vechi, cu o arhitectură impresionantă, deşi puternic marcat de calamităţi de-a lungul istoriei sale - cutremure, incendii, războaie şi...

    70,90 €

  • The Mathematics of Slots
    Catalin Barboianu
    This eighth book of the author on gambling math presents in accessible terms the cold mathematics behind the sparkling slot machines, either physical or virtual. It contains all the mathematical facts grounding the configuration, functionality, outcome, and profits of the slot games. Therefore, it is not a so-called how-to-win book, but a complete, rigorous mathematical guide f...

    24,80 €

  • The Mathematics of Lottery
    Catalin Barboianu
    This work is a complete mathematical guide to lottery games, covering all of the problems related to probability, combinatorics, and all parameters describing the lottery matrices, as well as the various playing systems. The mathematics sections describe the mathematical model of the lottery, which is in fact the essence of the lotto game. The applications of this model provide...

    23,61 €

    Catalin Barboianu / Raúl Guerrero
    Continuando con su serie de libros en las matemáticas de juegos de azar, el autor muestra como un juego de reglas simples como la ruleta es idóneo para un modelo de matemática compleja cuyas aplicaciones generan sistemas mejorados de apuestas que toma en cuenta el criterio de juego personal de un jugador. El libro es práctico y teórico, pero es principalmente dedicado a la apl...

    32,01 €

  • Roulette Odds and Profits
    Catalin Barboianu
    Continuing his series of books on the mathematics of gambling, the author shows how a simple-rule game such as roulette is suited to a complex mathematical model whose applications generate improved betting systems that take into account a player's personal playing criteria. The book is both practical and theoretical, but is mainly devoted to the application of theory. About ...

    16,94 €

  • Probability Guide to Gambling
    Catalin Barboianu
    Over the past two decades, gamblers have begun taking mathematics into account more seriously than ever before. While probability theory is the only rigorous theory modeling the uncertainty, even though in idealized conditions, numerical probabilities are viewed not only as mere mathematical information, but also as a decision-making criterion, especially in gambling. This book...

    31,62 €