LIBROS DEL AUTOR: boston boston

2371 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: boston boston

  • What Goes on Tour
    Claire Boston
    What goes on tour, stays on tour … or does it?Few people know that socially awkward Adrian Hart is actually rock God, Kent Downer, and that's the way Adrian likes it. His privacy is essential, especially now that he has guardianship of his orphaned, ten-year-old niece, Kate. But when the nanny quits in the middle of his Australian tour Adrian finds himself in a bind.Until L...

    16,17 €

  • Captive in Retribution Bay
    Claire Boston
    She’s grappling with the betrayal of someone she once trusted. He’s battling with conflicting loyalties. One choice could change both their fates forever.In the remote coastal town of Retribution Bay, secrets lurk beneath the surface, threatening to unravel the fragile peace. Senior Constable Nhiari Roe finds herself in the clutches of Lee Slater. Once lovers, now adversaries, ...

    16,18 €

  • Captive in Retribution Bay
    Claire Boston
    She’s grappling with the betrayal of someone she once trusted. He’s battling with conflicting loyalties. One choice could change both their fates forever.In the remote coastal town of Retribution Bay, secrets lurk beneath the surface, threatening to unravel the fragile peace. Senior Constable Nhiari Roe finds herself in the clutches of Lee Slater. Once lovers, now adversaries, ...

    15,80 €

  • The Deus Armaaruss
    Anthony of Boston
    Science has now given credence to the hypothesis that the planet Mars influences events on Earth. In March of 2024, scientists discovered that the gravitational tug of war between Mars and Earth drives global warming and cooling cycles over long periods of time. This becomes a checkmate for a new religion called Mars 360, which has been emerging since 2019 and of which is based...

    21,35 €

  • Joy and Jesus For Teens
    Davia Boston
    This 90-day devotional is dedicated to teens who are seeking a stronger relationship with God, and who are yearning for God’s promises. This devotional is a combination of God’s word and journaling. Teens will be exposed to learning about who they are in God and gain knowledge in how to live a kingdom-built lifestyle. ...

    22,81 €

  • Joy and Jesus For Teens
    Davia Boston
    This 90-day devotional is dedicated to teens who are seeking a stronger relationship with God, and who are yearning for God’s promises. This devotional is a combination of God’s word and journaling. Teens will be exposed to learning about who they are in God and gain knowledge in how to live a kingdom-built lifestyle. ...

    33,50 €

  • Diversions & Distractions
    William Boston
    Diversions & Distractions is a collection of 13 disturbing and unsettling stories by William Boston, filled with remorse, revenge, deceit, betrayal, greed, loss, hate, regrettable decisions and unspeakable evil.The tales within contain normal, everyday characters dealing with abnormal and nightmarish scenarios. From a married couple coping with the sudden and unexpected loss of...

    35,37 €

  • Der Mars-Hypothese
    Anthony von Boston
    Die Mars-Hypothese stellt vor Daten aus dem Jahr 1896, die zeigen, wie der Dow Jones zu Zeiten funktionierte, als sich der Mars innerhalb von 30 Grad des Mondknotens befand. Die Daten enthalten die täglichen prozentualen Veränderungen des Dow Jones seit 1896. Diese Informationen wurden aus Quellen, die in Bezug auf Börsendaten als zuverlässig erachtet werden, extrapoliert und p...

    29,66 €

  • Der Mars-Hypothese
    Anthony von Boston
    Der Mars-Hypothese stellt vor Daten aus dem Jahr 1896, die zeigen, wie der Dow Jones zu Zeiten funktionierte, als sich der Mars innerhalb von 30 Grad des Mondknotens befand. Die Daten enthalten die täglichen prozentualen Veränderungen des Dow Jones seit 1896. Diese Informationen wurden aus Quellen, die in Bezug auf Börsendaten als zuverlässig erachtet werden, extrapoliert und p...

    25,40 €

  • The Mars/Shmita Year Hypothesis
    Anthony of Boston
    Back in 2020, I came up with the idea that the Federal Reserve can set interest rates based on the movements of the planet Mars and then wrote  a book explaining how it was feasible. In the earlier versions of that book entitled "The Mars Hypothesis," I formulated an algorithm based on solar and planetary positions. But over the course of applying it to the actual price movemen...

    50,60 €

  • 這上帝Armaaruss
    Anthony of Boston
    這上帝Armaaruss: 我的一個世界政府、一個世界宗教和一個世界貨幣的計劃在古希臘和羅馬,人們相信行星會影響人們的事務。本書透過帶領讀者完成三個步驟的過程,復興了這個典範。首先,解釋與火星如何影響人類有關的定律。接下來的證據和證據表明,火星影響人和事件的信念是合理且合理的信念。這裡我們可以看到,本書所呈現的內容可以透過火星360系統來推動羅馬帝國的復興。由於羅馬人相信行星影響人類事務,本書透過觀察和統計證據量化了這種信念。 火星效應由法國研究員米歇爾·高奎林 (Michel Gauquelin) 於 1955 年首次提出,該論文提供了支持火星位置與體育冠軍重要性之間聯繫的統計證據。證據表明,火星出現在主要運動冠軍星象圖的關鍵區域具有統計意義。高奎林將星盤劃分為 12 個區域,並在對數千名精英運動員的占星圖進行研究後發現,火星位於被稱為上升區域和最...

    16,75 €

  • Der Deus Armaaruss
    Anthony von Boston
    Im antiken Griechenland und Rom glaubte man, dass die Planeten die Angelegenheiten der Menschen beeinflussten. Dieses Buch lässt dieses Paradigma wieder aufleben, indem es den Leser durch einen dreistufigen Prozess führt. Zunächst wird das Gesetz erläutert, das sich darauf bezieht, wie der Planet Mars den Menschen beeinflusst. Darauf folgen Beweise und Beweise dafür, dass der G...

    25,21 €

  • Wrecked in Retribution Bay
    Claire Boston
    She needs to stop a crime syndicate. He wants to investigate the new shipwreck. However as their paths collide and secrets are uncovered, their future may depend on them trusting one another.Sergeant Dot Campbell is having a terrible week. Her best friend is missing, and she’s exhausted trying to stop the crime consortium, Stonefish Enterprises from wreaking more havoc on her c...

    15,76 €

  • Wrecked in Retribution Bay
    Claire Boston
    She needs to stop a crime syndicate. He wants to investigate the new shipwreck. However as their paths collide and secrets are uncovered, their future may depend on them trusting one another.Sergeant Dot Campbell is having a terrible week. Her best friend is missing, and she’s exhausted trying to stop the crime consortium, Stonefish Enterprises from wreaking more havoc on her c...

    13,92 €

  • The Deus Armaaruss
    Anthony of Boston
    In ancient Greece and Rome, it was believed that the planets influenced the affairs of men. This book revives that paradigm by taking the reader through a three-step process. First is an explanation of the law as it pertains to how the planet Mars influences man. This is followed by evidence and demonstration that a belief that Mars influences humans and events is a plausible a...

    22,91 €

  • Calling Down Fire from Heaven
    Anthony of Boston
    This book contains four volumes concerning the application of both unconventional and conventional intelligence regarding Israel’s national security. The first two volumes regard the use and application of astrology to detect the timing of terror attacks orchestrated by Gaza militants, as well as the application of astrology for purposes of psychological operations and propagan...

    38,74 €

  • Calling down Fire from Heaven
    Anthony of Boston
    Here is the framework by which I have been able to outperform the Mossad and Shin Bet when it comes to predicting escalation of rocket fire from Gaza into Israel since 2019. There is a pattern in which the time frame of Mars’s position within 30 degrees of the lunar node correlates with the highest concentration of rocket fire from Gaza into Israel in relation to the rest of th...

    20,87 €

  • Steep Goals and Rabbit Holes
    Anthony of Boston
    Initially, former President Donald Trump tried to push "All Lives Matter" and tried to call the country together, but was not given the honor. In fact, it was the Democrats who were the first proponents of "All Lives Matter." It wasn’t until Trump uttered the same words that the democrats would ditch the "All Lives Matter' platform. It was blatant contrarianism at its best and ...

    16,61 €

  • El infortunio en la providencia
    LA MANO DIVINA EN LOS DESAFÍOS DE LA VIDA LO MEJOR DE LA TEOLOGÍA REFORMADA ESCOCESAThomas Boston (1676-1732) fue un destacado teólogo y clérigo escocés. Sus obras recopiladas, que abarcan 12 volúmenes, engloban completas exposiciones teológicas. Sin embargo, paralelamente a estos extensos tratados, Boston escribió textos concisos, claros y con un enfoque pastoral, especialmen...

    19,76 €

  • Steile Ziele und Kaninchenlöcher
    Anthony von Boston
    Ursprünglich versuchte der frühere Präsident Donald Trump, 'All Lives Matter' voranzutreiben und das Land zu mobilisieren, erhielt aber keine Anerkennung dafür. Tatsächlich waren es die Demokraten, die die ersten Befürworter von 'All Lives Matter' waren. Erst als Trump die gleichen Worte sagte, gaben die Demokraten die Plattform 'All Lives Matter' auf. Es war eklatanter Kontrar...

    16,58 €

  • Objectifs Raides et Terriers de Lapin
    Antoine de Boston
    Au départ, l’ancien président Donald Trump a tenté de promouvoir le principe "All Lives Matter" et de rassembler le pays, mais n’a pas eu cet honneur. En fait, ce sont les démocrates qui ont été les premiers partisans du « All Lives Matter ». Mais en ce qui concerne Trump, les médias ont continué à le vilipender pour sa position « All Lives Matter », même après qu’il ait publiq...

    18,89 €

  • Steile Doelen en Konijnenholen
    Antonius van Boston
    Aanvankelijk probeerde voormalig president Donald Trump ’All Lives Matter’ onder druk te zetten en het land bijeen te roepen, maar kreeg de eer niet. In feite waren het de Democraten die de eerste voorstanders waren van ’All Lives Matter’. Pas toen Trump dezelfde woorden uitsprak, zouden de democraten het ’All Lives Matter’-platform aan de kant schuiven. Het was flagrant tegend...

    20,04 €

  • The Mars Hypothesis
    Anthony of Boston
    The Mars Hypothesis presents the idea that the Federal Reserve can set interest rates based on the movements of the planet Mars. In this book, data going back to 1896 shows that as of April 2020, percentage-wise, the Dow Jones rose 857%. When Mars was within 30 degrees of the lunar node since 1896, the Dow rose 136%. When Mars was not within 30 degrees of the lunar node, the Do...

    27,70 €

  • Vaccini e Riattivazione del CMV
    Antonio di Boston
    I vaccini mRNA COVID-19 stanno inducendo un’immunosoppressione temporanea di breve durata che consente al citomegalovirus (CMV) di riattivarsi in alcune persone. Questa riattivazione del citomegalovirus può causare miocardite e sindrome di Guillain-Barré e una miriade di altri disturbi. Il citomegalovirus è altamente ubiquitario in natura e comune nelle persone di tutte le età ...

    27,20 €

  • Pacificatore
    Antonio di Boston
    Un’edizione in quattro volumi degli scritti di Antonio di Boston. Contiene quattro libri con vari tentativi di formulare soluzioni al conflitto ucraino in vari momenti durante l’anno 2022. L’autore tiene conto della paura dell’escalation nucleare, nonché delle richieste di una soluzione pacifica, il tutto senza perdere vista il fatto che l’Ucraina è giustificata a difendere il ...

    26,81 €

  • Pacificateur
    Antoine de Boston
    Une édition en quatre volumes des écrits d’Antoine de Boston. Il contient quatre livres avec diverses tentatives pour formuler des solutions au conflit ukrainien à divers moments tout au long de l’année 2022. L’auteur prend en compte la peur de l’escalade nucléaire, ainsi que les exigences d’un règlement pacifique, le tout sans perdre compte tenu du fait que l’Ukraine est justi...

    30,87 €

  • The History of Stage and Theatre Lighting
    Boston Edison Company
    From the open flames of ancient Greek amphitheaters to the sophisticated lighting systems of today’s theaters, this book provides a fascinating history of stage and theatre lighting. It explores the technological advances and artistic innovations that have transformed the use of light in performance, and highlights some of the most iconic productions and designers in the field....

    32,94 €

  • The History of Stage and Theatre Lighting
    Boston Edison Company
    From the open flames of ancient Greek amphitheaters to the sophisticated lighting systems of today’s theaters, this book provides a fascinating history of stage and theatre lighting. It explores the technological advances and artistic innovations that have transformed the use of light in performance, and highlights some of the most iconic productions and designers in the field....

    17,20 €

  • Annual Report of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston, Volumes 32-36
    Boston Museum of Fine Arts
    This annual report documents the growth and development of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston over a five-year period. Packed with full-color images, it provides a fascinating look at art from around the world, including paintings, sculptures, and other forms of creative expression. This book will delight art enthusiasts and museum lovers alike.This work has been selected by sch...

    47,04 €

  • International Sunday-School Lessons
    Monday Club (Boston).
    An indispensable resource for teachers of Sunday School classes around the world. This volume provides weekly lessons, discussion questions, and activities that will help children explore and understand the stories and teachings of the Bible.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.Thi...

    41,44 €