7 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: bob green

    David Brown / Bob Green
    La Biblia enseña, '¡Y de una sangre ha hecho todo el linaje de los hombres, para que habiten sobre toda la faz de la tierra!' (Hechos 17:26). Hoy, las fuerzas de maldad desean enfrentar las razas, una contra la otra para lograr sus propósitos malignos. Jesús dijo, 'Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo' (Mateo 22:39). Sin dar demasiado importancia al color de su piel, sígale al S...

    10,32 €

  • What Day of the Week Was Christ Crucified?
    Bob C. Green / Bob CGreen
    'My young faith was strengthened and I was definitely encouraged when I heard a scholarly Biblical explanation of the facts related to Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. It thrilled my heart to realize that there was someone with sufficient knowledge of the Old and New Testament Scripture to present an accurate account of the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection. I was c...

    8,79 €

    Bob C. Green
    Estos apuntes se escribieron para uso devocional y también para uso al estar predicando o enseñando en vez de ser un análisis crítico. Excepto por la referencia a unas cuantas palabras griegas, el método del autor ha sido el de explicar el texto de las versiones de King James (1611) y La Reina Valera (1609) con pasajes de Escritura paralelos, mostrando la unidad y la suficienci...

    13,88 €

  • The Basics of Church Planting
    Bob C. Green / Bob CGreen
    Churches that are established following the biblical pattern set forth by the Apostles and first century missionaries will manifest “indigeneity.”  The term “indigenous” is a biological term used to describe a plant that thrives in a specific environment, type of soil, in a given location or climate.  At present time there is much lip service given to the starting and establish...

    27,66 €

  • Lo Que La Biblia Enseña En Cuanto A Tomar Vino
    Bruce Lackey / Green Bob
    Hace tiempo los periodos alrededor del país (EE.UU.) reportaron  los comentarios de un predicador famoso sobre el tema de tomar socialmente el vino alcohólico.  El predicador dijo, “Yo no creo que la Biblia enseña que tenemos  que abstenernos totalmente de tomar vino alcohólico.  Yo no puedo creer eso; Jesús tomaba vino. Jesús convirtió el agua en vino en las bodas de Canaán.  ...

    9,54 €

  • A Missionary God Gave Wings
    Bob C. Green / Bob CGreen
    Dr. Bob Green surrendered his life to serve the Lord Jesus Christ preaching the Gospel at a very early age. As a boy he had dreamed of becoming a pilot. While in Bible College he realized that aviation could be a valuable tool for fulfilling his calling as a missionary preacher. This book was written with thanksgiving to the Lord in heaven for making it possible to see his ...

    27,36 €

  • Indigenous Churches
    Bob C. Green / Bob CGreen
    The book 'Indigenous Churches' by Dr. Bob Green is written from the perspective of a missionary church planter. Having planted churches in the USA and Latin America, Dr. Green writes from 48 years of experience. He seeks to provide the church planter with answers to questions concerning 'How To start and Establish an Autonomous (Indigenous) Church.' There is information that de...

    38,75 €