LIBROS DEL AUTOR: aziz ur rehman

14 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: aziz ur rehman

  • Syryjska wojna domowa i walka o przetrwanie reżimu Assada
    Aziz ur Rehman
    W Syrii toczy się najbardziej brutalna wojna domowa od czasu arabskiej wiosny w 2011 roku. W tej książce autor przeanalizował przyczyny wojny domowej w Syrii, przetrwanie reżimu Assada i jego wpływ na szerszy region Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki Północnej (MENA). W książce przeanalizowano wydarzenia, które doprowadziły do wojny domowej i jak stopniowo rozszerzała się ona na region...

    84,54 €

  • La guerra civile siriana e la lotta per la sopravvivenza del regime di Assad
    Aziz ur Rehman
    La Siria è stata la guerra civile più violenta dalla primavera araba del 2011. In questo libro, l’autore ha analizzato le cause della guerra civile siriana, la sopravvivenza del regime di Assad e il suo impatto sulla più ampia regione del Medio Oriente e del Nord Africa (MENA). Questo libro ha analizzato gli eventi che hanno portato alla guerra civile e come essa si sia gradual...

    84,48 €

  • Syrischer Bürgerkrieg & Kampf um das Überleben des Assad-Regimes
    Aziz ur Rehman
    Syrien ist der gewalttätigste Bürgerkrieg seit dem arabischen Frühling im Jahr 2011 gewesen. In diesem Buch analysierte der Autor die Ursachen für den syrischen Bürgerkrieg, das Überleben des Assad-Regimes und seine Auswirkungen auf die weitere Region des Nahen Ostens und Nordafrikas (MENA). Dieses Buch analysierte die Ereignisse, die zum Bürgerkrieg führten und wie er sich all...

    84,50 €

  • La guerre civile syrienne et la lutte pour la survie du régime d’Assad
    Aziz ur Rehman
    La Syrie a connu la guerre civile la plus violente depuis le printemps arabe de 2011. Dans ce livre, l’auteur a analysé les causes de la guerre civile syrienne, la survie du régime Assad et ses impacts sur la région du Moyen-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord (MENA) au sens large. Ce livre a analysé les événements qui ont conduit à la guerre civile et comment elle s’est progressive...

    84,54 €

  • Guerra Civil e Luta pela Sobrevivência do Regime de Assad
    Aziz ur Rehman
    A Síria tem sido a guerra civil mais violenta desde a primavera árabe em 2011. Neste livro, o autor analisou as causas da guerra civil síria, a sobrevivência do regime de Assad e os seus impactos na região mais vasta do Médio Oriente e do Norte de África (MENA). Este livro analisava os acontecimentos que conduziram à guerra civil e como esta se estendeu gradualmente à região do...

    84,54 €

  • Impact of Social Media on the political Socialization of the Students
    Aziz ur Rehman / Farhan Ali
    No sphere of life can be exempted from the impact of the latest technologies. Each aspect of life, like statecraft, administration, education, etc., has been influenced by current advanced technologies. Media is also subject to an influential mode of it. Knowledge of political system, civic sense and political accountability are effective tools to make students capable enough t...

    36,17 €

  • Explorative Studie zur Dynamik der politischen Apathie in Pakistan
    Aziz ur Rehman
    In den letzten Jahren hat die politische Beteiligung weltweit abgenommen. Unter Wissenschaftlern besteht Konsens darüber, dass politische Apathie letztlich die Legitimität des demokratischen Systems gefährden könnte. Denn die Demokratie steht auf der Demo 'Beteiligung des Volkes'. Politische Apathie ist in Pakistan mit der gleichen Intensität verbreitet worden. Um die Dynamik d...

    85,72 €

  • Étude exploratoire sur la dynamique de l’apathie politique au Pakistan
    Aziz ur Rehman
    Ces dernières années, on a constaté un déclin de la participation politique dans le monde entier. Les spécialistes s’accordent à dire que l’apathie politique pourrait à terme mettre en danger la légitimité du système démocratique. Parce que la démocratie repose sur la démo 'participation du peuple'. L’apathie politique a été répandue au Pakistan avec la même intensité. Le Pakis...

    85,65 €

  • Studio esplorativo delle dinamiche dell’apatia politica in Pakistan
    Aziz ur Rehman
    Negli ultimi anni, c’è stato un declino nella partecipazione politica in tutto il mondo. C’è consenso tra gli studiosi sull’apatia politica che potrebbe alla fine mettere in pericolo la legittimità del sistema democratico. Perché la democrazia si regge sulla demo 'partecipazione del popolo'. L’apatia politica è stata prevalente in Pakistan con la stessa intensità. Per esplorare...

    85,65 €

  • Estudo Exploratório da Dinâmica da Apatia Política no Paquistão
    Aziz ur Rehman
    Nos últimos anos, tem havido um declínio na participação política em todo o mundo. Há consenso entre os estudiosos sobre a apatia política de que ela pode acabar por pôr em perigo a legitimidade do sistema democrático. Porque a democracia está em demonstração 'a participação do povo'. A apatia política tem sido prevalecente no Paquistão com a mesma intensidade. O Paquistão para...

    85,65 €

  • Public Perceptions about the impacts of Police Reforms in Pakistan
    Aziz ur Rehman / Irfan Ullah Khan
    This study focused on the analysis, in the eyes of both the public and police, over the reforms in KP Police during Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (2013-18): A case study of District Bannu. This study focused on the objectives to explain behavior of masses about improvement in law and order situation brought by police reforms and assess the impact of ...

    37,32 €

  • Perception about the Role of Politicians in Strengthening of Democracy
    Aziz ur Rehman / Qudrat Ullah Khan
    This study aimed to examine the role of politician in the promotion of democracy. Democracy is the most important way of governing any state because it gives complete freedom to all the citizens to take part in governmental affairs directly and indirectly. In addition, the selected member or politician helps the citizen to represent the problems of their citizen in the front li...

    34,38 €

  • Exploratory Study of the Dynamics of Political Apathy in Pakistan
    Aziz ur Rehman
    In recent years, there has been decline in political participation across the world. There is consensus among scholars about political apathy that it could ultimately endanger the legitimacy of democratic system. Because Democracy stands on demo 'people’s participation'. Political apathy has been prevalent in Pakistan with the same intensity. Pakistan for exploring the dynamics...

    85,65 €

    Aziz ur Rehman
    Syria has been the most violent civil war since the Arab spring in 2011. In this book, the author analyzed the causes behind the Syrian civil war, Survival of Assad regime and its impacts on the wider Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). This book analyzed the events which led to the civil war and how it gradually extended to the MENA region. This study also pointed out ...

    87,03 €