Teoría psicológica y escuelas de pensamiento

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  • Psicoanalisi del giudaismo
    Hervé Ryssen
    L’ebraismo non è solo una religione. È anche un progetto politico basato su un’idea principale: la scomparsa delle frontiere, l’unificazione della terra e l’instaurazione di un mondo di 'pace'. Per gli ebrei religiosi, questa aspirazione a un mondo pacificato, unificato e globalizzato si confonde con la febbrile speranza dell’arrivo di un Messia che attendono da tremila anni. E...

    30,31 €

  • Psychoanalyse des Judentums
    Hervé Ryssen
    Das Judentum ist nicht nur eine Religion. Es ist auch ein politisches Projekt, das auf einer Hauptidee beruht: dem Verschwinden der Grenzen, der Vereinigung der Erde und der Errichtung einer Welt des 'Friedens'. Für religiöse Juden vermischt sich dieses Streben nach einer befriedeten, vereinten und globalisierten Welt mit der fieberhaften Hoffnung auf die Ankunft eines Messias,...

    30,17 €

  • Seule dans les rues
    Arline DJOUFA KEBEN / Cyrille Wilfried MEYOMESSE
    Essaie de te poser les questions qui m’ont tourmentées, donne toi des réponses et adopte une résolution qui te permettra de vivre en harmonie avec les autres sans les juger ni les critiquer, mais en regardant l’apport de leur présence dans ta vie. Ce livre est un médicament de l’esprit qui permet de créer l’équilibre psychique en chacun de nous. Il montre l’influence du psychis...

    37,25 €

  • Psychoanalysis of Judaism
    Hervé Ryssen
    Judaism is not only a religion. It is also a political project based on one main idea: the disappearance of borders, the unification of the earth and the establishment of a world of 'peace'. For religious Jews, this aspiration for a pacified, unified and globalized world is confused with the feverish hope for the arrival of a Messiah that they have been awaiting for three thous...

    30,37 €

  • The unconscious, before Freud and after Freud
    Serge Boileau-Nosal
    The object of research of this work is the condition of the existence of the human being, in its principal psychic manifestations: the mental disorders. This clinical and theoretical research on neurosis and psychosis in its contemporary aspects called: normal neurosis and ordinary psychosis, crosses several approaches. - A practice of psychoanalysis, starting from an analysis ...

    39,35 €

  • Das Unbewusste, vor Freud und nach Freud
    Serge Boileau-Nosal
    Der Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Existenzbedingung des Menschen in ihren wichtigsten psychischen Erscheinungsformen: den psychischen Störungen. Diese klinische und theoretische Forschung über Neurosen und Psychosen in ihren zeitgenössischen Aspekten, die als normale Neurose und gewöhnliche Psychose bezeichnet werden, kreuzt mehrere Ansätze. - Eine Praxis der Psych...

    39,48 €

  • L’inconscio, prima e dopo Freud
    Serge Boileau-Nosal
    L’oggetto di ricerca di questo lavoro è la condizione dell’esistenza dell’essere umano, nelle sue principali manifestazioni psichiche: i disturbi mentali. Questa ricerca clinica e teorica sulle nevrosi e sulle psicosi nei loro aspetti contemporanei, noti come nevrosi normale e psicosi ordinaria, attraversa diversi approcci. - Ricerca clinica e teorica in psicoanalisi e sociolog...

    39,35 €

  • O inconsciente, antes de Freud e depois de Freud
    Serge Boileau-Nosal
    O objecto de investigação deste trabalho é a condição da existência do ser humano, nas suas principais manifestações psíquicas: as perturbações mentais. Esta investigação clínica e teórica sobre neurose e psicose nos seus aspectos contemporâneos, conhecida como neurose normal e psicose comum, atravessa várias abordagens. - Investigação clínica e teórica em psicanálise e sociolo...

    39,42 €

  • Бессознательное до Фрейда и после Фрейда
    Серж Буало-Носаль
    Объектом исследования данной работы являются условия существования человека, в его основных психических проявлениях: психических расстройствах. Это клиническое и теоретическое исследование неврозов и психозов в их современных аспектах, известных как нормальный невроз и обычный психоз, пересекает несколько подходов. - Клиническое и теоретическое исследование в психоанализе и кли...

    26,35 €

    Audrey Kibamba de Boua gare de Lumière
    Dans tout univers il y a N dimension qui constitue le socle de la mémoire de l’univers de l’infiniment petit à l’infiniment grand dans l’expérience de la dimension où le temps et l’espace sont des données empiriques dans la Théorie de l’univers à douze dimensions sur l’écran de l’espace-temps. Nous vivons cette infinité d’univers contenue en nous, perchée dans les nuages de la ...

    60,20 €

  • Being Found
    Dott Kelly
    The goal of the therapist is to find the child. When we have found the child, the child has also made an attempt at being seen. So there we are, face to face with the obstacles and disturbances between us. The child has made some kind of meaning-filled decision to come out and find us. In this space between, this joint, we are charged with holding still and listening for the ma...

    36,66 €

  • Being Found
    Dott Kelly
    The goal of the therapist is to find the child. When we have found the child, the child has also made an attempt at being seen. So there we are, face to face with the obstacles and disturbances between us. The child has made some kind of meaning-filled decision to come out and find us. In this space between, this joint, we are charged with holding still and listening for the ma...

    49,91 €

  • The Untold Story of Sabina Spielrein
    Henry Zvi Lothane
    The unpublished Russian diary and letters of Sabina Spielrein represent a milestone for academics, scholars, historians, and psychoanalysts whose interest in the most enigmatic woman to have pioneered psychoanalysis and developmental psychology in the first part of the 20th century has never ceased to grow after she was rediscovered in the mid-1970s. These Primary sources, whic...

    40,07 €

  • Human beings are looking for the truth to organize their lives better
    Jose O’Daly
    What is the truth? The true is a part of humans to know what is happening mentally, emotionally, physically. Human actions affect human sphere and nature. Thru reincarnations humans develop his higher potential. There is no final statement of truth. What is truth? Pilate’s question to Jesus Christ has reverberated thru the centuries of human experience. Christ: 'And you shall k...

    60,70 €

  • The Alchemy Fire Murder
    Susan Rowland
    Former Archivist Mary Wandwalker hates bringing bad news. Nevertheless, she confirms to her alma mater that their prized medieval alchemy scroll, is, in fact, a seventeenth century copy. She learns that the original vanished to colonial Connecticut with alchemist, Robert Le More. Later the genuine scroll surfaces in Los Angeles. Given that the authentic artifact is needed for h...

    24,67 €

  • The Alchemy Fire Murder
    Susan Rowland
    Former Archivist Mary Wandwalker hates bringing bad news. Nevertheless, she confirms to her alma mater that their prized medieval alchemy scroll, is, in fact, a seventeenth century copy. She learns that the original vanished to colonial Connecticut with alchemist, Robert Le More. Later the genuine scroll surfaces in Los Angeles. Given that the authentic artifact is needed for h...

    43,21 €

  • Psicologia Da Crise
    Estevão Seccatto
    Na vida pessoal ou no convívio empresarial, é comum atravessarmos momentos de stress emocional, como, por exemplo, a perda do emprego, dificuldades empresariais, problemas de relacionamento, doenças ou luto. Psicologia da Crise aborda, de forma prática, como enfrentar esses momentos de crise no foro pessoal ou no apoio a grupos de trabalho.São apresentadas ferramentas de enfren...

    25,49 €

  • Women and Desire
    Polly Young-Eisendrath
    Polly Young-Eisendrath´s Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted was first published by Harmony Books in 1999. Since then, it has become a classic read for those readers- to use a cinematographic expression - who want to use analytical psychology to shed light on what women want. This book, when first published, was described (and still is) as 'provocative and vital.'More...

    52,63 €

  • Women and Desire
    Polly Young-Eisendrath
    Polly Young-Eisendrath´s Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted was first published by Harmony Books in 1999. Since then, it has become a classic read for those readers- to use a cinematographic expression - who want to use analytical psychology to shed light on what women want. This book, when first published, was described (and still is) as 'provocative and vital.'More...

    38,07 €

  • Body Hair and the Construction of Concepts of Personhood
    Leslie S. Nthoi
    This study is located within a broad theoretical field of socio-cultural understandings of human appearance, body image, modification and its adornment (anthropology of the body). Different cultures encounter and perceive body hair differently. This study investigates the relationship between religious and cultural perceptions of body hair and the social construction of concept...

    85,74 €

  • Afrika, Gedächtnis der Menschheit
    Afrika, das Gedächtnis des Menschseins, dessen Essenz und Dringlichkeit der Kampf unserer Zeit in einer zwölfdimensionalen Raumzeit ist, ist eine Antwort auf die vielfältigen Probleme der planetaren Dimensionen in der Interdisziplinarität und in der Verbindung von Innovation und Schöpfung in einem dualen System von zwei Kegeln der intelligenten Universen: Hell und dunkel, um di...

    61,57 €

  • Africa, memory of humanitude
    Africa, Memory of Humanitude whose Essence and Urgency are the Combat of our time in a twelve dimensional space-time is an answer to the multiple problems of the planetary dimensions in interdisciplinarity and in the marriage of innovation and creation in a dual system of two cones of intelligible universes: luminous and tenebrous to lay the true basic principles of Humanitude ...

    61,51 €

  • Африка, память о человечности
    Одри Кибамб де Буанса
    Африка, память человечества, чья сущность и актуальность являются борьбой нашего времени в двенадцатимерном пространстве-времени, является ответом на многочисленные проблемы планетарного масштаба в междисциплинарности и в браке инноваций и творчества в дуальной системе двух конусов разумных вселенных: Это ответ на многочисленные проблемы планетарного масштаба в междисциплинарно...

    27,60 €

  • Africa, memoria dell’umanità
    L’Africa, Memoria dell’Umanità, la cui Essenza e Urgenza sono il Combattimento del nostro tempo in uno spazio-tempo a dodici dimensioni, è una risposta ai molteplici problemi delle dimensioni planetarie nell’interdisciplinarità e nel connubio tra innovazione e creazione in un sistema duale di due coni di universi intelligibili: È la risposta ai molteplici problemi di dimensione...

    61,51 €

  • África, memória da humanidade
    África, Memória da Humanidade cuja Essência e Urgência são o Combate do nosso tempo num espaço-tempo de doze dimensões é uma resposta aos múltiplos problemas das dimensões planetárias na interdisciplinaridade e no casamento da inovação e da criação num sistema dual de dois cones de universos inteligíveis: É a resposta aos múltiplos problemas de dimensões planetárias na interdis...

    61,51 €

  • Revealing the Antichrist, the Number 666, the End Of Times, and Much More
    ELHOUMI / Mo ElhoumI
    Dear Reader, I am offering you an excellent seminal work at a discounted price. How do you think we and the universe came into being? Is there life after death? What happens to us after we die? Existential questions have long eluded and baffled the world’s greatest intellectual thinkers. Even today, these questions remain a significant challenge for everyone. In this book, I as...

    57,09 €

  • B.F. Skinner revisitado
    En esta obra, prolija y fecunda, se ha pasado revista al pasado, presente y futuro del conductismo radical, del análisis conductual, del condicionamiento operante, de las psicologías de tercera generación y del generador del campo gracias al patrimonio «negro sobre blanco», que ha dejado por escrito: Burrhus Frederic Skinner.  Se han analizado diferentes y variados tópicos, ent...

    22,78 €

  • Tres Grandes Neurociencias
    Las Neurociencias son las ciencias del encéfalo. Se ocupan de describir y explicar las complejas estructuras y el intrincado funcionamiento específicamente de la Neocorteza (cerebro humano), Sistema Límbico y Médula espinal. La Sicolingüística, disciplina de intersección, describe y explica cómo el cerebro sano maneja la lengua, cuáles áreas se activan en la producción y compre...

    118,01 €

  • A Certain Gesture
    Simon J Evnine
    A Certain Gesture: Evnine’s Batman Meme Project and Its Parerga! is an entirely original kind of work. It takes the form of commentaries on memes made with the image of Batman slapping Robin. The commentaries are written as if they were not authored by the same person who made the memes, allowing the author to consider himself and his work from the outside. The book defies genr...

    42,56 €

  • Facts and Ideas in Psychoanalysis
    Charles Hanly
    'What do we know, and how do we know it? What are the limits of knowing, and how can we self correct to adjust for them? These questions, even when unthought, shape how we think, how we live, and inexorably how we practice in the immediacy of each analytic moment. From his lifetime of relentless curiosity and deep immersion in both the laboratory of clinical psychoanalysis and ...

    28,16 €