Sufismo y misticismo islámico

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  • The Sufi Saint of Jam
    Shivan Mahendrarajah

    122,68 €

  • The Book of Tawhid
    Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi / Shaykh DrAbdalqadir as-Sufi
    'Due to the interregnum, soon, In sha Allah, to be brought to an end, which marks the period from which Islamic governance was interrupted, that is to say in the Mughal and Osmanli Dawlets, we, the Muslim World Community, experience Islam without its utterly necessary dimension of political command. One oddly regrettable result of this has been that we have started to take our ...

    35,76 €

  • The Book of Tawhid
    Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi
    'Due to the interregnum, soon, In sha Allah, to be brought to an end, which marks the period from which Islamic governance was interrupted, that is to say in the Mughal and Osmanli Dawlets, we, the Muslim World Community, experience Islam without its utterly necessary dimension of political command. One oddly regrettable result of this has been that we have started to take our ...

    14,42 €

  • The Conference of the Birds
    Farid ud-Din Attar
    Many profound lessons are found within these beautiful allegorical stories about birds that are searching for the meaning of their existence. We are those same birds, seeking our place among each other in this world, while on the path of our soul’s journey to our union with God. The author, Attar, was a twelfth-century Persian poet from the great mystical tradition of Sufiism, ...

    12,04 €

  • Al Ghazâlî El libro de la limosna y el ayuno para niños
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    Aunque los niños no están obligados a ayunar o pagar zakat, las virtudes y dimensiones espirituales de estas prácticas pueden ser presentadas a los niños. Las historias y metáforas del imam al-Ghazâlî ofrecen una forma eficaz de comunicación entre padres e hijos, en un lenguaje que se relaciona directamente con la vida cotidiana. En estos dos libros de la Ihya, virtudes como la...

    16,22 €

  • Al-Ghazâlî El Libro de la Peregrinación para Jóvenes
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    El Libro de la peregrinación de imam al-Ghazali contiene una exposición resumida de los recursos interiores esenciales que deben ser parte de nuestro periplo diario, sea que estemos realizando la Peregrinación o no. Esta obra, a la vez que transmite el significado profundo y el espíritu del Hach, destaca enseñanzas que pueden no solo fortalecer el carácter, sino ofrecer a toda ...

    17,68 €

  • Al Ghazâlî El libro del conocimiento para niños
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    Se dice que el Libro del conocimiento contiene todo la obra de imam al-Ghazali. En esta maravillosa adaptación, las enseñanzas y metáforas de al-Ghazali son presentadas en forma de relatos para niños, aunque sus contenidos son adecuados para la vida espiritual de padres y maestros también. Los temas en las 40 historias tienen que ver con: el conocimiento verdadero, el propósito...

    22,57 €

  • The Wisdom of Ramana Maharshi
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    'Forty Verses on Reality by Sri Ramana Maharshi is a pithy and aphoristic short sacred work. This little book is full of the most profound revelations of Self-Knowledge. An essential text for all interested in Nonduality and the Maharshi s teachings.Truth is eternal and it is not subject to certain people, place, or time. The utterances of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi carry wit...

    6,04 €

  • The Hundred Steps
    Shaykh ’Abd al-Qadir as-Sufi
    ’Sufism is the science of the journey to the King.’’The sufi is universal. He has reduced and then eliminated the marks of selfhood to allow a clear view of the cosmic reality. He has rolled up the cosmos in its turn and obliterated it. He has gone beyond.’’If you seek power or renown or reward from men by this Path then know that it has in it nothing but sorrow for you. If you...

    16,36 €

  • The Anonymity of a Commentator
    Matthew B. Ingalls / Matthew BIngalls
    A close study of one of the most prolific commentary writers in Islamic history. ...

    41,94 €

  • The Mughals and the Sufis
    Muzaffar Alam
    Examines the relationship between Mughal political culture and the two dominant strains of Islam’s Sufi traditions in South Asia: one centered around orthodoxy, the other focusing on a more accommodating and mystical spirituality. ...

    43,80 €

  • Patterns of Contemplation
    Pablo Beneito / Stephen Hirtenstein
    Patterns of Contemplation is a uniquely innovative and comprehensive introduction to the sacred principles and symbolism of geometry, letters and numbers, discussed through the first in-depth analysis and English translation of a major Sufi devotional masterpiece, The Blessing-Prayer of Effusion (al-Ṣalāt al-fayḍiyya).This special type of prayer, invoking God’s blessings upon t...

    64,06 €

  • Witnessing Perfection
    Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    Witnessing Perfection addresses the concerns of those who are aware that an urgent redress in the balance between head and heart is needed and comprehended that this can only be fulfilled by personal spiritual development.Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri explores the process of spiritual growth starting with the discovery that the basic dynamic in creation is duality and the balance of o...

    14,44 €

  • Deep Knowledge
    Oludamini Ogunnaike
    Studies the epistemologies of two of the most influential intellectual/spiritual traditions of West Africa: Tijani Sufism and Ifa. ...

    74,01 €

  • Masnavi I Ma’navi
    Maulana Jalálu-’d-Dín Muhammad Rúmi / E. H. Whinfield / EHWhinfield
    The Masvani may be called the Divina Commedia or the Paradise Lost of Islam - a summary of religious thought, a ''Theodicee,'' justifying the way of Allah to man, and a standard of religious feeling...E. H. WhinfieldFrom the Introduction ...

    32,46 €

  • Masnavi I Ma’navi
    Maulana Jalálu-’d-Dín Muhammad Rúmi / E. H. Whinfield / EHWhinfield
    The Masvani may be called the Divina Commedia or the Paradise Lost of Islam - a summary of religious thought, a ''Theodicee,'' justifying the way of Allah to man, and a standard of religious feeling...E. H. WhinfieldFrom the Introduction ...

    54,15 €

  • La sabiduría de Muhammad
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes
    La literatura del hadiz contiene lo que se conoce como sunna del Profeta, el conjunto de los dichos y hechos de Muhammad, incluyendo su comportamiento, preferencias, actitudes, aspecto, etc. tanto en lo público como en lo privado. Grandes portavoces de la espiritualidad musulmana, como Abu Hamid al-Gazali e Ibn Arabi han apoyado siempre sus exposiciones doctrinales en el Corán ...

    14,56 €

  • Al Ghazâlî El libro de la purificación para niños
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    Junto con los libros Uno y Dos de la ’Revivificación de las Ciencias Religiosas’ de Imam al-Ghazali, presentamos ahora el libro ’Los Misterios de la Purificación’. El volumen contiene 17 historias, presentadas por Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Tanto padres como niños se sentirán inspirados al comprender la belleza y los significados profundos de los rituales de purificación, a partir de ...

    15,00 €

  • Purificación mental
    Hazrat Inayat Khan
    Tan necesario como limpiar y purificar el cuerpo, o quizás incluso más necesario, es que la mente sea limpiada y purificada. Toda impureza causa enfermedades así como irregularidades en el funcionamiento del sistema físico.Lo mismo se aplica a la mente. Hay impurezas que pertenecen a la mente, que pueden causar diferentes enfermedades, y mediante la limpieza de la mente se ayud...

    12,48 €

  • Locos de Amor
    Jalaluddin Rumi
    poesía mística de Rumi. poesía mística de Rumi. poesía mística de Rumi. 10 ...

    6,24 €

  • La música de la vida 4a edición
    Hazrat Inayat Khan
    'La música nos atrapa porque todo nuestro ser es música, nuestra mente y nuestro cuerpo, la naturaleza en que vivimos, la naturaleza que nos ha creado, todo lo que hay debajo y alrededor nuestro, todo ello es música'.En los 14 ensayos de este libro, Inayat Khan explora los aspectos abstractos y psicológicos de la música. Nos enseña cómo la música es un lenguaje universal que si...

    7,28 €

  • El senderoi de las siete colinas
    Todos los cuentos tienen su moraleja. Y cada uno de estos siete cuentos también tiene la suya. Pero del conjunto de todos ellos podríamos extraer esta conclusión: El camino de aquel que ha sido llamado al desarrollo espiritual es tan diverso como lo es cada una de las individualidades.Nadie vive la misma circunstancia ni está predeterminado a una misma función. El Universo, La ...

    11,44 €

  • Beginning’s End
    Haeri Shaykh Fadhlalla / Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    Beginning’s End is a contemporary outlook on the Sufi sciences of self-knowledge, intended for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The author holds that truth has no end and is eternal, and that is why human beings will seek total freedom, of which material freedom is only a small part. The final freedom is a natural, spontaneous submission and being connected to timelessness, yet e...

    11,01 €

  • Four Gems of Tasawwuf
    Ahmad Ibn ’Ajiba / Aisha Bewley
    Four Gems of Tasawwuf comprises:1. A substantial part of Iqadh al-Himam, Shaykh Ahmad ibn ’Ajiba’s commentary on the Hikam of Shaykh Ahmad ibn ’Ata’allah al-Iskandari, including an introduction to Tasawwuf based on the famous ten introductory principles, as well as as the first thirteen aphorisms and their commentaries;2. His commentary on the Salat of Shaykh ’Abd as-Salam ibn ...

    44,08 €

  • Four Gems of Tasawwuf
    Ahmad Ibn ’Ajiba / Aisha Bewley
    Four Gems of Tasawwuf comprises:1. A substantial part of Iqadh al-Himam, Shaykh Ahmad ibn ’Ajiba’s commentary on the Hikam of Shaykh Ahmad ibn ’Ata’allah al-Iskandari, including an introduction to Tasawwuf based on the famous ten introductory principles, as well as as the first thirteen aphorisms and their commentaries;2. His commentary on the Salat of Shaykh ’Abd as-Salam ibn ...

    24,00 €

  • Las Siete Princesas
    Ilyas Ibn Yusuf Nizami
    'Las siete princesas' es una breve colección de cuentos, escritos por el poeta persa Nizami, que vivió en el siglo XII y que pese a ser uno de los clásicos persas, no es apenas conocido en España, sin duda por la escasez de ediciones de su obra y en particular de estos bellos relatos dominados por el amor y el erotismo, en los que la amistad, la traición, el misterio e incluso ...

    18,72 €

  • The Anonymity of a Commentator
    Matthew B. Ingalls / Matthew BIngalls
    A close study of one of the most prolific commentary writers in Islamic history. ...

    121,65 €

  • Sufism for Today
    Khalid A. Wasi / Khalid AWasi
    There is power in our everyday living. A kind word or empathy is not just a word or feeling, it is an opening of the channels in the heart. These channels are like electrical conduits that convey the energy of life/God.Religion is meant as a practice and a guide to open these channels.Sufism is a known practice dedicated to cultivating spiritual attributes. However, even Sufism...

    9,20 €

  • Introduction to Islamic Metaphysics
    Mohamed Faouzi Al Kakari / Khalid Williams / Yousef Casewit
    In this masterful treatise of Sufi spirituality and metaphysics, Shaykh Mohamed Faouzi al-Karkari maps out the mystical journey to God as an initiatic progression through seven degrees of realization, or readings, of the divine Name Allāh. These seven degrees encapsulate what it means to read in the Name of the Lord, letter by letter, syllable by syllable, until the Hu, Lahu, L...

    22,74 €

  • The Mughals and the Sufis
    Muzaffar Alam
    Examines the relationship between Mughal political culture and the two dominant strains of Islam’s Sufi traditions in South Asia: one centered around orthodoxy, the other focusing on a more accommodating and mystical spirituality. ...

    120,90 €