Relaciones internacionales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Relaciones internacionales (9422)

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  • Danger Close
    Patrick Byrne
    A narrative seamlessly blending entrepreneurial prowess with covert government operations. As the visionary founder of, Byrne, once lauded as the 'National Entrepreneur of the Year 2011' and hailed as the 'Messiah of Bitcoin,' reveals an astonishing twist in August 2019-his role as a secret operative for the U.S. Government.This memoir lays bare Byrne’s integral i...

    15,22 €

  • China and Taiwan
    Ashok Kavi
    'China and Taiwan: Crossing the Strait' dives into the complex dynamics between China and Taiwan, offering a nuanced exploration through its diverse chapters. From dissecting Taiwan’s aspirations for reunification to unravelling the intricacies of cross-strait relations and China’s expansion tactics, the book navigates the geopolitical landscape with precision. Topics like 'Soc...

    57,38 €

  • Australia and China
    Prashant Sikdar
    In the early 2020s, there has been a notable shift in the fundamental framework governing the relationship between Australia and China, with geopolitical considerations taking precedence over economic interests. Canberra has implemented a series of new measures in response to perceived risks in Australia’s economic ties with China, the Chinese Communist Party’s attempts to wiel...

    52,95 €

  • The China Race
    Fei-Ling Wang
    An analysis of the China Race-the global competition for leadership and world order between the US-led West and the People’s Republic of China. ...

    126,10 €

  • Understanding the threat of Bioterrorism
    Shilpa Madan
    'Understanding The Threat of Bioterrorism' is a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted landscape of bioterrorism, authored by experts in the fields of biosafety, biosecurity, and counterterrorism. Delving into the intricate web of bioterror threats, the book offers a deep understanding of the challenges posed by both traditional and emerging biosecurity threats. The book...

    57,40 €

  • The Complex Landscape of Asylum and Refuge in Europe
    Parihar Maninder
    'The Complex Landscape of Asylum and Refuge in Europe' is a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted challenges surrounding migration in Europe. The book, organized into fourteen chapters, delves into critical issues shaping the region’s asylum policies. From the nexus between migration pressures and terrorism concerns to the fate of irregular migration, it navigates throu...

    66,20 €

  • The Story of NATO
    Steven Mahiga
    'The Story of NATO' provides a comprehensive narrative that unravels the historical tapestry of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), shedding light on the organization’s origins, evolution, and its role in shaping the geopolitical landscape of the 20th and 21st centuries. Authored by seasoned experts in international relations and military history, the book offers a d...

    66,00 €

  • Dynamic Partnership
    DK Patnaik
    Over the past two decades, the relationship between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Russia has transitioned from what some described as a relationship of convenience to what both countries now call a 'comprehensive strategic partnership.' The growing strategic partnership between China and Russia is reflected in a burgeoning China-Russia space and military relationship...

    48,56 €

  • Decoding Russia-China Axis
    Neil Nayak
    'Decoding Russia-China Axis' is a scholarly exploration of the partnership between Russia and China, a pivotal force in the complex tapestry of international relations. The book meticulously unravels the nuances of this strategic alliance, diving into historical roots and contemporary dynamics that define Sino-Russian relations. The Content sets the stage by offering a broad ov...

    53,07 €

    Тимотхы Нте
    Дисциплина международных отношений обширна и включает в себя множество курсов, но теория международных отношений и международное право или право наций являются основными курсами. Сопоставление теорий и права в этой книге является важной вехой в сближении основных курсов, что улучшит всестороннее понимание международных отношений. Международные отношения иногда отождествляют с м...

    92,41 €

  • From Red Terror to Terrorist State
    Vladimir Popov / Yuri Felshtinsky
    The history of modern Russia traditionally has Communism at its center. In this radical new history, Yuri Felshtinsky and Vladimir Popov show, however, that the real driver from early in the Russian Revolution was the Cheka-Russia’s shape-shifting intelligence services. Wrapped in a brutal fight to the death with the Party, it lured Russia into submission from 1918. Over close ...

    24,26 €

  • A Unesco Por Trás Do Espelho
    Jean-marie Lambert
    O Brasil vive tempos de colonização educacional. Como muitas nações pelo mundo afora, importa conteúdos curriculares e métodos pedagógicos incubados nas universidades norte-americanas para difusão periférica via UNESCO e conversão do MEC em franquia cultural da ONU.A sala de aula se transformou em linha de montagem de cabecinhas politicamente corretas. A escola virou fábrica de...

    23,21 €

  • Latin American Foreign Policies in the New World Order
    At a time of growing US-China tensions, and of Latin America’s deepest crisis in a century, Active Non-Alignment option embodies a novel way out of this predicament. ...

    49,89 €

  • The Gulf monarchies after the Arab Spring
    Cinzia Bianco
    This book applies an original theoretical framework to unpack the threat perceptions and strategic calculus driving the behaviour of the Gulf monarchies, which emerged after the Arab Spring as major geopolitical players in the Middle East and North Africa region and as middle powers destined to play an oversized role in the new multipolar world. ...

    157,50 €

  • Catastrophic Diplomacy
    Julia F. Irwin
    Catastrophic Diplomacy offers a sweeping history of US foreign disaster assistance, highlighting its centrality to twentieth-century US foreign relations. Spanning over seventy years, from the dawn of the twentieth century to the mid-1970s, it examines how the US government, US military, and their partners in the American voluntary sector responded to major catastrophes around ...

    126,50 €

  • Crianças-soldados na Serra Leoa
    Luis Daniel Alaniz
    A Serra Leoa é um dos casos mais representativos do mundo de utilização de menores na guerra. O fim da guerra civil (1991-2002) trouxe consigo o enorme desafio de reinserir e reintegrar um grande número de ex-combatentes, incluindo milhares de crianças. Este livro analisa, na perspetiva da teoria dos conflitos, as políticas e os programas de reintegração oficiais e independente...

    77,24 €

  • Дети-солдаты в Сьерра-Леоне
    Луис Даниэль Аланис
    Сьерра-Леоне - один из самых показательных в мире случаев использования несовершеннолетних в военных действиях. Окончание гражданской войны (1991-2002 гг.) принесло с собой огромную проблему реинтеграции большого числа бывших комбатантов, включая тысячи детей. В этой книге с точки зрения теории конфликта анализируются официальные и независимые политики и программы реинтеграции,...

    77,30 €

  • Kindersoldaten in Sierra Leone
    Luis Daniel Alaniz
    Sierra Leone ist einer der weltweit repräsentativsten Fälle für den Einsatz von Minderjährigen in der Kriegsführung. Das Ende des Bürgerkriegs (1991-2002) brachte die enorme Herausforderung mit sich, eine große Zahl ehemaliger Kämpfer, darunter Tausende von Kindern, wieder einzugliedern und zu reintegrieren. Dieses Buch analysiert aus konflikttheoretischer Sicht die offiziellen...

    77,30 €

  • Les enfants soldats en Sierra Leone
    Luis Daniel Alaniz
    La Sierra Leone est l’un des cas les plus représentatifs au monde de l’utilisation de mineurs dans la guerre. La fin de la guerre civile (1991-2002) a entraîné l’énorme défi de la réinsertion et de la réintégration d’un grand nombre d’ex-combattants, dont des milliers d’enfants. Ce livre analyse, du point de vue de la théorie des conflits, les politiques et programmes de réinté...

    77,30 €

  • Child soldiers in Sierra Leone
    Luis Daniel Alaniz
    Sierra Leone is one of the most representative cases worldwide in the use of minors for war tasks. The end of the civil war (1991-2002) brought with it the enormous challenge of reinserting and reintegrating a large number of former combatants, including thousands of children. This book analyzes, from the perspective of conflict theory, the official and independent reintegratio...

    77,24 €

  • Bambini soldato in Sierra Leone
    Luis Daniel Alaniz
    La Sierra Leone è uno dei casi più rappresentativi al mondo di utilizzo di minori in guerra. La fine della guerra civile (1991-2002) ha portato con sé l’enorme sfida di reinserire e reintegrare un gran numero di ex combattenti, tra cui migliaia di bambini. Questo libro analizza, dal punto di vista della teoria del conflitto, le politiche e i programmi di reinserimento ufficiali...

    77,24 €

  • Strategic Currents
    The advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution amidst the increasingly intensified global competition between the United States and China promises to be a major inflection point in human history. The authors assembled in this volume provide a sober assessment of this techno-nationalist contest and their implications for the rest of the world. ...

    69,52 €

  • The End of the American Empire
    Patrick Watts
    'Empire' carries huge historical baggage, but America is undeniably an imperial superpower - and yet all empires must end. Whether the US collapses swiftly from internal and external pressures, or declines and dissolves more peacefully over several centuries, depends on what its citizens and leaders do today. The present moment has never been more perilous.Written from a sympat...

    14,07 €

  • Strategic Currents
    The advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution amidst the increasingly intensified global competition between the United States and China promises to be a major inflection point in human history. The authors assembled in this volume provide a sober assessment of this techno-nationalist contest and their implications for the rest of the world. ...

    33,96 €

  • Indo-Pacific Security
    Following the 2008 Beijing Olympics and Global Financial Crisis, China’s foreign policy shifted to become more assertive, effecting a systematic deterioration in the US-China relationship. In 2017, the US’ China policy shifted from that of ’engagement’ to ’strategic competition’ under Trump - a policy which has remained under the Biden administration.Indo-Pacific Security: US-C...

    81,41 €

  • Deterrence in the 21st Century
    Eric Ouellet
    The information age has opened a new front of adversarial statecraft. The past decades have seen the rise and refinement of conflict enacted in the world of information, with tactics including seeding disinformation, the theft of sensitive data, confusing or obscuring public opinion to forward specific goals, and beyond. Deterrence in the 21st Century asks how, and if it is ind...

    112,21 €

  • Deterrence in the 21st Century
    Eric Ouellet
    The information age has opened a new front of adversarial statecraft. The past decades have seen the rise and refinement of conflict enacted in the world of information, with tactics including seeding disinformation, the theft of sensitive data, confusing or obscuring public opinion to forward specific goals, and beyond. Deterrence in the 21st Century asks how, and if it is ind...

    67,44 €

    Rafael Sánchez Gómez
    In recent years, on the island of Hispaniola, levels of conflict have arisen between the Haitian and Dominican communities that used to live in relative peace with each other, with the reservation that there were already historical experiences between the two nations that could lead to conflictual tendencies.At times conflict discourses have been used in a despotic manner by in...

    62,81 €

    Rafael Sánchez Gómez
    In den letzten Jahren kam es auf der Insel Hispaniola zu Konflikten zwischen der haitianischen und der dominikanischen Bevölkerung, die in relativem Frieden miteinander lebten, unter dem Vorbehalt, dass es bereits historische Erfahrungen zwischen den beiden Nationen gab, die zu konfliktträchtigen Tendenzen führen könnten.Konfliktdiskurse wurden manchmal von einflussreichen Pers...

    62,87 €

    Rafael Sánchez Gómez
    Ces dernières années, l’île d’Hispaniola a connu des niveaux de conflit entre les communautés haïtienne et dominicaine qui vivaient en paix relative l’une avec l’autre, sous réserve qu’il y ait déjà des expériences historiques entre les deux nations qui pourraient conduire à des tendances conflictuelles.Les discours conflictuels ont parfois été utilisés de manière despotique pa...

    62,81 €