Psicología clínica

Medicina / Otras ramas de la medicina / Psicología clínica (4910)

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  • Eating Disorders
    Vivienne Lewis
    Eating disorders involve complex psychological processes linked to self-worth that may challenge many mental health and allied practitioners, no matter how experienced. It is a topic little taught in clinical practice, and much of the information on the subject can seem contradictory or even inaccurate. Yet it is vital when working with such a client to have a solid understandi...

    33,69 €

  • The Best Bedtime Story Ever
    Susan Highsmith
    Do you want to improve your child’s behavior? An undiscovered window to guiding your children is open while they sleep! During this time your child’s developing ego-mind is quiet and cannot disagree or talk back. This is an open door for a caring parent to suggest alternative thoughts, feelings, and actions. A belief that your child holds like 'Kids pick on me,' becomes 'Other ...

    29,26 €

  • Eu-analista
    Welton De Oliveira Santos
    Bem-vindo(A) ao meu e-book sobre psicanálise e insights! Aqui você encontrará uma coleção de reflexões profundas e insights sobre a natureza humana.Este livro aborda vários tópicos que são relevantes para a prática da psicanálise, explorando temas como a arte do silêncio terapêutico, a sabedoria da conexão terapêutica, a coragem de enfrentar as sombras, a importância da presenç...

    12,06 €

  • Conto De Fadas Da Vida Real
    Nalú Vieira Alves
    Os contos de fadas possuem uma importância muito grande na representatividade do feminino na vida das meninas. Os arquétipos das Princesas geram identificações cruciais para a busca de uma direção de vida que cada mulher vai escolher. A importância de descaracterizar os papéis dos personagens na vida das mulheres se faz urgente, pois nenhuma mulher precisa esperar seu principe ...

    9,31 €

  • Anxiety in Relationships for Couples
    Lesley Howard
    Title: 'Navigating the Storm: Anxiety in Relationships for Couples'Are you tired of letting anxiety steal the joy and connection from your relationship? 'Navigating the Storm: Anxiety in Relationships for Couples' is your compass to transforming anxiety into a catalyst for deeper understanding, intimacy, and lasting love.In today’s fast-paced world, anxiety can often creep into...

    105,01 €

  • Descubre las Green Flags de Pareja y Mejora tus Relaciones Amorosas
    Julio Alberto Martinez Lagrene
    Las relaciones amorosas son una parte fundamental de la vida de muchas personas, ya que nos permiten compartir momentos y emociones con alguien que nos importa. Sin embargo, mantener una relación sana y duradera no es una tarea fácil y requiere esfuerzo y compromiso por parte de ambas partes. Por eso, es importante prestar atención a las Green Flags de Pareja, que son los compo...

    25,57 €

  • Group Work
    Social group work unites individuals, groups, and communities in times of struggle and times ofsuccess. The positive impact of group intervention becomes even more apparent and powerful when persons are confronted by extraordinary circumstances that cause social isolation, grief and loss, trauma, or despair during a global health emergency such as COVID-19. This book focuses on...

    51,10 €

  • Counseling Children and Adolescents
    The sixth edition of the best-selling Counseling Children and Adolescents offers readers a comprehensive exploration of the practice of counseling young clients. The book introduces several theories that have proven effective with young clients, then couples that information with developmentally and culturally appropriate interventions and counseling techniques.Additional chapt...

    178,64 €

  • Counseling Children and Adolescents

    241,10 €

  • Mental Hygiene
    Lillien Jane Martin
    This riveting memoir is a first-hand account of the experiences of Lillien Jane Martin, a clinical psychologist with a focus on mental hygiene. She shares insights from her two-year practice and sheds light on the issues and challenges that mental health practitioners face in their daily routine. It is a great read for anyone interested in the field of psychology.This work has ...

    33,87 €

  • Modern Clinical Psychology
    TW Richards
    In this authoritative and accessible introduction to the field, T.W. Richards provides a comprehensive overview of modern clinical psychology. Drawing on the latest research and clinical experience, Richards covers a wide range of topics from diagnosis and assessment to treatment and therapy techniques. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a student of psychology, this bo...

    37,33 €

  • The Disenchanted Therapist
    S. J. Southwell
    As you have arrived at this book description it is likely that you are a therapist, or someone who is concerned about the wellbeing of therapists. If you are a therapist, then the chances are that you are struggling in some way. If so, you are not alone. Therapy is tremendously rewarding work. At the same time though, it is extraordinarily demanding. As a result, each year, man...

    12,98 €

  • RED
    M.D. James Paul Benvenuti
    Nobel Laureates experimentally proved twin particles/atoms can be generated on Earth - simultaneously and instantaneously carrying data - even to the ends of the universe to its twin - by a process called entanglement teleportation. Recently, scientists documented that our CONSCIOUSNESS uses this same quantum entanglement teleportation! The New York Academy of Sciences recent...

    17,15 €

  • Up Your Averages
    Mark Cass / Michelle Cass
    This is Book Two in the Up Your Averages Daily Devotional series.While the first book offered daily morsels of wisdom and bite-sized pieces of information on how to improve the quality of your life, thisbook, while written in the same daily devotional format, is for couples and focuses on how to draw closer to your partner and how to improve thequality of your personal relation...

    17,39 €

  • Brincar E Elaborar
    Denise Campos Roque
    Brincar e Elaborar - Psicologia para Criançasé um guia lúdico, prático e sensível que nos leva ao fascinante universo infantil e suas incríveis aventuras. Neste livro, as histórias contadas são muito mais do que simples contos: elas são uma maneira de mostrar a realidade e revelar os sentimentos da vida, tudo isso através de narrativas infantis contextualizadas.A Psicanálise no...

    23,04 €

  • Bioenergética E Espiritualidade Dos Casais
    Dalton Campos Roque
    Bioenergética e Espiritualidade dos Casaisé uma obra cativante que mergulha fundo nas questões bioenergéticas e espirituais relacionadas ao amor e aos relacionamentos. Combinando técnicas, práticas, espiritualidade, bioenergética, chacras, psicologia, neurolinguística e consciência, este livro oferece uma visão única e abrangente sobre o crescimento pessoal e a evolução dos cas...

    19,47 €

  • Jesus and Logotherapy
    Robert C. Leslie
    ''Tested in the rigors of concentration camp living, logotherapy offers a philosophy of life and a method of counseling which is more consistent with a basically Christian view of life than any other existing system in the current therapeutic world.''Beginning with this thesis, Dr. Leslie compares the modern counseling methods of Viktor Frankl, famed Viennese psychiatrist, with...

    20,58 €

  • Jesus and Logotherapy
    Robert C. Leslie
    ''Tested in the rigors of concentration camp living, logotherapy offers a philosophy of life and a method of counseling which is more consistent with a basically Christian view of life than any other existing system in the current therapeutic world.''Beginning with this thesis, Dr. Leslie compares the modern counseling methods of Viktor Frankl, famed Viennese psychiatrist, with...

    37,34 €

  • Psychopathologie de la vie quotidienne
    Sigmund Freud
    '... La conclusion générale qui se dégage des considérations particulières développées dans les chapitres précédents peut être formulée ainsi : certaines insuffisances de notre fonctionnement psychique (insuffisances dont le caractère général sera, avec plus de précision, défini tout à l’heure) et certains actes en apparence non-intentionnels se révèlent, lorsqu’on leur appliqu...

    15,02 €

  • The Power of Stories
    Allan Guggenbühl
    Often lips are sealed, and delicate topics avoided, when children or adolescents are in a conflict situation or have experienced a trauma. Psychologists, psychotherapist, teachers are challenged and must find alternative ways to connect to the individual or group. Talking alone is not sufficient.In this book-Volume 7 of the Zürich Lecture Series-a therapeutic method and conflic...

    37,18 €

  • Sovrappensiero
    Roberto Gilloni
    Il sovrappensiero sta causando stress, ansia e procrastinazione nella tua vita?Ottieni soluzioni facili, pratiche e realizzabili per superare il problema del sovrappensiero in 30 giorniLa procrastinazione è diventata la tua seconda natura?               Sei sempre preoccupato che qualcosa possa andare storto in qualsiasi momento?Cerchi sempre di mantenere il controllo, e anche ...

    20,43 €

  • Walk and Talk Therapy
    Jennifer Udler
    Feeling restricted by her office-bound clinical practice, licensed clinical social worker Jen Udler decided to take therapy outdoors. Walking on local nature trails with her clients proved to be the breakthrough Jen was looking for. The calming presence of nature provided a rich and varied backdrop for every therapy session, offering natural metaphors for each client’s experien...

    24,92 €

  • 不原谅也没关系
    编辑推荐★创伤疗愈大师皮特•沃克经典之作★被翻译成40多种语言,全球销量超50万册★全球数十万读者推崇的心理疗愈圣经★马弘、童俊、暂停实验室、考拉小巫、清流,感动推荐★雄踞美亚CPTSD领域畅销榜榜首★全面的分类与说解,直接点破易被忽略的心理创伤★提供有效、可行的焦虑与压力缓解方案★针对各个层面的疗愈方法,帮助你从创伤中复原★值得反复研读的教科书级别的作品★用纸优质,环保护眼 内容简介  创伤事件不仅仅包括偶发的、严重的刺激性事件(如战争、天灾、恐怖事件),还包括在成长过程中遭受的羞辱、贬低、欺凌、背叛、情感忽视、过度控制等伤害。这些伤害或许你难以诉说,但带来的创伤却可能远甚于单一事件。  有太多的人因为忽略了这样成长过程中的创伤,'莫名'地产生了人际关系障碍、情绪上的痛苦,甚至被误诊为边缘型人格障碍、自恋型人格障碍、焦虑症、抑郁症、强迫症........

    48,51 €

  • NCMHCE Study Guide
    Elissa Simon
    Introducing our NCMHCE Study Guide: Exam Prep and Practice Questions for the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Test! Trivium Test Prep’s NCMHCE Study Guide includes everything you need to pass the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Exam the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the NCMHCE2 Practice tests with detailed answer explanationsTips and tr...

    75,29 €

  • Finding the Valuable Person
    Chris Steed
    Finding the Valuable Person proposes a new form of therapy. The big theme is that experiences of being devalued when we are not seen or heard, diminished or suffer indignities evoke responses that show up in distress clients bring. These reactions show a prime human need for our personhood to be valuable and validated that generates soul-hungers (for connection, desire, signifi...

    35,29 €

  • Finding the Valuable Person
    Chris Steed
    Finding the Valuable Person proposes a new form of therapy. The big theme is that experiences of being devalued when we are not seen or heard, diminished or suffer indignities evoke responses that show up in distress clients bring. These reactions show a prime human need for our personhood to be valuable and validated that generates soul-hungers (for connection, desire, signifi...

    54,31 €

  • 143 preguntas para conseguir una relación invencible
    Grete Garrido
    Estáis a 143 preguntas de construir una unión para toda la vida. Múltiples estudios aseguran que una comunicación fluida y sincera es la responsable en más de un 80% del éxito de cualquier relación de pareja. Este cuestionario es vuestro pasaporte a una unión fuerte, estable, íntima y auténtica. Un camino apasionante hacia vosotros mismos, como individuos y como pareja, dando l...

    16,12 €

  • 松弛感
    编辑推荐1. 【6大维度、25条路径,拥有松弛感的系统方案,掌握应对不确定性的核心能力】本书从思考能力、解决问题、内在驱动、精力管理、时间管理等方面,帮助读者由内而外建立一套可操作的认知和管理方法论,真正达到一种根基扎实、不断成长、具有韧性的松弛感,从容应对一切问题。2. 【《奇葩说》幕后培训导师、人气辩手胡渐彪重磅新作】华语辩论圈影响力人物、传奇职业经理人胡渐彪在这个焦虑的时代,提出了他对'松弛感'这一热议话题的思考--成为有办法的人,过张弛有度、游刃有余的人生。3. 【有办法才能真松弛,给年轻人的人生答案之书】本书精准把握到当下年轻人的焦虑和困境,所提出的案例和方法都具有很强的针对性、实操性,通过提供行之有效的系统工具,帮助读者在自己能够掌控的范围里,构建一个张弛有度、从容稳健的生活节奏。4. 帆书App创始人、首席内容官樊登,复旦大学人文学者、...

    33,22 €

  • 摆脱精神内耗:为什么我们总被内疚、自责和负罪感支配
    编辑推荐习惯性内疚是一种无谓的精神内耗,只有摆脱它,我们才能放下沉重的精神负担,好好爱自己、爱他人。有时内疚是积极的,它会促使我们弥补错误,成为有责任和担当的人。然而,过度的内疚感却会消耗我们,让我们陷入情绪泥潭,变得恐惧、不安和疲惫。比如:·总是为过去的选择、错误或不完美而自责; ·感觉自己永远都做得还不够;·当应该说不'时却说了'好'; ·任由别人用内疚感来操控自己;·当自己既需要也想要时,不敢大声说出来,或者感觉自己不配;............你总是觉得对不起别人,其实你对不起的人就是你自己。没有人是完美的,我们时时尽力,却经常无能为力。学会坦然接受自己的不完美和局限性,面对不如意,既学会内观也学会外看,相信自己拥有的一切都是值得的,才能让自己充满幸福感和正能量。 内容简介一本帮助习惯性内疚者抵抗负能量的暖心指导书哪怕再不想面对,也要勇敢地剥...

    33,11 €

  • The Beyond Addiction Workbook for Family and Friends
    Jeffrey Foote
    Addiction is a family affair, and one in four US families are impacted by its devastating effects. From the authors of the best-selling guide, Beyond Addiction, this empowering and healing workbook offers evidence-based skills for family members who want to understand what drives their loved one’s addictive behavior, and learn how to discuss it without conflict. This practical,...

    29,87 €