Organización y gestión educativa

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Organización y gestión educativa (9846)

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  • Systemic Knowledge-Based Assessment of Higher Education Programs
    Edgar Oliver Cardoso Espinosa
    The true success of a nation can be measured by its ability to create, disseminate, and utilize knowledge through education. A quality education instills in students the capability to add value to the economy through his or her skills, to participate in society, and to improve the overall wellness of his or her community. Systemic Knowledge-Based Assessment of Higher Education ...

    223,05 €

  • We Need To Do Better
    Paul Miller
    There are no job descriptions for saving or improving lives. Kids who graduate high school have better lives than kids who drop out. Making sure our kids in urban areas succeed is much more than instruction, tests, and homework. It takes a mindset that creates partnerships between communities, parents, schools, and students. WE ALL HAVE TO DO BETTER! ...

    20,16 €

  • Transformative Leadership and Change Initiative Implementation for P-12 and Higher Education
    Transformative leadership emerges as the beacon guiding P-12 schools and higher education institutions through the intricacies of necessary change. Leaders must confront the perennial challenges faced by educational institutions head-on, equipped with an array of innovative strategies and a commitment to fostering equitable practices, from addressing inclusion, diversity, and b...

    380,23 €

  • The Gentlemen’s Book of Etiquette and Manual of Politeness - Being a Complete Guide for a Gentleman’s Conduct in all his Relations Towards Society
    Cecil B. Hartley
    Man was not intended to live like a bear or a hermit, apart from others of his own nature, and, philosophy and reason will each agree with me, that man was born for sociability and finds his true delight in society. Society is a word capable of many meanings, and used here in each and all of them. Society, par excellence; the world at large; the little clique to which he is bou...

    16,81 €

  • The Big 5 of Classroom Management
    Michael Gillmore
    The Big 5 of Classroom Management: A Practical Guide to taking Ownership of Your Classroom is an easy-to-read, user-friendly guide for teachers who struggle with classroom management. The Big 5 of Classroom Management breaks classroom management down into five essential concepts that will lead to dramatic reductions-or the outright elimination-of student misbehaviors. ...

    21,55 €

  • Unequal Education
    Eddy Jaku
    Children with disabilities are a vibrant part of our world, yet their needs often go unnoticed. These 'unseen needs' can be physical, like inaccessible playgrounds, or social, like a lack of understanding from peers.One major unseen need is the lack of awareness surrounding invisible disabilities. Conditions like ADHD or dyslexia can make everyday tasks challenging, but without...

    42,04 €

  • Prestazioni, parametri ematici e qualità delle uova di galline ovaiole
    Taiwo Osundare
    Questo studio è stato condotto per analizzare gli effetti dell’integrazione di enzimi (Allzyme SSF®) nelle diete contenenti farina di radici di manioca sulle prestazioni, i parametri ematici e la qualità delle uova delle galline ovaiole. Centotto pollastre del ceppo Oba Black di 19 settimane sono state assegnate a dodici trattamenti dietetici in una disposizione fattoriale 2 x ...

    70,04 €

  • Desempenho, parâmetros sanguíneos e qualidades dos ovos de galinhas poedeiras
    Taiwo Osundare
    Este estudo foi realizado para investigar os efeitos da suplementação com enzimas (Allzyme SSF®) em dietas contendo farinha de raiz de mandioca sobre o desempenho, os parâmetros sanguíneos e as qualidades dos ovos de galinhas poedeiras. Cento e oito galinhas poedeiras da estirpe Oba Black, com 19 semanas de idade, foram distribuídas por doze tratamentos dietéticos num arranjo f...

    70,04 €

  • Производительность, параметры крови и качество яиц кур-несушек
    Тайво Осундаре
    Данное исследование было проведено с целью изучения влияния добавки фермента (Allzyme SSF®) в рацион, содержащий корневую муку маниока, на производительность, показатели крови и качество яиц кур-несушек. Сто восемь 19-недельных несушек породы Оба Блэк были распределены по двенадцати рационам в факториальной схеме 2 x 3 x 2, состоящим из переработанной муки корня маниоки (очищен...

    70,04 €

  • Leistung, Blutparameter und Eiqualität von Legehennen
    Taiwo Osundare
    Diese Studie wurde durchgeführt, um die Auswirkungen eines Enzymzusatzes (Allzyme SSF®) in Maniokwurzelmehl enthaltenden Futtermitteln auf die Leistung, die Blutparameter und die Eiqualität von Legehennen zu untersuchen. Einhundertacht 19 Wochen alte Legehennen der Rasse Oba Black wurden über einen Zeitraum von fünf Monaten in einer 2 x 3 x 2 faktoriellen Anordnung zwölf Futter...

    70,04 €

  • Performance, paramètres sanguins et qualités des œufs des poules pondeuses
    Taiwo Osundare
    Cette étude a été menée pour étudier les effets de la supplémentation en enzymes alimentaires (Allzyme SSF®) dans les régimes contenant de la farine de racine de manioc sur la performance, les paramètres sanguins et les qualités des œufs des poules pondeuses. Cent huit poulettes de 19 semaines de souche Oba Black au point de ponte ont été réparties en douze traitements alimenta...

    70,04 €

  • Foundations of an Elite Culture
    David Arencibia
    Foundations of an Elite Culture offers practical strategies and tools that can be applied in classrooms, schools, teams, and workplaces. Rooted in education but in many ways universally applicable, this book emphasizes the fusion of high standards and positive environments to create dynamic synergy and nurture peak performance. Discover how to construct the two critical pillars...

    18,47 €

  • Transformative Leadership and Change Initiative Implementation for P-12 and Higher Education
    Transformative leadership emerges as the beacon guiding P-12 schools and higher education institutions through the intricacies of necessary change. Leaders must confront the perennial challenges faced by educational institutions head-on, equipped with an array of innovative strategies and a commitment to fostering equitable practices, from addressing inclusion, diversity, and b...

    288,26 €

  • Resilience of Educators in Extraordinary Circumstances
    In August 2021, Afghanistan found itself in the grip of an unprecedented crisis as the Taliban swiftly regained control of the nation, quickly extinguishing the flame of academic freedom. The nation’s educators and students faced an urgent dilemma and were compelled to escape persecution and navigate the perilous journey to safety. The once-promising dreams of university degree...

    314,64 €

  • Resilience of Educators in Extraordinary Circumstances
    In August 2021, Afghanistan found itself in the grip of an unprecedented crisis as the Taliban swiftly regained control of the nation, quickly extinguishing the flame of academic freedom. The nation’s educators and students faced an urgent dilemma and were compelled to escape persecution and navigate the perilous journey to safety. The once-promising dreams of university degree...

    235,73 €

  • How To Behave - A Pocket Manual Of Republican Etiquette, And Guide To Correct Personal Habits
    Samuel R Wells
    This is an honest and earnest little book, if it has no other merit; and has been prepared expressly for the use of the young people of our great Republic, whom it is designed to aid in becoming, what we are convinced they all desire to be, true American ladies and gentlemen.Desiring to make our readers something better than mere imitators of foreign manners, often based on soc...

    14,06 €

  • Bulletins zum Menschenhandel
    Alina Aricelis Bustos Rodríguez / Yoalbis Pérez Hernández
    Die Bildung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Stärkung der Präventionsarbeit, die in sozialen Einrichtungen, Agenturen und Organisationen geleistet wird, wo die Spezialisten des Diagnose- und Beratungszentrums Lehrer und Familien beraten, überwachen und Präventionsmaßnahmen zum Thema Menschenhandel durchführen, die auf eine umfassende Erziehung der künftigen Generationen ...

    60,26 €

  • Human trafficking bulletins
    Alina Aricelis Bustos Rodríguez / Yoalbis Pérez Hernández
    Education plays a decisive role in strengthening the prevention work carried out in social bodies, agencies and organizations, where the specialists of the Diagnostic and Guidance Center advise, monitor and implement preventive actions for teachers and families on human trafficking, aimed at the comprehensive training of future generations. The present material is framed within...

    60,20 €

  • Bulletins sur la traite des êtres humains
    Alina Aricelis Bustos Rodríguez / Yoalbis Pérez Hernández
    L’éducation joue un rôle décisif dans le renforcement du travail de prévention réalisé dans les organismes sociaux, les agences et les organisations, où les spécialistes du Centre de diagnostic et d’orientation conseillent, suivent et mettent en œuvre des actions de prévention de la traite des êtres humains à l’intention des enseignants et des familles, en vue de l’éducation in...

    60,20 €

  • Bollettini sulla tratta di esseri umani
    Alina Aricelis Bustos Rodríguez / Yoalbis Pérez Hernández
    L’educazione svolge un ruolo decisivo nel rafforzare il lavoro di prevenzione svolto da enti, agenzie e organizzazioni sociali, dove gli specialisti del Centro di diagnosi e orientamento consigliano, monitorano e attuano azioni preventive per insegnanti e famiglie sulla tratta di esseri umani, finalizzate all’educazione integrale delle generazioni future. Il presente materiale ...

    60,20 €

  • Boletins sobre o tráfico de seres humanos
    Alina Aricelis Bustos Rodríguez / Yoalbis Pérez Hernández
    A educação desempenha um papel decisivo no reforço do trabalho de prevenção desenvolvido nas entidades, organismos e organizações sociais, onde os especialistas do Centro de Diagnóstico e Orientação aconselham, acompanham e implementam acções de prevenção junto de professores e famílias sobre o tráfico de seres humanos, visando a educação integral das gerações futuras. O presen...

    60,20 €

  • Бюллетени о торговле людьми
    Алин Бустос Родригес / Йоаль Перес Эрнандес
    Образование играет решающую роль в укреплении профилактической работы, проводимой в социальных органах, учреждениях и организациях, где специалисты Центра диагностики и профориентации консультируют, контролируют и проводят профилактические мероприятия для педагогов и семей по проблеме торговли людьми, направленные на всестороннее воспитание будущих поколений. Данный материал со...

    60,26 €

  • LinguaBot
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    Neste livro, exploramos a excitante intersecção entre a IA e o ensino de línguas, aprofundando a forma como a IA pode servir como um poderoso aliado na jornada para o domínio de línguas estrangeiras. Desde experiências de aprendizagem personalizadas a ambientes virtuais imersivos, a IA oferece soluções inovadoras para obstáculos antigos, permitindo que os alunos atinjam a fluên...

    121,91 €

  • LinguaBot
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    In diesem Buch erforschen wir die aufregende Schnittmenge von KI und Sprachunterricht und gehen der Frage nach, wie KI als mächtiger Verbündeter auf dem Weg zur Beherrschung von Fremdsprachen dienen kann. Von personalisierten Lernerfahrungen bis hin zu immersiven virtuellen Umgebungen bietet KI innovative Lösungen für uralte Hindernisse und ermöglicht es den Lernenden, mit größ...

    121,88 €

  • LinguaBot
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    Dans ce livre, nous explorons l’intersection passionnante de l’IA et de l’enseignement des langues, en nous penchant sur la façon dont l’IA peut servir d’allié puissant dans le voyage vers la maîtrise d’une langue étrangère. Des expériences d’apprentissage personnalisées aux environnements virtuels immersifs, l’IA offre des solutions innovantes à des obstacles séculaires, perme...

    121,85 €

  • LinguaBot
    Кавита Роы / Кхритиш Сваргиары
    В этой книге мы исследуем захватывающее пересечение ИИ и языкового образования, изучая, как ИИ может стать мощным союзником на пути к овладению иностранным языком. От персонализированного обучения до иммерсивной виртуальной среды - ИИ предлагает инновационные решения извечных препятствий, позволяя учащимся достичь свободного владения языком с большей эффективностью и удовольств...

    121,83 €

  • LinguaBot
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    In questo libro esploriamo l’interessante intersezione tra l’IA e l’educazione linguistica, analizzando come l’IA possa essere un potente alleato nel percorso verso la padronanza delle lingue straniere. Dalle esperienze di apprendimento personalizzate agli ambienti virtuali immersivi, l’intelligenza artificiale offre soluzioni innovative a ostacoli di vecchia data, consentendo ...

    121,91 €

  • Anjos da IA
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    Bem-vindo a 'Anjos da IA: Capacitar as crianças com necessidades especiais através da Inteligência Artificial'. Nas páginas que se seguem, embarcamos numa viagem na intersecção da tecnologia e da compaixão, explorando a forma como a inteligência artificial (IA) pode ser aproveitada para melhorar a vida das Crianças com Necessidades Especiais (CWSN).Na era moderna, a tecnologia ...

    137,32 €

  • AI-Engel
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    Willkommen bei 'AI-Engel: Förderung von Kindern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen durch künstliche Intelligenz'. Auf den folgenden Seiten begeben wir uns auf eine Reise an die Schnittstelle von Technologie und Mitgefühl und erkunden, wie künstliche Intelligenz (KI) genutzt werden kann, um das Leben von Kindern mit besonderen Bedürfnissen zu verbessern (CWSN).In der heutigen Zeit ist ...

    137,22 €

  • Anges de l’IA
    Kavita Roy / Khritish Swargiary
    Bienvenue sur le site 'Anges de l’IA: L’intelligence artificielle au service des enfants ayant des besoins particuliers'. Dans les pages qui suivent, nous nous embarquons pour un voyage à l’intersection de la technologie et de la compassion, en explorant comment l’intelligence artificielle (IA) peut être exploitée pour améliorer la vie des enfants ayant des besoins spéciaux (CW...

    137,26 €