Informática: cuestiones generales

/ Informática: cuestiones generales (12132)

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  • L’autonomisation des esprits
    Parampreet Kaur / Pinky Sra
    Nous vivons à l’ère du numérique qui a affecté de manière générale tous les domaines de notre vie, a changé la nature des ressources et de l’information, a transformé plusieurs initiatives sociales et économiques fondamentales et a transformé la société contemporaine, nos modes de vie ont changé de manière spectaculaire. La quantité d’informations et l’accès à celles-ci ont aug...

    85,78 €

  • Potenziare le menti
    Parampreet Kaur / Pinky Sra
    Viviamo nell’era digitale che ha influenzato in generale tutti gli ambiti della nostra vita, ha cambiato la natura delle risorse e delle informazioni, ha trasformato diverse iniziative sociali ed economiche di base e ha trasformato la società contemporanea, i nostri stili di vita sono cambiati radicalmente. Sia la quantità di informazioni che l’accesso ad esse sono cresciuti in...

    85,79 €

  • Capacitar as mentes
    Parampreet Kaur / Pinky Sra
    Vivemos numa era digital que afectou, em geral, todas as áreas das nossas vidas, alterou a natureza dos recursos e da informação, transformou várias iniciativas sociais e económicas básicas e transformou a sociedade contemporânea, os nossos estilos de vida mudaram drasticamente. Não é de surpreender que tenha surgido um potencial significativo para a utilização de recursos vari...

    85,79 €

  • Innovazioni nell’architettura dei computer
    Preeti Rathi
    Lo studio dell’Organizzazione e dell’Architettura dei Computer Avanzati comporta un’esplorazione completa degli sviluppi storici, dei concetti fondamentali e delle tecniche all’avanguardia che danno forma ai moderni sistemi informatici. La panoramica storica traccia l’evoluzione dell’architettura dei computer dagli stadi nascenti ai sofisticati sistemi di oggi, segnati da signi...

    61,57 €

  • Inovações na Arquitetura de Computadores
    Preeti Rathi
    O estudo da Organização e Arquitetura Avançadas de Computadores implica uma exploração abrangente dos desenvolvimentos históricos, conceitos fundamentais e técnicas de ponta que moldam os sistemas de computação modernos. A panorâmica histórica traça a evolução da arquitetura dos computadores desde as suas fases iniciais até aos sistemas sofisticados de hoje, marcados por avanço...

    61,57 €

  • Инновации в компьютерной архитектуре
    Прити Ратхи
    Изучение дисциплины 'Организация и архитектура компьютеров' подразумевает всестороннее исследование исторических событий, фундаментальных концепций и передовых технологий, определяющих современные вычислительные системы. Исторический обзор прослеживает эволюцию компьютерной архитектуры с момента ее зарождения до современных сложных систем, отмеченных значительным ростом вычисли...

    61,63 €

  • Innovations dans l’architecture des ordinateurs
    Preeti Rathi
    L’étude de l’organisation et de l’architecture des ordinateurs avancés implique une exploration complète des développements historiques, des concepts fondamentaux et des techniques de pointe qui façonnent les systèmes informatiques modernes. L’aperçu historique retrace l’évolution de l’architecture des ordinateurs depuis ses débuts jusqu’aux systèmes sophistiqués d’aujourd’hui,...

    61,63 €

  • Innovationen in der Computerarchitektur
    Preeti Rathi
    Das Studium der fortgeschrittenen Computerorganisation und -architektur umfasst eine umfassende Erforschung der historischen Entwicklungen, der grundlegenden Konzepte und der Spitzentechniken, die moderne Computersysteme prägen. Der historische Überblick zeichnet die Entwicklung der Computerarchitektur von ihren Anfängen bis hin zu den hochentwickelten Systemen von heute nach, ...

    61,63 €

  • Multimedia-Netzwerke
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    Multimedianetze sind spezialisierte Kommunikationssysteme, die für die effiziente Übertragung verschiedener Medientypen, einschließlich Audio, Video und Daten, konzipiert sind. Diese Netze ermöglichen die nahtlose Integration verschiedener Medienformate und unterstützen Echtzeitübertragungen und interaktive Anwendungen. Zu den wichtigsten Aspekten in Multimedianetzen gehören di...

    113,15 €

  • Reti multimediali
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    Le reti multimediali sono sistemi di comunicazione specializzati progettati per trasportare in modo efficiente vari tipi di media, tra cui audio, video e dati. Queste reti consentono la perfetta integrazione di diversi formati multimediali, supportando la trasmissione in tempo reale e le applicazioni interattive. Le considerazioni chiave nelle reti multimediali includono la ges...

    113,17 €

  • Мультимедийные сети
    Бхав Кармор / Вишваджит К. Барбудхе / Шраддха Н. Занджат
    Мультимедийные сети - это специализированные коммуникационные системы, предназначенные для эффективной передачи различных типов мультимедиа, включая аудио, видео и данные. Эти сети обеспечивают бесшовную интеграцию различных медиаформатов, поддерживая передачу в реальном времени и интерактивные приложения. Ключевыми моментами в мультимедийных сетях являются управление пропускно...

    113,14 €

  • Réseaux multimédias
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    Les réseaux multimédias sont des systèmes de communication spécialisés conçus pour transporter efficacement différents types de médias, y compris l’audio, la vidéo et les données. Ces réseaux permettent l’intégration transparente de différents formats de médias, prenant en charge la transmission en temps réel et les applications interactives. La gestion de la bande passante, la...

    113,14 €

  • Redes multimédia
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    As redes multimédia são sistemas de comunicação especializados concebidos para transportar eficazmente vários tipos de meios de comunicação, incluindo áudio, vídeo e dados. Estas redes permitem a integração perfeita de diferentes formatos de media, suportando a transmissão em tempo real e aplicações interactivas. As principais considerações nas redes multimédia incluem a gestão...

    113,17 €

  • Konfiguration und Einrichtung eines VPN-Netzwerks in einem Unternehmen
    Christian NZANZU MUTSUVA
    In diesem Buch geht es darum, eine sichere Lösung zu implementieren, um eine sichere und vertrauliche Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen entfernten Standorten und dem Hauptsitz der Bralima Kisangani zu ermöglichen, indem die unter der Umgebung Windows Server 2012 R2 entwickelte VPN-Technologie genutzt wird. Die Technologieauswahl, die in dieser Studie getroffen wurde, basiert...

    85,71 €

  • Setting up a corporate VPN network
    Christian NZANZU MUTSUVA
    This book is about implementing a secure solution to enable secure and confidential communication between various remote sites and Bralima Kisangani headquarters, using VPN technology developed under the Windows Server 2012 R2 environment. The choice of technology made in this study is based on several tunneling protocols offered by the Windows Server 2012 R2 environment, and o...

    85,76 €

  • Configurazione e impostazione di una rete VPN aziendale
    Christian NZANZU MUTSUVA
    Questo libro analizza l’implementazione di una soluzione sicura per consentire comunicazioni sicure e riservate tra vari siti remoti e la sede centrale di Bralima Kisangani, utilizzando la tecnologia VPN sviluppata in ambiente Windows Server 2012 R2. La scelta della tecnologia effettuata in questo studio si basa su diversi protocolli di tunneling offerti dall’ambiente Windows S...

    85,74 €

  • Configuração e instalação de uma rede VPN empresarial
    Christian NZANZU MUTSUVA
    Este livro analisa a implementação de uma solução segura para permitir a comunicação segura e confidencial entre vários locais remotos e a sede de Bralima Kisangani, utilizando a tecnologia VPN desenvolvida no ambiente do Windows Server 2012 R2. A escolha da tecnologia feita neste estudo baseia-se em vários protocolos de tunelamento oferecidos pelo ambiente do Windows Server 20...

    85,74 €

  • Конфигурирование и настройка корпоративной сети VPN
    В этой книге рассматривается реализация защищенного решения для обеспечения безопасной и конфиденциальной связи между различными удаленными сайтами и головным офисом Bralima Kisangani с использованием технологии VPN, разработанной в среде Windows Server 2012 R2. Выбор технологии в данном исследовании основан на нескольких протоколах туннелирования, предлагаемых средой Windows S...

    85,71 €

  • List Anti Rootkit and AntiVirus For Ubuntu, Linux and BSD (Edition 2018)
    Muhammad Vandestra
    All computer systems can suffer from malware, ransomware, rootkit and viruses, including Linux and BSD OS. Thankfully, very few viruses exist for Linux, so users typically do not install antivirus software. It is still recommended that Linux users have antivirus software installed on Linux systems that are on a network or that have files being transferred to the device. Some us...

    14,29 €

  • Panduan Membuat CV, Resume Dan Portofolio Untuk Lamaran Pekerjaan Bagi Pemula Lengkap Dengan Gambar (Edisi 2018)
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Panduan membuat portofolio, CV dan resume secara bertahap untuk surat lamaran pekerjaan bagi pemula lengkap dengan gambar. Guidance on making portfolio, CV and resume gradually for job application letter for beginner complete with picture. ...

    14,29 €

  • The Safari App on the iPad and iPhone (iOS 11 Edition)
    Lynette Coulston
    This guide tells you all you need to know about the Safari App on your iPad and iPhone. This easy to read and comprehensive guide provide great hints and tips, and will help you get the most out of going on Safari. ...

    18,00 €

  • The Mail app on the iPad and iPhone (iOS 11 Edition)
    Lynette Coulston
    This easy-to-read guide will help you discover all you need to know about the Mail app on your iPad and iPhone. From setting up your email account on your iPad or iPhone to creating and sending emails, receiving an reading emails, managing mailboxes, handling attachments, the importance of Contacts and more. ...

    18,00 €

  • Shopping the App Store (and other Stores) on the iPad and iPhone (iOS 11 Edition)
    Lynette Coulston
    The App Store in iOS 11 has undergone quite a lot of change. Find out how to browse and find apps using the App Store App - and which apps are essentials for your iPad and iPhone. Explore the iTunes and iBooks store, and discover the world of Podcasts. A great guide for those who are new to the iPad and iPhone, and those who are looking to get more from these great devices. ...

    16,21 €

  • Typing and Editing on the iPad and iPhone (iOS 11 Edition)
    Lynette Coulston
    Learn all the great tips and tricks about typing and editing on your iPad an iPhone. Discover hidden aspects of your keyboards, navigating your text, advanced editing and more. A great guide for those who are new to the iPad and iPhone, and those who are looking to get more from these great devices. ...

    15,04 €

  • A Guided Tour of the iPad and iPhone (iOS 11 Edition)
    Lynette Coulston
    An essential guide for anyone who is new to the iPad or iPhone. This guide takes your through all the basics - buttons, switches, finger gestures, key areas and features, navigating the different screens, apps, connecting to internet, and so much more. While this is a great guide for those who are new to the iPad and iPhone, anyone who is looking to get even more from these gr...

    21,66 €

  • Getting Closer with LibreOffice Writer
    LibreOffice Indonesia Group
    This book aims to be one of resources for people who want to go deep into and get more knowledge in term of LibreOffice Writer. It titled 'Getting Closer With LibreOffice Writer' which we dedicate for All Indonesian people and all human race. LibreOffice is a free software as office software (office suite) which developed from OpenOffice by The Document Foundation organization ...

    26,79 €

  • Free Video Editor Software Untuk Windows, Mac Dan Linux Edisi Bahasa Inggris
    Cyber Jannah Studio
    Daftar lengkap koleksi free dan opensource software video editor yang tersedia untuk system operasi Windows, Ubuntu Linux dan Mac. Untuk kalangan pelajar, mahasiswa, youtube creator, animator dan pembuat film indie.The complete list free and opensource video editor software available on Windows, Ubuntu Linux, BSD and Macintosh for college student, youtube creator and indie movi...

    16,86 €

  • Free Opensource Video Editor Software For Windows, Ubuntu Linux and Macintosh
    Cyber Jannah Studio
    The complete list free video editor software available on windows, ubuntu linux, bsd and macintosh. For indie movie maker, college student and youtube creator. ...

    15,71 €

  • Panduan Cara Partisi Hardisk Dan SSD Dengan Windows 10 Untuk Pemula Lengkap Dengan Gambar
    Muhammad Vandestra
    Tutorial panduan membuat partisi hardisk dan ssd menggunakan Windows 10 untuk pemula lengkap dengan gambar. Tutorial guide to create hard disk partition and ssd using Windows 10 for beginner complete with picture in indonesia languange. ...

    16,96 €

  • Free Antivirus And Antimalware Software For Ubuntu And Linux Mint
    Cyber Jannah Studio
    Complete list free antivirus and free antimalware software availabe for ubuntu and linux mint.Linux malware includes viruses, Trojans, worms and other types of malware that affect the Linux operating system. Linux, Unix and other Unix-like computer operating systems are generally regarded as very well-protected against, but not immune to, computer viruses.There has not been a s...

    14,37 €