Ideologías políticas

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Ideologías políticas (5108)

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  • Two Paths Ahead
    Shiraz Durrani
    The struggle between socialism and capitalism in Kenya has been long, bitter and violent. Capitalism won with the active support of USA and UK governments at the time of independence in 1963. Yet the original (1960) Kenya African National Union (KANU) Party was in favour of socialism. It was Presidents Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel Arap Moi who used violence to suppress those advoca...

    39,09 €

  • Coca-Cola Socialism
    Radina Vučetić / John K. Cox
    This book is about the Americanization of Yugoslav culture and everyday life during the nineteen-sixties. After falling out with the Eastern bloc, Tito turned to the United States for support and inspiration. In the political sphere the distance between the two countries was carefully maintained, yet in the realms of culture and consumption the Yugoslav regime was definitely mu...

    38,78 €

  • Lakuriq Maje Bunkierit Komunist
    Irena Vladi May
    Në ’Lakuriq Maje Bunkierit Komunist’ të autorës Irena Vladi May, do të zhyteni në botën e saj emocionuese nëpërmjet një udhëtimi të ndjeshëm nëpër jetën e saj.Magjia e poezisë së saj e dërgon lexuesin në një udhëtim të pasur me emocione dhe përvoja personale nën regjimin komunist. Me poezi të ndërlikuara dhe të ndjeshme, Znj. May analizon pasoja të vazhdueshme të regjimit të zh...

    17,57 €

  • Left Alone
    Hjalmar Jorge Joffre-Eichhorn / Patrick Anderson
    Left Alone brings together 13 authors and 6 visual artists from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and North America to individually and collectively reflect - in words and images - on an urgent psycho-political issue that has not yet been explicitly addressed through a left political lens, that is, Left Loneliness. Combining academic and more personal-political texts, includi...

    34,99 €

  • From Insurgent to Citizen
    Thomas Swee Leong Chow
    This is a first-person account of an overseas Chinese who was involved in the armed struggle for the independence of Malaya and Singapore and who evolved through several roles during those tumultuous times - from an anti-Japanese agent in World War II, to a communist guerrilla leader during the Emergency and subsequently to a citizen who worked for the Special Branch to defend ...

    56,94 €

  • From Insurgent to Citizen
    Thomas Swee Leong Chow
    This is a first-person account of an overseas Chinese who was involved in the armed struggle for the independence of Malaya and Singapore and who evolved through several roles during those tumultuous times - from an anti-Japanese agent in World War II, to a communist guerrilla leader during the Emergency and subsequently to a citizen who worked for the Special Branch to defend ...

    33,70 €

  • Love and revolution
    Matt York
    Love and Revolutionbrings classical and contemporary anarchist thought into a mutually beneficial dialogue with a global cross-section of ecological, anti-capitalist, feminist and anti-racist activists - discussing real-life examples of the loving-caring relations that underpin many contemporary struggles. ...

    157,55 €

  • Blood, Soil, Paint - Imperium Press
    Alexander Adams
    The English poet T. E. Hulme said that the root of Romanticism is man’s 'infinite reservoir of possibilities.' Between the French Revolution and the two World Wars, that reservoir burst forth into a new world of promise and crisis, and at the headwaters was the Romantic movement.Blood, Soil, Paint is an essay on Romanticism, but it is much more than that. It clarifies the inter...

    31,03 €

  • Dios y el Estado
    Mijail Bakunin
    ¿Quiénes tienen razón, los idealistas o los materialistas? Una vez planteada así la cuestión, vacilar se hace imposible. Sin duda alguna los idealistas se engañan y/o los materialistas tienen razón. Sí, los hechos están antes que las ideas; el ideal, como dijo Proudhon, no más que una flor de la cual son raíces las condiciones materiales de existencia. Toda la historia intelect...

    9,80 €

  • Empowering Women in Russia
    Julie Hemment / Nastasia Vahtina
    Originally published in 2007, based on research conducted during 1996-1998, Julie Hemment’s engrossing study traces the development encounter through interactions between international foundation and Russian women’s groups during a decade of transformation. Prohibited from organizing independently under state socialism, women’s groups became a focus of attention in the post-Sov...

    40,87 €

  • Totalitarismo
    Fernando Gonçalves
    Um conto de ficção, que trata da história de Marcos que esta preso na cidade do Escravo Moderno, um lugar onde as pessoas são escravizadas pelo, o grande irmão, que proibi elas de pensarem, a liberdade neste local é inata, as pessoas não possuem nenhuma autorização para expressar suas ideias, democracia não existe, só o que há é inteiramente o autoritarismo, por parte do sistem...

    16,22 €

    Eric Leif Davin / MORGAN M. MORGAN
    Created by Wavy Gravy and the Hog Farm collective, Earth People’s Park in northern Vermont was a major waystation of the hippie counter-culture from 1970-1990. This is an account of life there, as well as other waystations, such as Ann Arbor and Cambridge’s Harvard Square, by one who lived the life. It is a unique account of a vanished lifestyle. ...

    11,29 €

  • The China Record
    Fei-Ling Wang
    Detailed assessment of the People’s Republic of China as an alternative mode of political system and as a distinctive model of socioeconomic development. ...

    121,08 €

  • A Brilliant Red Thread
    Don Hamerquist
    [C]apitalism will not topple 'through ... exhaustion.' It will not 'stop running on its own.' It must be overthrown by a politically conscious, mass counter-force, and the primary issue for us concerns how such a force might develop... -from 'Financialization and Hegemony' From the Communist Party of the 1950s, to autonomous European movements in 68 and the revolutionary armed ...

    19,94 €

  • Writings on Britain
    Leon Trotsky
    Leon Trotsky’s Writings on Britain span one of the most tumultuous periods in British history. The first decades of the 20th century were a time of crisis on all fronts for British capitalism. The country was rapidly sinking to a second-rate position among the world powers. Violent eruptions of class struggle shook capitalist rule to its very foundations. Amidst all this, the M...

    34,88 €

  • Reflexiones
    wilber Montoya
    El libro que presento a continuación es una obra que nos permitirá reflexionar en cuanto a sucesos que se presentan en el día a día a las personas. Son hechos sociales que sucedieron o han sucedido en Venezuela a consecuencia de las malas políticas implementadas por los gobernantes, que se empeñan en permanecer en el poder de forma indefinida. En algunos casos apreciarán histor...

    8,67 €

  • India and Pan-Islamism
    Bhimrao Ambedkar / Jagath Jayaprakash
    It is a travesty of history that Ambedkar, whose mortifying critiques of the caste system are routinely cited by ’liberals’ to scorn and deride Hinduism, but whose trenchant criticism of Islam, and particularly the history of Muslims in India, has received little critical scrutiny and has been swept under the carpet.Babasaheb Ambedkar’s forthrightness and unapologetic voicing o...

    19,13 €

  • L’internazionalismo operaio e il diritto dell’Ucraina all’autodeterminazione
    Andrea Vitale
    Dovevamo come operai mettere per iscritto la nostra solidarietà con gli operai ucraini che stanno combattendo armi alla mano contro l’imperialismo russo, dovevamo far luce su tutti i tentativi di nascondere l’essenza dei fatti: nell’epoca dell’imperialismo ci sono ancora guerre di liberazione delle nazioni oppresse e chi le nega serve l’imperialismo mondiale. Toccherà agli oper...

    13,01 €

  • Extreme wealth should be taxed
    Jean-Paul Fonteijn
    The gap between rich and poor is rapidly widening, but we’re simply standing by. As a result, our economy is becoming increasingly unfair and unhealthy.This book explains why this is, and what we can do about it as the problem grows increasingly larger. High time for change! We make ordinary people pay a lot of taxes, while we leave extremely rich people and their gigantic weal...

    16,67 €

  • La riqueza extrema debería pagar impuestos
    J.P. Fonteijn
    La brecha entre ricos y pobres aumenta rápidamente, pero nosotros seguimos a lo nuestro y lo dejamos estar. Como resultado, nuestra economía cada vez es más injusta y está más enferma. Este libro explica la situación y qué podemos hacer al respecto a medida que el problema va en aumento. ¡Es hora de cambiar! Hacemos que la gente corriente pague muchos impuestos y dejamos a su a...

    16,67 €

  • Extremer Reichtum sollte besteuert werden
    J.P. Fonteijn
    Die Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich vergrößert sich rapide, aber wir machen unser Ding und lassen es dabei bewenden. Infolgedessen wird unsere Wirtschaft zunehmend ungerecht und ungesund. Dieses Buch erklärt, wie es dazu kommt und was wir dagegen tun können, da das Problem immer größer wird. Höchste Zeit für Veränderungen! Wir lassen die gewöhnliche Menschen viel Steuern zahlen un...

    16,70 €

  • Mutual Aid (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
    Peter Kropotkin
    Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution represents one of the major contributions to twentieth-century political thought. A classic, though often misunderstood text of anarchist thinking, the book offers an exciting and viable alternative to our current political models. Kropotkin’s idea of mutual aid is the radical practice of caring for each other while actively working...

    10,45 €

  • Armoede van de filosofie
    Karl Marx
    In dit werk bekritiseert Marx de economische (hoofdstuk 1) en filosofische (hoofdstuk 2) doctrine van P.J. Proudhon.Marx begon aan dit boek te werken in januari 1847, zoals blijkt uit Engels’ brief aan Marx van 15 januari 1847. Tegen april 1847 was het werk volledig af en werd het gepubliceerd. Op 15 juni schreef hij een kort voorwoord.’De armoede van de filosofie. Antwoord op ...

    24,59 €

  • Gods,Earths and 85ers
    Paul Johnson
    This book gives a clear and precise look into one of the most misunderstood,controversial and sublime groups in American history. The Nation of Gods and Earths, otherwise known as The 5%ers rich history and teachings are finally made available to the world in ways that are very mentally digestible. This is your invitation to get your knowledge, wisdom and understanding in a w...

    11,28 €

  • Loon, prijs en winst
    Karl Marx
    Loon, prijs en winst is een overzicht van toespraken door Marx in antwoord op stellingen van Weston: (1) Kan de sociale en materiële toestand van de arbeidersklasse door hogere lonen verbeterd worden? en (2). Hebben de bemoeiingen van de vakverenigingen om hogere lonen te bereiken niet een schadelijke uitwerking op andere industrietakken? Het werd aanvankelijk niet gepubliceerd...

    17,22 €

  • Kritiek op het programma van Gotha
    Karl Marx
    De ’Kritiek op het programma van Gotha’ behoort tot de voornaamste geschriften uit de politieke nalatenschap van Karl Marx. Het kwam tot stand in 1875, het jaar waarin de twee voornaamste arbeiderspartijen van Duitsland, de marxistisch geïnspireerde Sociaal-democratische Arbeiderspartij (de 'Eisenachers') en de Algemene Duitse Arbeidersbond van de in 1864 overleden socialist Fe...

    13,40 €

  • Extreem rijk moet worden belast
    Jean-Paul Fonteijn
    De kloof tussen arm en rijk wordt snel groter, maar we doen ons ding en laten het erbij. Met als gevolg dat onze economie steeds oneerlijker en ongezonder wordt.Dit boek legt uit hoe dat zit, en wat we eraan kunnen doen nu het probleem groter en groter wordt. Hoogste tijd voor verandering! We laten gewone mensen veel belasting betalen, en laten extreem rijke mensen en hun gigan...

    16,65 €

  • The History of the Communist Party of the United States
    William Z Foster
    This is William Z. Foster’s definitive history of the Communist Party of the United States. In it he relates the history of a party of the American working class and the story and analysis of the origin, growth, and development of that party. It is the record of a Party which through its entire existence has loyally fought for the best interests of the American working class an...

    32,15 €

  • Universality and Utopia
    Daniel Sacilotto
    This work examines the evolution of the Peruvian indigenista literary tradition in the twentieth century in its relation to the evolution of socialist thought and dialectical materialist philosophy. ...

    158,44 €

  • No masters but God
    Hayyim Rothman
    A study in the writings of a transnational constellation of rabbis, scholars, activists, and theologians active during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It explores how, through the lense of biblical, rabbinic, and kabbalistic literature, they developed themes of anti-authoritarianism, antinomianism, nationalism, and pacifism. ...

    35,53 €