Hacer frente a los problemas personales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales (11521)

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  • Cine Despertar
    Provocador Do Ser
    Cinema é uma das mais importantes e influentes ferramentas de entretenimento da sociedade, e isso é inquestionável. Porém, além da diversão, a sétima arte pode ser usada para trazer uma jornada mais completa e rica ao ser humano, para fomentar um maior entendimento da existência, e isso é justamente aquilo que será analisado nesta obra. Imagine que os segredos mais profundos da...

    9,62 €

  • Como Empreender Com Deus
    Dayane De Souza
    Uma obra que aborda situações de fracasso e de sucesso em empreendimentos. ...

    12,82 €

  • Anorexia and other Eating Disorders
    Eva Musby
    The most effective treatment for eating disorders is family-based, and parents play an essential role. Yet most struggle to know what to do and how to do it.With a wealth of practical examples and tips that have helped many tens of thousands of relieved parents, Eva Musby guides you through each stage of your son or daughter’s recovery. She provides solace and confidence, while...

    31,80 €

  • Foundational Substance Abuse Recovery
    Renee Frye
    This Deconstructing Trauma™ Interactive Workbook Curriculum, paired with our Deconstructing Trauma™ guidebook, offers new perspectives and tools that reprogram negative, chaotic patterns that have occurred from trauma in our lives. We have all been through some form of trauma-generational, historical, vicarious, secondary, and lived traumatic experiences-that affects our daily ...

    13,09 €

  • Black Sheep
    Anna Gajowniczek / Anna Gitszel / Limitless Mind Publishing
    'Black Sheep' is a story about the unceasing fight with the demons of the past. This is the autobiography of a woman whose life has been divided into Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven.In Hell, where it seemed she would stay for her whole life, from a very young age, she experienced traumas that many Polish families in post-communist times hid, but back then nobody talked about it...P...

    25,11 €

  • Hard Drugs, a Reality of Pain!
    Kenneth E. Wimbley / Kenneth E Wimbley / Kenneth E. Wimbley
    The book 'Hard Drugs, a Reality of Pain!' is a beacon of light. A historical, poetic and prose approach to drug awareness and prevention. This work is innovative, transparent, and fact-based. The spiritual opening and introduction to opium, and its connections to 900 + years of substance use, abuse, drug trafficking, drug crimes and bloody drug wars, to the history of cannabis,...

    22,41 €

  • Esse Livro Não É Sobre Corujas
    Rhuan Augusto Lomeu Rampi
    A obra ESTE LIVRO NÃO É SOBRE CORUJAS, convida os leitores a uma jornada introspectiva, explorando pensamentos profundos e emoções intensas. Através de reflexões íntimas, o livro entrelaça palavras para desvelar anseios, saudades, perdas e tentativas de compreender a própria existência. Cada texto oferece um vislumbre da complexidade humana, convidando os leitores a contemplar ...

    10,02 €

  • 42 Things To Do Before You Go
    Rachel Coleman
    This is your Anti-Bucket List, a book of adventure prompts designed to help you try new things, explore the world around you, and spark or rekindle a genuine desire to stay and live life fully.Here we are in this vast universe dealing with the outrageous cards we’ve been dealt. When did we agree to these terms and conditions? Can we opt out?If you’ve considered or are consideri...

    5,54 €

  • Should’ve Been Dead
    Rory Londer / Sweta Patel
    An example of how, at any point, we each have the power to say, 'This is not how the story ends.' And Rory proves it.'Just to warn you, he swears. A lot.' I prepped my high school class for tomorrow’s speaker. 'He had a crack addiction, was living on the streets, and ended up buying the same laundromat he used to rest in. He turned it into a million-dollar business.' 'What?!! N...

    12,64 €

  • O Guarda-roupa De Paris
    Tamara Ramos
    Imagine-se viajando para Paris e aprendendo os melhores truques de estilo direto das mulheres francesas.Imagine-se descobrindo todos os segredos de elegância, beleza e comportamento para exibir uma imagem cheia de classe e bom gostoao modo das parisienses.Após quatro anos de estudo sobre o estilo de vida e a imagem das parisienses por meio de livros, filmes, entrevistas e duas ...

    20,31 €

  • O Garoto De Búzios
    Fernando Bertozzi
    Apaixonado pela sua cidade, Armação dos Búzios, Fernando Bertozzi ficou conhecido nacionalmente após apresentar a série Meu Pedaço do Brasil exibido pela TV Brasil em abril de 2020. E também, pelo seu livro O irmão da minha amiga, um conto fictício sobre um jovem que passa por conflitos em relação a sua sexualidade.Bertozzi também é ativista das políticas para a juventude e dos...

    12,82 €

  • The Slipped Disc Mastery Bible
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    'The Slipped Disc Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Slipped Disc Management' is an authoritative guide designed to empower individuals in understanding, managing, and conquering the challenges associated with slipped discs. From demystifying the science behind slipped discs and debunking common myths to detailing the causes, symptoms, and long-term effects of untreated...

    12,80 €

  • The Piles Mastery Bible
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    'The Piles Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Piles Management' is a comprehensive guide that demystifies the world of piles, providing an in-depth understanding of this common but often misunderstood condition. Dive into the anatomy of piles, differentiate between internal and external types, and learn to recognize symptoms early on. Explore the causes, risk factors, a...

    10,77 €

  • From the Furnace, with Love
    Jason M Kirin
    'From the Furnace, with Love' is an exploration into the multi-generational influence of Shirley Cavanaugh, a 28-year-old sex worker whose testimonies against corrupt Pittsburgh police brought about the total dismantling and collapse of the revered 1950s Vice and Narcotics Squad. But Shirley Cavanaugh’s life was far more complex and nuanced than the newspaper headlines of the 1...

    20,59 €

  • Lagoa Do Ozim
    Jeverson Santana
    Nesta criativa crônica, você será familiarizado com a trajetória de personagens carismáticos que, apesar de suas histórias tristes e dificuldades diárias, tiveram suas vidas transformadas pelo acolhimento missionário e pelo amor de Jesus Cristo.O livro é sobre um vilarejo no sertão baiano com personagens da região que querem encontrar um novo sentido para suas vidas, mesmo tend...

    14,09 €

  • Things I Wish I’d Known
    Deborah J. Cornwall / Deborah JCornwall
    Updated 2023; Family caregivers are the unsung heroes of the life-saving drama that’s triggered by a cancer diagnosis. Nearly three quarters of American households will find themselves caring for a cancer patient at one point in their lives. This book is the first to capture their thoughts, feelings, and insights on a large scale. It is based on 101 formal interviews with non-p...

    15,82 €

  • The Constant Dieter
    Caroline Wiseblood Meline
    In THE CONSTANT DIETER: A Philosopher’s Guide to Conquering Chronic and Compulsive Overeating, author Caroline Wiseblood Meline shares her 25-year history of disordered eating, as well as her process of overcoming the disorder permanently. Combining self-help, memoir, academic philosophy, and psychology, this unique book helps readers address four major obstacles to conquering ...

    27,96 €

    sylvia mckina
    Experience a revolutionary journey with ’A Dual Guide: How to Reset Your Life and Find Happiness.’ This innovative book seamlessly blends timeless human wisdom with cutting-edge AI insights, offering a new approach to transform your life. Discover personal techniques that eliminate negativity, cultivate balance, and set you on a path to joy. Learn how to reset, uncover your tru...

    19,05 €

  • A Kintsugi Life
    Kelly Holden
    This is Kelly Holden’s story of losing a husband she loved immensely and understanding that finding love again does not mean you stop loving the first person. It is a story of grief, healing, and hope. Her life, like many others, resembles broken pottery. The key to being happy is finding beauty in these imperfections, which is from where the title of the book comes.  Kintsugi ...

    16,90 €

  • Fentanyl
    Barbara Hanvey
    I once asked my only son Spencer why he started smoking pot, and he answered, 'To keep me from putting a gun to my head.'Spencer is a tremendous athlete with a bright future just like many of America’s sons and daughters. He wants to fit into a world with a culture that is not so forgiving and can make it tough for a young man to survive. He is in a fight for his life.His mom w...

    17,26 €

  • Through the Eyes of Myasthenia Gravis
    William J. Lowry
    Embark on a compelling journey into the world of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) with 'Through the Eyes of Myasthenia Gravis.' This insightful book provides a unique perspective on the challenges, triumphs, and the relentless pursuit of normalcy for those living with this rare neuromuscular disorder.As readers delve into the pages, they encounter personal stories that illuminate the day...

    18,80 €

  • Mommy, Where Do Butterflies Go?
    Leta Laugle
    The Butterfly brings happiness to the child throughout the story, particularly to relieve/resolve grief. The butterfly symbolizes positive change and growth of the child throughout the story. ...

    24,24 €

  • Mommy, Where Do Butterflies Go?
    Leta Laugle
    The Butterfly brings happiness to the child throughout the story, particularly to relieve/resolve grief. The butterfly symbolizes positive change and growth of the child throughout the story. ...

    14,19 €

  • How to Become a Superhero
    Erika Silverman
    Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a little girl named Isabel. It was Isabel’s dream to become a fairy to help others with her magical powers, so she applied to a school that specialized in teaching little girls how to find their inner powers and strength to do good in the world. It was Isabel’s first day in class, and she met her fairy godmother professor named, ...

    17,41 €

  • Pain Control with EMDR
    Mark Grant
    The 8th revised edition of this research-based manual describes how to use EMDR in the treatment of chronic pain. Includes a review of role of trauma and attachment problems in pain, neurological aspects of pain, Theoretical model of pain based on Accelerated Information Processing Model, step by step EMDR pain protocol, including detailed notes and tips for each stage, key dif...

    50,60 €

  • Muito Além Das Dietas
    Evandro Borges
    Queridos leitores e leitoras, O livro Muito Além das Dietas é fruto de quase uma década de pesquisas e observações clínicas.Estamos vivendo na era do Alto Rendimento, do Alto Desempenho, do Sucesso Rápido e das Fast-Diets. Motivação ou Pressão? Punição ou Adaptação?Da mesma forma que nos sentimos atraídos por dietas rápidas, também nos sentimos atraídos por comida rápida. E o p...

    16,31 €

  • Shattered but Not Broken
    Betty Major-Rose
    The founder of Parents Against Gangs, and the Family Trauma Advocacy Counseling Center, Betty Major-Rose shares her story of the many grief experiences she lived through including the tragic and sudden death of her first husband and murder of her seventeen year-old daughter. She walks us through each death she endured and reveals the complexities that comes with grief. Her stor...

    15,66 €

  • Saúde Integral - Longevidade E Beleza Saudável
    Sara Michele Lambert
    Com o passar dos anos, a busca por uma vida saudável e equilibrada tem se tornado cada vez mais comum. Saúde Integral - Longevidade e Beleza Saudável é um guia completo para quem deseja alcançar esse objetivo. Com uma abordagem holística e integrativa, o livro apresenta os principais pilares da saúde integral, incluindo alimentação saudável, atividade física regular, cuidados c...

    18,29 €

  • From Reaction to Creation
    Hesham Mohamed Elsherif
    Every so often, a quiet revolution brews within the hearts and minds of individuals, a revolution that begins and ends with the mastery of one’s emotional state. 'From Reaction to Creation: Mastering Your Emotional Landscape' is not just a book; it’s a vessel for this revolution, a guide designed to navigate the often tumultuous seas of emotional experience. As you hold this bo...

    47,61 €

  • Suicide and the Eternal Nature of the Soul
    You do not need to purchase this book. It can be downloaded for free at www.realtruth.site. The information given in this book should not be sold for a price, but offered to all, free of charge. Anything that is really of any worth to the human race, should always be offered for free.If you’ve thought about (or are thinking about) ending your life, this book is for you. Before ...

    17,53 €