
Humanidades / Filosofía (76393)

  • Ensaios E Críticas
    Ana Monique Moura
    Coletânea de ensaios e críticas sobre diversas linguagens artísticas, poéticas e culturais, a partir de uma ótica filosófica. ...

    10,04 €

  • J.D. Ponce zu Mark Aurel
    J.D. Ponce
    Dieser spannende Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Erklärung und Analyse von Mark Aurels 'Selbstbetrachtungen', einem der einflussreichsten Werke der Geschichte, dessen Verständnis sich aufgrund seiner Komplexität und Tiefe beim ersten Lesen dem Verständnis entzieht.Unabhängig davon, ob Sie 'Selbstbetrachtungen' bereits gelesen haben oder nicht, dieser Aufsatz wird es Ihnen erm...

    16,41 €

  • Natureza, Gênio E Arte
    Ana Monique Moura
    A obra é um estudo analítico que aborda os principais elementos da teoria de Kant acerca da experiência estética no que tange a relação entre natureza, gênio e arte e busca apresentar os desdobramentos da compreensão filosófica dessa dimensão. ...

    9,96 €

  • Epístola De Aquarius
    Salatiel Meira
    Já se perguntou por que alguns padres e pastores perdem a fé? E em contexto com a anátema, para onde foi o apóstolo Paulo após sua conversão, para Jerusalém ter com os demais apóstolos, ou para a Arábia, e depois de volta a Damasco? Você será capaz de ver além da alegoria é continuar a crer? A fé precisa mesmo de um deus para operar milagres? E se eu te disser que ainda que Jes...

    8,78 €

  • Between Care and Justice
    Elena Pulcini / Antonio Calcagno / Silvia Benso
    Proposes a form of moral education that joins care and justice to nurture and develop the desirable moral sentiments for a more just world at the interpersonal, social, political economic, and environmental levels. ...

    127,13 €

  • Becoming Truitt Skye
    Adrea Peters
    Becoming Truitt Skye Book 3: The Equation for ImaginationIn the concluding book of the Becoming Truitt Skye series, we find Truitt caught between worlds and trapped, by her own doing, in the body of Serena Rollings, who couldn’t be less aware of Truitt and Truitt’s mission to stop her arch enemy, Eva Kinde, from destroying her family, and quite possibly, all of humanity. Be pre...

    21,95 €

  • Becoming Truitt Skye
    Adrea Peters
    Becoming Truitt Skye Book 3: The Equation for ImaginationIn the concluding book of the Becoming Truitt Skye series, we find Truitt caught between worlds and trapped, by her own doing, in the body of Serena Rollings, who couldn’t be less aware of Truitt and Truitt’s mission to stop her arch enemy, Eva Kinde, from destroying her family, and quite possibly, all of humanity. Be pre...

    15,58 €

  • Tajdeed-e-Deen
    Mohammad Jarjis Karimi
    Renewal means to make something new. Renewal of religion means reviving its tarnished teachings and sunnah, highlighting its impressions and signs and popularizing them among the people, which have faded with the passage of time. This makes it clear that in the sense of renewal, there is no mixing or inclusion of something new in religion, nor does it mean that parts of it are ...

    18,14 €

    '’El Gran Estoico’ nos sumerge en el corazón de la filosofía estoica, explorando su poderosa influencia sobre la mente y el espíritu a través de narrativas entrelazadas que resuenan con desafíos y triunfos universales. Este libro revela cómo las enseñanzas estoicas pueden transformar nuestras vidas, ofreciendo estrategias para manejar la adversidad, cultivar la resiliencia y al...

    10,99 €

  • The Basis Of Morality
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Embark on a profound philosophical exploration of ethics and human behavior with 'The Basis Of Morality' by Arthur Schopenhauer. In this seminal work, Schopenhauer delves into the fundamental principles that underpin moral thought and action, challenging conventional notions of right and wrong and offering a radical reinterpretation of moral philosophy.With incisive insight and...

    15,23 €

  • The Roots of Western Culture
    Herman Dooyeweerd
    This is Dooyeweerd’s most accessible work. It provides an understanding of Greek, medieval, and Modern Humanistic life-orientations in their historical development and inter-penetration - throughout confronted with the implications of an integral biblical understanding of the human condition, human society and the place and calling of scholarly reflection. It shows a healthy se...

    12,83 €

  • Beelzebub’s Tales
    George I Gurdjieff
    This is the first in a series of three books that provide the reader with the ability to directly compare the text of Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson with the text of its earlier draft, The 1931 Manuscript.Despite the differences between the two versions, the text of both bear the mark of Gurdjieff. They are permeated with his rhythm and style. In some chapters, the text of t...

    38,20 €

  • To be or not to be?!
    Chingiz Ibrahimov
    'To be or not to be' - this eternal question worries everyone. Rich and poor alike. A person is born - it is God’s will. But why are people born with different characters, abilities, health? Why are people born with different destinies? Why there is still no answer to these and other questions: How to be a human being? How to live? How to organize one’s life? Lucius Annaeus Sen...

    58,09 €

  • Partition et conflits communautaires dans certains romans anglais
    Satish Saykar
    La Partition n’est pas quelque chose que nous pouvons ignorer, mais elle a occupé une place importante dans le discours culturel et historique de notre pays. Les discussions sur la Partition, qui portent généralement sur le fanatisme religieux, la chicanerie coloniale, les résultats de mauvaises décisions, la futilité de la violence, la perte de vies humaines, la lutte pour le ...

    68,83 €

  • Разделение и коммунальный конфликт в избранных английских романах
    Сатиш Сайкар
    Разделение - это не то, что мы можем игнорировать, но оно заняло значительное место в культурно-историческом дискурсе нашей страны. Дискуссии о Разделе, в которых обычно затрагиваются вопросы религиозного фанатизма, колониального сутяжничества, результатов неверных решений, бесполезности насилия, человеческих жертв, споров о разделе власти, конфликта между Индией и Пакистаном и...

    68,82 €

  • Partition und kommunale Konflikte in ausgewählten englischen Romanen
    Satish Saykar
    Die Teilung ist etwas, das wir nicht ignorieren können, aber sie hat einen wichtigen Platz im kulturellen und historischen Diskurs unseres Landes eingenommen. Die Diskussionen über die Teilung, die sich im Allgemeinen mit religiösem Fanatismus, kolonialen Schikanen, den Folgen falscher Entscheidungen, der Sinnlosigkeit von Gewalt, dem Verlust von Menschenleben, dem Streit um di...

    68,83 €

  • Être ou ne pas être ! Être ou ne pas être !
    Chingiz Ibrahimov
    Être ou ne pas être - cette éternelle question concerne tout le monde. Les riches comme les pauvres. Une personne naît - c’est la volonté de Dieu. Mais pourquoi les gens naissent-ils avec des caractères, des capacités, une santé différents ? Pourquoi les gens naissent-ils avec des destins différents ? Pourquoi n’y a-t-il toujours pas de réponse à ces questions et à d’autres ? ...

    58,22 €

  • Sein oder nicht sein?! Sein oder nicht sein?!
    Chingiz Ibrahimov
    „Sein oder nicht sein' - diese ewige Frage betrifft jeden. Reiche und Arme gleichermaßen. Ein Mensch wird geboren - das ist Gottes Wille. Aber warum werden die Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Charakteren, Fähigkeiten, Gesundheit geboren? Warum werden Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Schicksalen geboren? Warum gibt es immer noch keine Antwort auf diese und andere Fragen: Wie wird m...

    58,28 €

  • Ser ou não ser?!
    Chingiz Ibrahimov
    'Ser ou não ser' - esta eterna questão diz respeito a toda a gente. Tanto os ricos como os pobres. Uma pessoa nasce - é a vontade de Deus. Mas porque é que as pessoas nascem com carácter, capacidades e saúde diferentes? Porque é que as pessoas nascem com destinos diferentes? Porque é que ainda não há resposta para estas e outras perguntas: Como ser um ser humano? Como viver? Co...

    58,22 €

  • Essere o non essere? Essere o non essere?
    Chingiz Ibrahimov
    'Essere o non essere': questa eterna domanda riguarda tutti. Sia i ricchi che i poveri. Una persona nasce - è la volontà di Dio. Ma perché le persone nascono con caratteri, capacità, salute diversi? Perché le persone nascono con destini diversi? Perché non c’è ancora una risposta a queste e ad altre domande: Come essere un essere umano? Come vivere? Come organizzare la propria ...

    58,16 €

  • 孤独是人生常态
    [德] 阿图尔·叔本华
    内容简介    在这个世界上,真正可供我们选择的路只有两种,要么享受孤独,要么沦入世俗。社会就像一团熊熊烈火,明智的人通过与其保持适当的距离来取暖,而不是像傻瓜一样靠得太近,灼伤自己。    本书是德国哲学家叔本华的经典作品选编,以13篇佳作展现作者在孤独中思索,以一个哲人的眼光对人类的世俗生活进行的观察和分析,特别对命运、自由、救赎、教育、道德、名誉等人生问题阐述了独到的观点,充满了作者的真知灼见,读来发人深省。 ...

    33,17 €

  • Nina E Lupe No Mundo Da Filosofia
    Valdira Abreu Magalhães Nina Lee De Sá
    SinopseNina e Lupe no mundo da filosofia é uma história encantadora que conta a jornada de Nina, uma garotinha curiosa e seu amigo, o macaco Lupe. Juntos, eles exploram terras mágicas e enigmas filosóficos, desvendando os mistérios da amizade, verdade e imaginação. Ao enfrentar desafios divertidos e jogos inteligentes, Nina e Lupe aprendem lições valiosas sobre respeito, empati...

    10,56 €

  • New Gravitational Physics
    Frank DuVall
    The objective of this book is to present the creative concepts and logical analysis leading to determining the energy required to create our universe. Further, this quest utilizes simple mathematics (no higher than second year Algebra). The value of the entities used herein were derived or miraculously selected individually from within a range of acceptable limits and applied i...

    20,03 €

  • Wer bin ich?
    Kissel Goldblum
    Wer bin ich? Eine Untersuchung über die Natur des Seins in Spinozas Ethik. Dieses Buch ist eine kurze Untersuchung über die ontologische Struktur der Substanz und die epistemologischen Möglichkeiten des Menschen in Spinozas Ethik. Ich werde einige der wichtigsten Begriffe untersuchen, die in der Ethik behandelt werden und die für die Begründung einer nicht-dualistischen Lebensw...

    55,10 €

  • Aventuras na Matrix
    Terry Hyland
    Les arguments en faveur de la simulation, selon lesquels l’univers et l’expérience que nous en avons pourraient être des simulations informatiques construites par des civilisations avancées (extraterrestres ou nos descendants humains/post-humains), ont fait l’objet d’un vaste débat depuis la formulation philosophique originale de la position principale de Bostrom en 2003. Depui...

    82,78 €

  • Abenteuer in der Matrix
    Terry Hyland
    Simulationsargumente, wonach das Universum und unsere Erfahrungen mit ihm möglicherweise Computersimulationen sind, die von fortgeschrittenen Zivilisationen (entweder von Außerirdischen oder von unseren menschlichen/posthumanen Nachfahren) konstruiert wurden, sind seit Bostroms ursprünglicher philosophischer Formulierung der Hauptposition im Jahr 2003 Gegenstand einer breiten D...

    82,85 €

  • Ensaios Acadêmicos
    Elisandro Carvalho
    Esta obra é um convite à reflexão e ao debate sobre conceitos chave para a compreensão do direito e sua influência na vida em sociedade.O livro abre com Sociologia Jurídica e Formas de Controle Social - O Elemento Jurídico na Vida em Sociedade, um ensaio que convida o leitor a refletir sobre como o Direito, enquanto elemento estruturante das sociedades, molda e é moldado pelasd...

    12,52 €

  • 科学、哲学、历史思考扎记
    政治哲学家约翰•洛克认为,创立政治社会的目的是为了更好保护私有财产。在这种前提下,社会公认价值优先次序必是私产在前政府在后,私有财产独立于 世而非附属政府。作为社会科学家,徐泽荣氏于狱发现,交换价值乃是可被三种检验逻辑证明,实质乃为效用价值, 绝非古典经济学、马克思主义第一定理坚称的劳动价值。 从此,论点'剥削来自权力勾结资本而非私有财产本身'便 从哲学观点上升成为科学观点。这是牛津大学前后校友 (基督教堂vs圣安东尼)心有灵犀的一脉通灵。本书作者反复地、简明地阐述了科学证非劳动价值要 义,正文共计90篇大多联系实际地、通俗易懂地阐述了这 些道理。港台、西方崇尚哈耶克学说的人,其实并不明白马克思公有制思想、实践的巨大危害,所以一向忽视对于官僚资本主义2.4的批判、扫除。巴西总统米莱所称的均益主 义(原译集体主义,不对)对比马克思公有制,危害性简直是小...

    40,72 €

  • The Decline of the West
    Oswald Spengler
    The first volume of Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West is a milestone in historiography. It is not a standard history book. Instead, it tries to explain the mechanisms that make different cultures tick. While classical culture had no concept of the past or future and was only fixated on the present, Western culture is focused on the past as memory and the future as uncon...

    40,64 €

  • The Decline of the West
    Oswald Spengler
    In the second and more controversial, albeit optimistic, volume of The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler deals with the world-historical perspectives of his comparative cultural morphology. The periodical calm surrounding the constant and eternally recurring movements, described in the first volume, is over. Spengler develops his theory of 'Caesarism' - a tendency towards di...

    54,94 €