Estudios literarios: clásicos, primitivos y medievales

Literatura y estudios literarios / Literatura: historia y crítica / Estudios literarios: general / Estudios literarios: clásicos, primitivos y medievales (2168)

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  • Sábados Literários
    Edson Janine Zakalhuk E Regina Chicoski (org.) Carla Alexandra Ferreria Adriana Esther Suarez Santos Silva
    O tema dos Sábados Literários em 2023 foi VOZES NEGRAS NA LITERATURA . Obras como Água de barrela, de Eliana Alves Cruz, Poemas de recordação e outros movimentos, de Conceição Eva-risto, Um Exu em Nova York, de Cidinha Silva, Levante, de Henrique Marques Samyn, Porco de Raça, de Bruno Ribeiro, Um corpo Negro, de Bruno Ribeiro, Um defeito de Cor, de Ana Maria Gonçalves, O avesso...

    13,61 €

  • Fantastic histories
    Victoria Flood
    Details the political and cultural contexts of the entry of fairies to the historical record in twelfth century England, and the subsequent political uses of fairy narratives in both insular and continental history and romance, revealing the fairy as a contested marker of historicity and fictionality. ...

    157,12 €

  • Conceiving bodies
    Dana Oswald
    The Old English remedies for women’s reproductive ailments gesture to contemporary notions of bodily autonomy. Close examination of the remedies for menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, stillbirth, and abortion reveal distinctions among them, where previously they were understood reductively as women’s medicine. ...

    157,46 €

  • Theory Does Not Exist
    Paul Allen Miller
    A wide-ranging collection of essays that makes the case for the humanities as central to our self-understanding, for theory as the latest incarnation of a perennial concern with the relation between words and things, and for the ancient as constitutive of the modern. ...

    158,45 €

  • Bestsellers and masterpieces
    Bestsellers and masterpieces: The changing medieval canon offers a comparative critique of the development of the ’modern canon’ of medieval literature across European and Middle Eastern medieval studies. ...

    44,13 €

  • Riddles at work in the early medieval tradition
    The first collection devoted solely to early medieval riddles, Riddles at work showcases recent research in this popular, new field. It brings together studies of Old English and Latin riddles, authors at various stages of their careers and a range of approaches, aiming to map out both the state of the field now and its future directions. ...

    43,87 €

  • The Invisible Man
    Herbert George Wells
    On a bitter evening in the depths of winter, a mysterious stranger arrives to the remote English village of Iping, his face swaddled in bandages.The Invisible Man tells the tale of Griffin, a scientist who has found a way to make himself invisible. To his anger and dismay, however, the experiment appears irreversible. Freed from the constraints of the law and rejected by a soci...

    12,50 €

  • The Call of the Wild
    Jack London
    First published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is regarded as Jack London’s masterpiece. Based on London’s experiences as a gold prospector in the Canadian wilderness and his ideas about nature and the struggle for existence, The Call of the Wild is a tale about unbreakable spirit and the fight for survival in the frozen Alaskan Klondike. ...

    8,52 €

  • Literatures of the Hundred Years War
    This volume demonstrates how the Hundred Years War (1337-1453) provides a necessary context for late-medieval literature. It shows how war impacted the lives and works of major writers like Geoffrey Chaucer, Christine de Pizan, and Catherine of Siena, while also arguing for a transnational approach that moves beyond the Anglo-French core. ...

    42,20 €

  • Approaches to emotion in Middle English literature
    Carolyne Larrington
    A significant new account of emotion in Middle English literature, proposing key methodologies for the analysis of feeling and affect in literary texts. It shows how contemporary audiences learned to understand emotion in themselves and others, through empathetic response, the development of fictionality and the emergence of interiority. ...

    156,98 €

  • Cú Chulainn’s Death
    Bettina Kimpton
    The death tale of the early medieval Irish warrior hero Cú Chulainn features a taut narrative interwoven with stunningly complex poetry. This revised critical edition with introduction, text, translation, textual notes, and glossary provides linguistic, literary, and metrical analyses of the tale, as well as a brief discussion of early Irish poetics. ...

    16,12 €

  • Borrowed objects and the art of poetry
    Denis Ferhatovic
    This study uses examinations of Exeter riddles, Old English religious verse and Beowulf to formulate the poetics of spolia - creative transformations of martial and architectural plunder serving to signal metatextual reflection. ...

    35,97 €

  • Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome

    44,05 €

  • The Aesthetics of Hope in Late Greek Imperial Literature
    Dawn LaValle Norman

    46,59 €

  • Fantasies of music in nostalgic medievalism
    Helen Dell
    This book studies the ways in which three fields of creative activity inspired by the medieval - musical performance, literature, cinema and their reception - have worked together to produce and sustain the fantasy of a long-lost, long-mourned paradisal home. ...

    157,33 €

  • White before whiteness in the late Middle Ages
    Wan-Chuan Kao
    This ground-breaking book analyses premodern whiteness as operations of fragility, precarity and racialicity across bodily and nonsomatic figurations. It argues that the ’before’ of whiteness is less a retro-futuristic temporisation than a set of strategies and discursive praxes that produce and yet delimit a range of medieval ideological regimes. ...

    97,31 €

  • The Hero’s Mortal Walls
    William F. Woods
    The heroes of early narrative are the faces of an older world. In constant retellings, their stories hold the memory like members of an extended family. Gilgamesh, Odysseus, Beowulf, Gawain, Roland, Yvain, Genji--in their colorful, often exaggerated ways, they show how the people of their own time and place liked to know themselves. The heroes embody their identity and refl...

    94,13 €

  • Tudo Sobre Poesia
    Lino Porto
    Este guia sobre arte poética visa auxiliar tanto o poeta amador quanto o leitor iniciante em poesia, ao esmiuçar os conceitos sobre verso, estrofe, métrica, ritmo, rima, dentre outros aspectos envolvendo a criação literária em versos. Não pretende ser um tratado de versificação, apenas um pequeno compêndio sobre tão envolvente tópico que, bem longe daquele tradicionalbotar para...

    12,16 €

  • Synopses and Lists
    Textual practices in pre-modern societies cover a great range of representations, from the literary to the pictorial. Among the most intriguing are synopses and lists. While lists provide a complete enumeration of ideas, people, events, or terms, synopses juxtapose one against the other. To understand how they were planned, produced, and consumed, is to gain insight into the pr...

    54,50 €

  • Synopses and Lists
    Textual practices in pre-modern societies cover a great range of representations, from the literary to the pictorial. Among the most intriguing are synopses and lists. While lists provide a complete enumeration of ideas, people, events, or terms, synopses juxtapose one against the other. To understand how they were planned, produced, and consumed, is to gain insight into the pr...

    71,58 €

  • Too Much to Know
    Blair Ann M. / Tarasova Elena
    ENG: The internet and digital technologies have generated a flood of texts and widespread worries about information overload. But this phenomenon is not unique to our age. Already centuries ago scholars complained about an overabundance of books, especially in the wake of the invention of printing in mid-15th century Europe. Blair studies the remedies that the learned devised t...

    39,53 €

  • María Rosa Lojo
    Antônio Maria De Fátima Alves De Oliveira Marcari (organização) Kátia Rodrigues Mello R. Esteves
    Mais de uma década de intercâmbio amistoso e frutífero une María Rosa Lojo a seus leitores brasileiros provenientes de universidades públicas de cinco estados, que oferecem neste livro suas abordagens lúcidas sobre a produção literária dessa monumental escritora argentina. Sob a coordenação de três destacados críticos, os autores identificam e analisam de modo sagaz os tópicos ...

    12,37 €

  • The illusion of the Burgundian state
    Élodie Lecuppre-Desjardin / Christopher Fletcher
    This innovative book explores Burgundian history and historiography while offering a complete synthesis covering the nature of politics in medieval Europe and the formation of the medieval state. ...

    43,76 €

  • Sound of Writing
    Christopher Cannon
    An interdisciplinary exploration of how writers have conveyed sound through text.Edited by Christopher Cannon and Steven Justice, The Sound of Writing explores the devices and techniques that writers have used to represent sound and how they have changed over time. Contributors consider how writing has channeled sounds as varied as the human voice and the buzzing of bees using ...

    70,70 €

  • Edgar Allan Poe Poems Collection
    Edgar Allan Poe
    A COLLECTION OF POE’S 50 REMARKABLE POEMSPoems included in this collection:The RavenAnnabel LeeAloneThe BellsEulalie-A SongSonnet-SilenceTo One in ParadiseLenoreDreamsTo HelenThe Haunted PalaceA Dream Within a DreamThe City in the SeaTo F--The SleeperUlalumeRomanceSonnet-To ScienceEldoradoTo M--The Conqueror WormSonnet-To ZanteTo M. L. S.--To the River --A DreamAl AaraafTo F--S...

    13,03 €

  • La Cassette
    Le titre de cette comédie provient d’une cassette ou corbeille (cistella) contenant des objets grâce auxquels Silénie, élevée par la courtisane Melénide, et qui enfant avait été exposée, sera finalement reconnue. Le jeune Alcésimarque s’éprend d’elle, et après avoir franchi tout une série d’obstacles, il pourra enfin l’épouser, lorsque l’on découvrira que Sélénie est la fille d...

    9,78 €

  • Casina
    Cette pièce raconte le combat entre un vieillard lubrique, amoureux d’une petite esclave, et sa mégère de femme qui fait tout pour l’empêcher d’arriver à ses fins. Des ruses sans cesse contrées, des raclées par esclaves interposés, des vieux qui jouent aux jeunes premiers et des matrones qui s’encanaillent pour la belle esclave Casina, dont tous parlent et qu’on ne voit jamais....

    9,65 €

  • Escandescências: Crônicas Reunidas
    S. Barreto
    O aludido livro é composto por mais de uma centena de curtos escritos ao longo de 2006 a 2023, a saber como uma espécie de acerto de contas com o passado. Quanto ao conteúdo, pode-se afirmar que são resultado de uma imersão profunda do autor sob o seu longo e íntimo laboratório pessoal. Em suma tratam-se, pois, de uma compilação de registros (alguns autobiográficos) dos mais va...

    12,02 €

  • Marian maternity in late-medieval England
    Mary Beth Long
    Long takes advantage of the fifteenth century’s intense interest in the Virgin Mary, the best-documented mother of the medieval period, to examine the constructions and performances of her maternity in devotional texts. This results in revisionist readings that consider maternity as a literate practice and devotional literacy as a maternal one. ...

    159,64 €

  • Dante’s Blood
    Anne C. Leone
    Dante’s works contain too much and too little blood. On the one hand, one might wonder why there is any blood in the Comedy; why are the souls - which lack flesh and blood - bleeding at all? On the other hand, we must ask: in a Christian poem that claims to be salvific, why are references to the Eucharist, and to the Passion either implicit, understated or parodic? Investigatin...

    139,03 €