Estudios de género, grupos de género

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Grupos sociales / Estudios de género, grupos de género (2926)

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  • Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis
    Misconceptions regarding gender identity and issues of inequality that women around the world face have become a predominant concern for not only the citizens impacted, but global political leaders, administrators, and human rights activists. Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis explores how an analysis of language us...

    242,72 €

  • Contemporary Global Perspectives on Gender Economics
    Susanne Moore
    The rise of women in the workforce has led to many campaigns for wage equality and the impartial treatment of both sexes as they pursue careers previously designated as either a man’s or a woman’s job. The impact of these campaigns has been felt, but a sense of gender stereotyping still affects not only the social and cultural well-being of the modern organization, but the driv...

    256,04 €

  • Gender and Information Technology
    Mary Kirk
    The exponential growth of technology and concurrent information revolution is creating a tremendous cultural shift on a global scale. However, the direction of that shift is being determined by those privileged few who participate. Women and people of color remain underrepresented as developers, users and beneficiaries of technology. Using gender as a starting point, Gender and...

    216,73 €

  • I Promised Not to Tell
    Cheryl B Evans
    A Readers' Favorite 2017 Bronze Medal Award Winner.  Cheryl Evans and her husband Jim raised their children telling them: 'You can be anything and do anything you want in life.' They just never expected to learn that what their youngest daughter desired most in the world was to be a boy. Experience this powerful, raw and, deeply personal story as one family invites you to b...

    14,94 €

  • Keine Aneignung von Mobiltelefonen durch Frauen in Kamerun
    Gédéon Lazare NDOUGA ENADA
    Das Mobiltelefon ist heute ein nahezu universelles Werkzeug. Trotz seiner starken Verbreitung auf der ganzen Welt gibt es immer noch Unterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen, insbesondere in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen. So ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Frauen ein Mobiltelefon besitzen, in den MICs und in Subsahara-Afrika um 10% bzw. 15% geringer als bei Män...

    113,24 €

  • As mulheres nos Camarões não utilizam telemóveis
    Gédéon Lazare NDOUGA ENADA
    O telemóvel é hoje uma ferramenta quase universal. Apesar da sua rápida expansão em todo o mundo, ainda existem disparidades entre homens e mulheres, em especial nos países de baixo e médio rendimento. De facto, as mulheres têm 10% e 15% menos probabilidades de possuir um telemóvel do que os homens nos PBR e na África Subsariana, respetivamente (GSMA, 2019). Os Camarões não são...

    113,26 €

  • Women’s non-appropriation of cell phones in Cameroon
    Gédéon Lazare NDOUGA ENADA
    Today, the cell phone is an almost universal tool. Despite its rapid expansion around the world, there are still disparities between men and women, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Indeed, it turns out that women are 10% and 15% less likely to own a cell phone than men, in LMICs and Sub-Saharan Africa respectively (GSMA, 2019). Cameroon is no exception to this ...

    113,28 €

  • Le donne in Camerun non usano i telefoni cellulari
    Gédéon Lazare NDOUGA ENADA
    Il telefono cellulare è ormai uno strumento quasi universale. Nonostante la sua rapida espansione in tutto il mondo, esistono ancora disparità tra uomini e donne, in particolare nei Paesi a basso e medio reddito. Infatti, le donne hanno il 10% e il 15% in meno di probabilità di possedere un telefono cellulare rispetto agli uomini, rispettivamente nei LIC e nell’Africa sub-sahar...

    113,26 €

    Hanen Lazreg / Ines Zouari
    Einleitung:Der Prolaps der Beckenorgane ist eine häufige funktionelle Pathologie mit psychologischen, sozialen und physiologischen Auswirkungen.Ziel unserer Arbeit ist es, die Lebensqualität der Patientinnen nach der Behandlung eines Genitalprolapses durch Promontofixation zu bewerten.1 1.Kapitel: MethodikEine analytische Querschnittsstudie über einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren, ...

    85,33 €

    Hanen Lazreg / Ines Zouari
    Introduction:Pelvic organ prolapse is a frequent functional pathology with psychological, social and physiological repercussions.The aim of our work is to assess the quality of life of patients after genital prolapse cure by promontofixation.1 stChapter 1: MethodologyA cross-sectional analytical study covering a ten-year period from 2012 to 2022, of patients operated on for gen...

    85,27 €

    Hanen Lazreg / Ines Zouari
    Introduzione:Il prolasso degli organi pelvici è una patologia funzionale frequente con ripercussioni psicologiche, sociali e fisiologiche.L’obiettivo del nostro lavoro è valutare la qualità della vita delle pazienti dopo il trattamento del prolasso genitale mediante promontofissazione.Capitolo 1: MetodologiaUno studio analitico trasversale condotto nell’arco di dieci anni dal 2...

    85,27 €

    Hanen Lazreg / Ines Zouari
    Introdução:O prolapso dos órgãos pélvicos é uma patologia funcional frequente com repercussões psicológicas, sociais e fisiológicas.O objetivo do nosso trabalho é avaliar a qualidade de vida das pacientes após o tratamento do prolapso genital por promontofixação.1º capítulo: MetodologiaCapítulo 1: MetodologiaEstudo analítico transversal realizado num período de dez anos, entre ...

    85,27 €

  • F.R.I.A.
    Ana Marco Cavallo / Lucía G. Panné
    Este livro surge à margem de uma rutura fundamental que ocorreu nos últimos anos dentro de diferentes feminismos, e especialmente dentro do feminismo radical. Consiste numa compilação e expansão de material previamente publicado no nosso blogue, com a adição de alguns capítulos com material completamente novo. Pretende-se que seja útil tanto para quem está a iniciar-se na teori...

    147,49 €

  • F.R.I.A.
    Ana Marco Cavallo / Lucía G. Panné
    Dieses Buch entsteht am Rande eines grundlegenden Bruchs, der in den letzten Jahren innerhalb der verschiedenen Feminismen und insbesondere innerhalb des radikalen Feminismus stattgefunden hat. Es besteht aus einer Zusammenstellung und Erweiterung von Material, das zuvor auf unserem Blog veröffentlicht wurde, wobei einige Kapitel mit völlig neuem Material hinzugefügt wurden. Es...

    147,35 €

  • F.R.I.A.
    Ana Marco Cavallo / Lucía G. Panné
    This book arises in the margin of a fundamental break that has occurred in recent years within the different feminisms, and especially within radical feminism. It consists of a compilation and expansion of the material previously published in our blog, with the addition of some chapters with completely new material. It is intended to be useful both for those who are just being ...

    147,60 €

  • F.R.I.A.
    Ana Marco Cavallo / Lucía G. Panné
    Ce livre émerge en marge d’une rupture fondamentale qui s’est produite ces dernières années au sein des différents féminismes, et plus particulièrement au sein du féminisme radical. Il s’agit d’une compilation et d’une expansion de matériel précédemment publié sur notre blog, avec l’ajout de quelques chapitres contenant du matériel entièrement nouveau. Il est destiné à être uti...

    147,43 €

  • F.R.I.A.
    Ana Marco Cavallo / Lucía G. Panné
    Questo libro emerge a margine di una rottura fondamentale che si è verificata negli ultimi anni all’interno di diversi femminismi, e in particolare all’interno del femminismo radicale. Consiste in una raccolta e in un ampliamento del materiale precedentemente pubblicato sul nostro blog, con l’aggiunta di alcuni capitoli con materiale completamente nuovo. È pensato per essere ut...

    147,51 €

  • Selfishness and Selflessness
    Linda L. Layne
    We are said to be suffering a narcissism epidemic when the need for collective action seems more pressing than ever. The traits of Selfishness and selflessness address the ’proper’ and ’improper’ relationship between one’s self and others. The work they do during periods of social instability and cultural change is probed in this original, interdisciplinary collection. Contribu...

    47,27 €

  • Readers and mistresses
    Katie R. Peel
    Part recovery and part new reading method, this work locates the few kept mistresses in Victorian literature, while offering a queer way to read for their existences when less legible. This book offers a way to read old material with new eyes and a social justice ethic. ...

    157,46 €

  • Weiblicher Fetizid in Indien
    Ornella Gaspard
    Dieses Buch vermittelt dem Leser ein umfassendes Verständnis der weiblichen Fetozid in Indien. Aufgrund verschiedener kultureller, religiöser und finanzieller Ursachen bevorzugt die indische Gesellschaft seit jeher Jungen gegenüber Mädchen. Neue Technologien im Zusammenhang mit Schwangerschaft und Methoden zur Geschlechtsbestimmung haben die Diskriminierung aufgrund des Geschle...

    104,06 €

  • Féticide féminin en Inde
    Ornella Gaspard
    Ce livre permettra au lecteur de comprendre pleinement le foeticide féminin en Inde. Pour diverses raisons culturelles, religieuses et financières, la société indienne a toujours préféré les bébés garçons aux bébés filles. Les nouvelles technologies liées à la grossesse et aux méthodes de détermination du sexe ont largement accru la discrimination sexuelle avant la naissance, e...

    104,06 €

  • Il feticidio femminile in India
    Ornella Gaspard
    Questo libro fornirà al lettore una comprensione completa del feticidio femminile in India. Per varie cause culturali, religiose e finanziarie, la società indiana ha sempre preferito i bambini maschi alle bambine. Le nuove tecnologie relative alla gravidanza e ai metodi di determinazione del sesso hanno ampiamente aumentato la discriminazione sessuale prima della nascita, prend...

    104,08 €

  • Feticídio feminino na Índia
    Ornella Gaspard
    Passionate about India, I decided to study this country and its tradition of gender selection while doing my internship in The Netherlands in 2009. I had the opportunity to visit India in the following years and got an accurate overview of Indian culture and women social status into the society. ...

    104,08 €

  • Brás do Mundo Kollektion
    Karina Pierroti Silva
    Das Konzept der Automoulage basiert auf dem Werk „Parque Industrial' von Patrícia Galvão, das sie einen Roman des Proletariats nennt. In ihren Zeilen stellt sie die unromantische Realität von Frauen, die in einer Weberei in Brás (São Paulo - SP) arbeiten, in Frage und hinterfragt die Arbeitsbedingungen, die Ausbeutung der Arbeitskräfte, die Sexualisierung der brasilianischen Fr...

    57,65 €

  • Brás do Mundo Collection
    Karina Pierroti Silva
    The concept of automoulage was built on the work ’Parque Industrial’ by Patrícia Galvão, which she calls: a novel of the proletariat. In her lines, she brings the unromantic reality of women working in a weaving industry in Brás (São Paulo - SP) into question, questioning working environments, the exploitation of the workforce, the sexualisation of Brazilian women’s bodies and,...

    57,58 €

  • Collection Brás do Mundo
    Karina Pierroti Silva
    Le concept d’automoulage a été élaboré à partir de l’œuvre Parque Industrial de Patrícia Galvão, qu’elle qualifie de roman du prolétariat . Dans ses lignes, elle remet en question la réalité peu romantique des femmes travaillant dans une industrie de tissage à Brás (São Paulo - SP), en s’interrogeant sur les environnements de travail, l’exploitation de la main-d’œuvre, la se...

    57,58 €

  • Collezione Brás do Mundo
    Karina Pierroti Silva
    Il concetto di automoulage è stato costruito sull’opera 'Parque Industrial' di Patrícia Galvão, che lei stessa definisce: un romanzo del proletariato. Nelle sue righe, l’autrice mette in discussione la realtà poco romantica delle donne che lavorano in un’industria di tessitura a Brás (São Paulo - SP), interrogandosi sugli ambienti di lavoro, sullo sfruttamento della forza lavor...

    57,58 €

  • Anteil und damit verbundene Faktoren von Beinahe-Unfällen bei Müttern
    Firew Tiruneh / Yayehyirad Yemaneh
    Beinahe-Todesfälle werden vernachlässigt, bleiben aber das Geheimnis, um das Ziel 3 für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Entwicklungsländern zu erreichen Beinahe-Todesfälle beziehen sich auf eine Frau, die beinahe gestorben wäre, aber Komplikationen überlebt hat, die während der Schwangerschaft, der Geburt oder innerhalb von 42 Tagen nach einem Schwangerschaftsabbruch aufgetreten sin...

    51,05 €

  • Proportion et facteurs associés des accidents maternels évités de justesse
    Firew Tiruneh / Yayehyirad Yemaneh
    Les quasi-accidents sont des cas négligés mais restent le secret pour atteindre l’objectif de développement durable n° 3 dans les pays en développement Les quasi-accidents font référence à une femme qui a failli mourir mais qui a survécu à des complications survenues pendant la grossesse, l’accouchement ou dans les 42 jours suivant l’interruption de grossesse. La majorité des d...

    50,99 €

  • Proporzione e fattori associati dei quasi incidenti materni
    Firew Tiruneh / Yayehyirad Yemaneh
    I near misses sono un caso trascurato ma restano il segreto per raggiungere l’Obiettivo di Sviluppo Sostenibile 3 nei Paesi in via di sviluppo I near misses si riferiscono a una donna che ha rischiato di morire ma è sopravvissuta a complicazioni verificatesi durante la gravidanza, il parto o entro 42 giorni dall’interruzione della gravidanza. La maggior parte delle morti matern...

    50,99 €