Estructuras políticas: democracia

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Estructura y procesos políticos / Estructuras políticas: democracia (2153)

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  • The Federalist Papers (Royal Collector’s Edition) (Annotated) (Case Laminate Hardcover with Jacket)
    Alexander Hamilton / James Madison / John Jay
    The Federalist Papers is a collection of 85 articles and essays written under the pseudonym 'Publius' to promote the ratification of the United States Constitution. The Federalist Papers are notable for their opposition to what later became the United States Bill of Rights. The idea of adding a Bill of Rights to the Constitution was originally controversial because the Constitu...

    67,15 €

  • Reform or Revolution
    Rosa Luxemburg
    2021 Reprint of the 1937 Edition.  Reform or Revolution is the classic statement of the position of scientific socialism on the questions of capitalist development, ’historical necessity, ’ social reforms, the State, democracy and the character of the proletarian revolution. It was written in criticism of the ideas presented by Eduard Bernstein, a proponent of more gradual chan...

    7,49 €

    Daniel Aarão Reis
    A ditadura instaurada em 1964 faz cinquenta anos. No entanto, diferentes analises continuam divergindo quanto as raizes e os fundamentos historicos da ditadura militar e suas complexas relacoes com a sociedade. Que papel, afinal, a ditadura desempenhou? Que heranca nos deixou?Ha muito a debater sobre os entrelacamentos que se teceram e ainda subsistem entre o passado sombrio do...

    41,08 €

  • Islam and Democracy
    Christine Schirrmacher
    What relationship do Islam and democracy have to each other? Why are there presently so few democracies among Islamic-dominated states? Does the reason for this perhaps lie in the fact that Islam and democracy are irreconcilable opposites? These questions are relevant not only for the Near East and North Africa, but also for Europe, where large numbers of Muslims have lived in ...

    11,45 €

  • Democratization in Malawi
    The vote in favour of multi-party politics at the National Referendum of 1993, and the subsequent General Election of 1994, heralded the advent of a democratic system of government in Malawi. lt soon became apparent, however, that there remained many obstacles to overcome before Malawi would be a truly democratic country. In this volume, a multi-disciplinary approach has been e...

    68,00 €

  • Democracy in America (Deluxe Library Edition) (Annotated)
    Alexis de Tocqueville
    Democracy in America examines the democratic revolution Tocqueville believed had been occurring over the previous several hundred years. The primary focus of the book is an analysis of why republican representative democracy has succeeded in the United States while failing in so many other places. Tocqueville seeks to apply the functional aspects of democracy in the United Stat...

    53,59 €

  • Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius
    Niccolo Machiavelli
    'Everything that occurs in the world, in every epoch, has something that corresponds to it in ancient times.' -Niccolò Machiavelli, Discourses, 1517 Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius (1517), by Italian philosopher and diplomat Machiavelli, is considered by many a foundational text of modern republicanism. As an admirer of the ancient Romans, Machiavelli believed ...

    18,56 €

  • Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius
    Niccolo Machiavelli
    'Everything that occurs in the world, in every epoch, has something that corresponds to it in ancient times.' -Niccolò Machiavelli, Discourses, 1517 Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius (1517), by Italian philosopher and diplomat Machiavelli, is considered by many a foundational text of modern republicanism. As an admirer of the ancient Romans, Machiavelli believed ...

    37,96 €

  • Las nuevas derechas:
    Como reza el título de este libro, las nuevas derechas desafían gravemente las democracias actuales. En las páginas que siguen, un grupo de científicos sociales han sido capaces de analizar, a través de estudios de caso muy bien elegidos, algunas de las peligrosas consecuencias del ascenso de la extrema derecha y del (neo)fascismo en todo el mundo y, en el caso que nos ocupa, e...

    12,48 €

  • La de-teoriigo kaj de-liberaligo de la marksismo en Ĉinujo.
    Changfu XU / Vilhelmo Lutermano / Yu LIU
    Xu Changfu estas profesoro pri filozofio kaj doktorigaprofesoro ĉe la departemento pri filozofio, kaj la Instituto primarksisma filozofio kaj modernigo de Ĉinio ĉe la universita-to Sun Yat-Sen, Kantono, Ĉinio. Li estas Direktoro de laCentro por Praktika Filozofio en la Universitato Sun Yat-Sen. Li estis Visiting Scholar en multaj universitatoj en lamondo, kiel Tajvano, Aŭstrali...

    10,60 €

  • In Defense of Democracy
    Anne Marie Waters
    The ultimate goal of human beings in life is to be happy. To find peace and contentment. Only the democratic order facilitates this to the highest degree possible. In In Defense of Democracy Anne Marie Waters clarifies what democracy is, and what it isn’t. Democracy is not voting. Voting is merely a method, it is not democracy itself. Democracy is free and open access to the ba...

    33,47 €

  • Legal Duty and Upper Limits
    Bernd Reiter
    This book offers innovative solutions to our democratic, economic, and ecological crises. ...

    180,61 €

  • Legal Duty and Upper Limits
    Bernd Reiter
    This book offers innovative solutions to our democratic, economic, and ecological crises. ...

    38,77 €

  • The Agonistic City?
    Li Pernegger
    An exploration of Johannesburg’s post-apartheid’s city administration’s governance of conflict from 1996 to the current day, in the case of service delivery protests and shifts in city policy. The author, Li Pernegger, focuses in-depth on the water wars in Orange Farm, insurgent informal traders in the inner city, and the billing battle fought by the middle class.This book prov...

    154,40 €

  • Dewey for a New Age of Fascism
    Nathan Crick
    Drawing from the writings of John Dewey, identifies the core attitudes of fascism, sets forth an idea of democracy as communicative practice, and defines the values and methods of humanistic logic, aesthetics, and rhetoric. ...

    50,09 €

  • Reformas
    Miguel A Soto
    La opresión, represión y abuso del rey y del parlamento de Inglaterra en 1776 forzó al pueblo a declarar que (algunas veces) '... se hace necesario que un pueblo disuelva las bandas políticas que las han conectado con otra, y asuma... la estación separada e igualitaria a la que las Leyes de la Naturaleza y del Dios de la Naturaleza les da derecho...'. Si aquel día cuando se dec...

    33,74 €

  • The free speech wars
    Charlotte Lydia Riley
    This book is a timely intervention into the apparently growing culture wars around free speech as a political and social issue. These debates take form on university campuses, social media, mainstream press and elsewhere. The book will focus on the weaponisation of the concept in these areas, as well as providing a strong historical and comparative context. ...

    25,65 €

  • Critique of Exotica
    John Hutnyk
    In this book, John Hutnyk questions the meaning of cultural hybridity. Using the growing popularity of Asian culture in the West as a case study, he looks at just who benefits from this intermingling of culture. Focusing on music, race and politics, Hutnyk offers a cogently theorised critique of the culture industry. He looks at artists such as Asian Dub Foundation, FunDaMental...

    47,27 €

  • The free speech wars
    Charlotte Lydia Riley
    This book is a timely intervention into the apparently growing culture wars around free speech as a political and social issue. These debates take form on university campuses, social media, mainstream press and elsewhere. The book will focus on the weaponisation of the concept in these areas, as well as providing a strong historical and comparative context. ...

    144,52 €

  • Mordet På Demokratiet
    Clement Harbinger Bane
    Clement Harbinger Bane har samlet trådene i århundredets forbrydelse ved at dokumentere hvordan demokratiet på systematisk vis er blevet afviklet. Bogen dækker et bredt spektrum af emner - heriblandt den 'fundamentale løgn' - den omfattende historieforfalskning i forbindelse med den tyske besættelse af Danmark. Ydermere bliver læserne gjort bekendt med den totalitære overvågnin...

    40,13 €

  • Critical theory and demagogic populism
    Paul Jones / Paul K. Jones
    This is the first study to make a detail case for the Frankfurt School’s relevance to understanding contemporary populism. It reconstructs their analysis of ’modern demagogy’ and demonstrates its advantages over orthodox ’populism studies’ and the work of Laclau. The book also extends the Institute’s analysis to assess ’counter-demagogic’ forces. ...

    157,15 €

  • The Naked God
    Howard Fast
    2020 Reprint of the 1957 Edition.  Full facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Howard Fast (1914-2003) was one of the most prolific American writers of the twentieth century. He was a bestselling author of more than eighty works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and screenplays. The son of immigrants, Fast grew up in New York City ...

    16,64 €

  • Rage or Reason
    Vincent H. L. Michaels / Vincent HLMichaels
    It is an attribute of youth to be passionate and many US Millennials champion causes they find worthwhile. However, they often choose their favorite causes because of their 'feel good' characteristics rather than being based on solid arguments. Too often, Millennials are unaware of history and that similar former youths in their days enthusiastically championed equivalent grand...

    4,08 €

  • Cómo salir voluntariamente del Estado tecnocrático
    Derrick Broze / Samuel E. Konkin / Samuel EKonkin
    A medida que la humanidad entra en la tercera década del siglo XXI, nos encontramos en el precipicio de una Era Tecnocrática donde la inteligencia artificial (IA), la tecnología inteligente y el internet de las cosas se convierten en parte de la vida cotidiana. Esta tecnología proporciona bene-ficios, pero tiene un costo: las corporaciones, los gobiernos, las fuerzas del orden ...

    19,01 €

  • More Trump in Limericks
    R. J. Crane
    More Trump in Limericks is a sequel to my first book: Trump in Limericks. There’s over 100 limericks in this book and lots of illustrations including some original artwork by Lesli Weston. This book is also printed on higher quality coated paper so it makes the perfect gift for all your Trump-hating friends. More Trump in Limericks captures much of the craziness in the final ye...

    15,18 €

  • Following Franco
    Duncan Wheeler
    This book interrogates the interrelationship between culture and politics during the Spanish transition to democracy. Drawing on both high and popular culture, it critically interrogates the stakes of the Transition and reveals how its consequences continue to inform political debate. ...

    42,43 €

  • 李慎之与美国所(Li Shenzhi and the Institute of American Studies, Chinese Edition)
    中筠 资 / 于轼 茅 / 慎之 李 / 李 慎之 / 茅 于轼 / 资 中筠
    李慎之,曾任中国社会科学院副院长、中华美国学会会长。 1923年生于无锡,1945年毕业于燕京大学经济系, 后进入新华日报、新华社,负责编辑出版为高层内部阅读的《参考资料》和《参考消息》。曾担任周恩来、邓小平和赵紫阳的外交秘书或顾问并陪同出国访问。中共十二大中央工作报告国际部分撰稿负责人。1957年因为倡导'大民主'被钦定为右派。1980年负责筹建中国社科院美国研究所并担任美国所首任所长。1985年任中国社会科学院副院长兼美国所所长, 1989年后离职。晚年致力于自由主义研究, 被誉为中国世纪之交思想领域的领军人物。 1999年他的《风雨苍黄五十年--国庆夜独语》震撼海內外,一时洛阳纸贵。2003年病逝于北京。本书是李慎之去世之后, 由美国所的同事自发组织撰写的纪念文集, 作者包括美国所第二任所长资中筠, 第三任所长王緝思, 著名学者茅于轼、任东来等...

    23,91 €

  • European E-Democracy in Practice
    Georg Aichholzer / Ralf Lindner / Rasmus Øjvind Nielsen
    This open access book explores how digital tools and social media technologies can contribute to better participation and involvement of EU citizens in European politics. By analyzing selected representative e-participation projects at the local, national and European governmental levels, it identifies the preconditions, best practices and shortcomings of e-participation practi...

    91,98 €

  • European E-Democracy in Practice
    Georg Aichholzer / Ralf Lindner / Rasmus Øjvind Nielsen
    This open access book explores how digital tools and social media technologies can contribute to better participation and involvement of EU citizens in European politics. By analyzing selected representative e-participation projects at the local, national and European governmental levels, it identifies the preconditions, best practices and shortcomings of e-participation practi...

    76,46 €

  • Citizen Lobby
    Leif Thomas Olsen
    The Internet holds endless opportunities for exchange and dialogue and the promise of developing a better democratic model. Day-to-day politics are largely driven by economic lobbies in the interest of what Habermas calls their „generalised particularism,' the threat to take jobs and tax revenues elsewhere. Citizens’ influence over politicians is twofold: they are asked for the...

    43,80 €