Estructura y procesos políticos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Estructura y procesos políticos (5937)

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  • Castanhal - A Formação Política
    Carlos Araujo
    O texto deste livro não é ficcional. Mas os atos humanos tendem ao equívoco, se prestam a mais de uma interpretação. Por isso recomendo que considerem minhas afirmativas textualmente. Organizei este livro movido pelo desejo de registrar, antes que se percam, os fatos que resultaram na formação política e social do povo castanhalense. Os vestígios antigos de nossas origens são p...

    17,45 €

  • French Constitution of 1791
    King Louis XVI
    The French Constitution of 1791 (French: Constitution française du 3 septembre 1791) was the first written constitution in France, created after the collapse of the absolute monarchy of the Ancien Régime. One of the basic precepts of the French Revolution was adopting constitutionality and establishing popular sovereignty. ...

    4,89 €

  • Insights and Explorations in Democracy, Political Unrest, and Propaganda in Elections
    Democracy is a very important system of government found all over the world. A cardinal principle of democracy is periodic elections. Elections have various forms of propaganda at different levels, whether for unity, division, continuity, or another purpose. It is essential to research further into the developments in propaganda and political unrest so that global democracies m...

    282,24 €

  • Insights and Explorations in Democracy, Political Unrest, and Propaganda in Elections
    Democracy is a very important system of government found all over the world. A cardinal principle of democracy is periodic elections. Elections have various forms of propaganda at different levels, whether for unity, division, continuity, or another purpose. It is essential to research further into the developments in propaganda and political unrest so that global democracies m...

    216,38 €

  • The Federalist Papers
    Alexander Hamilton / James Madison / John Jay
    The Federalist Papers is a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the collective pseudonym Publius to promote the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.Written at a time when furious arguments were raging about the best way to govern America, The Federalist Papers had the immediate practical aim of p...

    35,17 €

  • Global Perspectives on Social Media Usage Within Governments
    Social media applications have emerged in the last 20 years to meet the different needs of individuals, and private sector and public organizations have not been indifferent to these technologies. Social media tools help public institutions and organizations communicate directly with citizens as well as enable two-way communication and enable citizens to participate in all stag...

    282,18 €

  • Global Perspectives on Social Media Usage Within Governments
    Social media applications have emerged in the last 20 years to meet the different needs of individuals, and private sector and public organizations have not been indifferent to these technologies. Social media tools help public institutions and organizations communicate directly with citizens as well as enable two-way communication and enable citizens to participate in all stag...

    216,33 €

  • L’Exercice du pouvoir
    Léon Blum
    Ce volume contient le texte exact et sûr des discours les plus importants prononcés par Léon Blum depuis le mois de mai 1936.Il s’agit d’une période trop proche, trop présente à toutes les mémoires, pour qu’aucun commentaire soit nécessaire. On nous permettra cependant, en quelques mots, de justifier le titre de ce livre et d’en expliquer le plan. ...

    15,06 €

  • De la réalité du monde sensible
    Jean Jaurès
    ' Le monde sensible, que nous voyons, que nous touchons, où nous vivons, est-il réel ? La question semblera puérile aux hommes d’action, et je compte parmi eux les hommes de pensée qui acceptent d’emblée les choses pour en étudier sans retard les rapports et l’enchaînement. Ce n’est pourtant pas une dispute d’école, car l’esprit humain s’est interrogé sur la réalité de l’univer...

    17,36 €

  • Defending Democracy in an Age of Sharp Power
    William J Dobson
    Explores how authoritarian regimes are deploying 'sharp power' to undermine democracies from within by weaponizing universities, institutions, media, technology, and entertainment industries.The world’s dictators are no longer content with shoring up control over their own populations--they are now exploiting the openness of the free world to spread disinformation, sow discord,...

    44,80 €

  • Best Free Open Source Data Recovery Apps for Mac OS English Edition Hardcover Version
    Cyber Jannah Sakura
    Discover the power of open-source software with 'Best Free Open Source Data Recovery Apps for Mac OS - English Edition.' This comprehensive guide equips Mac users with the essential knowledge and tools to effectively recover lost data, providing step-by-step instructions and practical tips for a successful data recovery experience. ...

    17,92 €

  • America, Do We Really Love Her?
    William T. Smith
    This book is about America and the Constitution that we live by. If we love this nation, USA, like we say we do, are we willing to live by its laws and the constitution. Why do you love this nation, or do you. ...

    12,10 €

  • La Russie en 1839
    Astolphe de Custine
    ' Le goût des voyages n’a jamais été pour moi une mode, je l’apportai en naissant, et je l’ai satisfait dès ma première jeunesse. Nous sommes tous vaguement tourmentés du besoin de connaître un monde qui nous paraît un cachot parce que nous ne l’avons pas choisi pour demeure ; il me semble que je ne pourrais sortir en paix de cet étroit univers, si je n’avais tenté de parcourir...

    32,53 €

  • Amor Entre Lula E Bolsonaro
    Dinitry Holverscover
    Uma pequena história, que abordacontradições e opiniões do autor,sobre um amor meio que absurdo por metadedo país e uma outra metade.Aproveitando o espaço para entrarem outros assuntos aleatórios. ...

    9,68 €

  • Considerations on Representative Government
    John Stuart MILL
    Considerations on Representative Government is a political science book by John Stuart Mill published in 1861.Mill argues for representative government, the ideal form of government in his opinion. One of the more notable ideas Mill puts forth in the book is that the business of government representatives is not to make legislation. Instead Mill suggests that representative b...

    16,42 €

  • Deplorable Politics
    David P Shaw
    Are you ready to discover how 74 million voters in the 2020 presidential election were so brainwashed by propaganda that they ignored the deplorable behavior, mountain of lies, and criminality that is Donald Trump? In this book, you will gain insight into how psychology offers a deeper insight into Donald Trump and other cult leaders who manipulate millions of people into belie...

    15,92 €

  • Wayward Patriot
    Jack Meyer
    The nation breathes a sigh of relief as a new, entirely secure voting system restores public confidence in election integrity. However, when corporate manager Brad Tillman discovers evidence that a vote has been manipulated, his world is turned upside down. Somebody knows what Brad has discovered, and now he’s a target for murder.Brad Tillman works as a numbers guy for the cybe...

    20,01 €

  • Brasil, Terra Indígena!
    Lais Nardon Martins
    O livroBrasil, Terra Indígena! Por um Constitucionalismo Transformador a partir dos direitos constitucionais dos Povos Indígenasé uma obra que busca analisar os direitos e garantias constitucionais dos povos indígenas no Brasil e em outros países da América Latina.A obra apresenta uma análise histórica da relação entre os povos indígenas e o Estado brasileiro, destacando os pri...

    9,12 €

  • Paediatrics in the Reichsuniversität Straßburg
    Aisling Shalvey
    Examines the experience of paediatric patients, and the staff who determined their treatment, in the Reichsuniversitat Strasbourg, a Nazi-run hospital in occupied France from 1941 to 1944. ...

    135,38 €

  • Three Essays on Constitutional A Priori
    Daniel Richard Olson
    The constitutive principles approach to scientific theories is a neo-Kantian response to Quinean holism and philosophical naturalism. The approach attempts to be informed by, and inform, the best historical research in the history and philosophy of science. Proponents of the approach argue that there are some propositions (constitutive principles) in a scientific theory that in...

    24,87 €

  • An Italian Story
    John Miller
    Do we really know everything?In truth, behind the glorious and successful story of one of the richest men in Italy, of a powerful character, of our compatriot perhaps best known in the world, of a politician loved and hated like never before (with the exception of Benito Mussolini), there is an inexhaustible theory of black holes, controversial issues, questions asked a thousan...

    24,87 €

  • India’s Strategic Vision and Foreign Policy
    Mohanan Bhaskaran Pillai
    Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated (Second Raisina Dialogue, New Delhi, on 17th January 2017) that the civilisational legacy of ’Realism, Co-existence, Cooperation and Partnership’ moulded India’s strategic vision. The above statement reflects India’s ambitious project to attain great power status, which has been a constant element in India’s foreign and strategic policy s...

    66,20 €

  • Narendra Modi
    Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay
    THE FIRST AUTHORITATIVE BIOGRAPHY OF INDIA’S CURRENT PRIME MINISTEROn 26 December 2012, Narendra Modi was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Gujarat for the fourth time, to extend his record tenure in office. Even then, his name prompted extremes of hate-filled anger or outright adulation. Since then, despite polarising Gujarat and India in more ways than one, he continues to do...

    14,07 €

  • Trump’s America
    Jose De La Rosa
    Dedication:To America, as I sit down to write this dedication, I am filled with a sense of awe and admiration for the great nation that you are. Your history is rich and varied, your people are diverse and resilient, and your culture is a melting pot of ideas and traditions.From sea to shining sea, you have been blessed with breathtaking landscapes, awe-inspiring cities, and a ...

    34,03 €

  • Rational reconstruction and construction of the interlocutor
    Alexander Prescott-Couch
    Imagine you are in charge of a large international media corporation. Your employees live in different countries, hail from a diversity of backgrounds, and have a variety of points of view. You recently decided that you would like to improve communication and discussion within the company. In particular, you would like to invest in some software addons to your email system to e...

    64,34 €

  • Tax, Administrative And Political Reforms
    Osvaldo Dalla Coletta
    Tax, administrative and political reforms: replace the 92 taxes in place under the current Brazilian tax system with a Single Tax, and preserve the tax revenue of the federal, district, state and municipal governments. Replace the current Brazilian presidential administrative and political system with a republican parliamentary system with single-member district voting, five-ye...

    7,40 €

  • Depleting democracies
    Michael Minkenberg / Zsuzsanna Végh
    Depleting democracies explores the impact of radical right parties on their mainstream competitors, public policies regarding vulnerable groups and the respective polities in Eastern Europe from the Baltic to the Black Sea. It argues that these parties drive a process of depletion that fundamentally challenges democratic quality in the region. ...

    157,15 €

  • Fostering a Fourth Democratic Wave
    Ash Jain / Hardy Merriman / Patrick Quirk
    A powerful autocratic wave is sweeping the globe. Over the last 17 years, no country remains untouched. Fostering a Fourth Democratic Wave builds on a growing body of research that finds that civil resistance movements-using tactics such as strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience, and a range of other nonviolent tactics-are one of the most powerful forces for democracy worldwide ...

    16,19 €

  • Hope and Marxism
    Ernest Mandel
    This book collects essays exploring Marxist theory and history. Essays include historical examinations of Rosa Luxemburg’s place in the German workers movement, the development of the bourgeois state, and of the roots of Nazi violence. Other chapters discuss Marx’s notions of progress, alienation and emancipation, Luxemburg’s views on political economy and political strategy. A...

    24,87 €

  • Direito Tributário E Suas Repercussões Socioeconômicas
    Ana Antônio De Moura Borges Joedson De Souza Delgado André Luna Paula Basso
    O Grupo de Pesquisa Estudos de Direito Tributário e suas Repercussões Socioeconômicas (GEPDTRS / CAPES / CNPQ / UFPB) reforça o seu compromisso de desenvolver estudos na seara tributária, formalizando o segundo volume e que se pretende seguir como fruto da sua produção científica, considerando as diferentes questões que se renovam e inovam na legislação e na jurisprudência. Com...

    37,60 €