Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales (2800)

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  • A escola, a deficiência e o AVS-i
    Roger Ebens Monney Bosso
    A lei de 11 de fevereiro de 2005 - para a igualdade de direitos e de oportunidades, a participação e a cidadania das pessoas com deficiência - reforçou a ideia da universalidade da escola: todas as crianças da República Francesa, com ou sem deficiência, têm direito à educação. O objetivo é colocar todos os cidadãos em pé de igualdade e, assim, dar sentido ao slogan 'base comum ...

    56,98 €

  • Школа, инвалидность и AVS-i
    Роджер Эб Монни Боссо
    Закон от 11 февраля 2005 года - о равных правах и возможностях, участии и гражданстве для людей с ограниченными возможностями - укрепил идею универсальности школ: все дети во Французской Республике, независимо от того, являются они инвалидами или нет, имеют право на образование. Цель состоит в том, чтобы поставить всех граждан в равные условия и тем самым наполнить смыслом лозу...

    41,26 €

  • Creation of a serious game for learning to read
    François Lewis
    The aim of this research and development project is to design the Alpha prototype of an educational serious game (ESG) specializing in learning to read. According to Alvarez and Djaouti (2010), what distinguishes a serious game from a strictly ludic video game is the addition of a pedagogical dimension to the game scenario. The aim of this SSG is to help French-speaking primary...

    123,67 €

  • Creazione di un gioco serio per l’apprendimento della lettura
    François Lewis
    L’obiettivo di questo progetto di ricerca e sviluppo è progettare il prototipo Alpha di un serious game educativo (SEG) specializzato nell’apprendimento della lettura. Secondo Alvarez e Djaouti (2010), ciò che distingue un serious game da un videogioco strettamente ludico è l’aggiunta di una dimensione pedagogica allo scenario di gioco. L’obiettivo di questo SSG è quello di aiu...

    123,70 €

  • Criação de um jogo sério para aprender a ler
    François Lewis
    O objetivo deste projeto de investigação e desenvolvimento é conceber o protótipo Alpha de um serious educational game (SEG) especializado na aprendizagem da leitura. De acordo com Alvarez e Djaouti (2010), o que distingue um jogo sério de um videojogo estritamente recreativo é a adição de uma dimensão pedagógica ao cenário do jogo. O objetivo deste GSS é ajudar as crianças fra...

    123,70 €

  • Erstellung eines seriösen Spiels für den Leselernprozess
    François Lewis
    Ziel dieses Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekts ist es, den Alpha-Prototyp eines Serious Educational Game (SES) zu entwickeln, das auf das Erlernen des Lesens spezialisiert ist. Laut Alvarez und Djaouti (2010) unterscheidet sich ein Serious Game von einem rein spielerischen Videospiel dadurch, dass die Spielhandlung um eine pädagogische Dimension ergänzt wird. Das Ziel dieses ...

    123,69 €

  • Создание серьезной игры для обучения чтению
    Франсуа Льюис
    Целью данного научно-исследовательского проекта является разработка Альфа-прототипа серьезной образовательной игры (SEG), специализирующейся на обучении чтению. Согласно Альваресу и Джаути (2010), серьезная игра отличается от сугубо развлекательной видеоигры тем, что в игровой сценарий добавляется педагогическое измерение. Цель данной SSG - помочь франкоговорящим детям начально...

    34,85 €

  • Inclusive Phygital Learning Approaches and Strategies for Students With Special Needs
    Efthymia Efthymiou
    For 'A School for All' to be a reality, changes need to be made to the education system regarding culture, policies, and practices within schools. Inclusive education requires more than just a standard educational provision. Teaching and education have been extensively researched during the COVID-19 pandemic, and yet there is little research that has addressed the practices tha...

    282,21 €

  • Advocating and Empowering Diverse Families of Students With Disabilities Through Meaningful Engagement
    Family engagement varies in education literature and often includes collaboration, involvement, and partnership. The term 'family in schools' has changed to include extended family members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, and others who interact with the child, such as step-parents, caregivers, and neighbors. Family engagement is a practice, an interactiv...

    282,25 €

  • Advocating and Empowering Diverse Families of Students With Disabilities Through Meaningful Engagement
    Family engagement varies in education literature and often includes collaboration, involvement, and partnership. The term 'family in schools' has changed to include extended family members such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, and others who interact with the child, such as step-parents, caregivers, and neighbors. Family engagement is a practice, an interactiv...

    216,40 €

  • Cases on Leadership Dilemmas in Special Education
    Children and young adults with disabilities possess unique differences and individual needs, making special education programming a complex and sometimes challenging process. Leaders in special education are tasked with overseeing the administration and management of these programs and must often rely on problem-solving and decision-making skills to be effective. While many edu...

    281,73 €

  • Cases on Leadership Dilemmas in Special Education
    Children and young adults with disabilities possess unique differences and individual needs, making special education programming a complex and sometimes challenging process. Leaders in special education are tasked with overseeing the administration and management of these programs and must often rely on problem-solving and decision-making skills to be effective. While many edu...

    215,87 €

  • Nicht-formale Bildung zur Wiedereingliederung von Straßenkindern
    Teclaire Alida Ngo Libock
    Straßenkinder leben unter sehr schwierigen Lebensbedingungen und werden regelmäßig Opfer von Peinigern ungesunder Aktivitäten wie Kinderprostitution, Kinderhandel und Handel mit menschlichen Organen... Analphabetismus erleichtert ihre sozio-professionelle Eingliederung nicht und zwingt sie zu niedrigen und gefährlichen Arbeiten. Das klassische Bildungssystem hat seine Grenzen b...

    56,27 €

  • Non-formal education to reintegrate street children
    Teclaire Alida Ngo Libock
    Street children live in very difficult conditions and are regularly the victims of the perpetrators of unhealthy activities such as juvenile prostitution, trafficking in children and human organs, etc. Illiteracy does not facilitate their socio-professional integration and forces them into lowly and dangerous jobs. The traditional education system has demonstrated its limitatio...

    56,21 €

  • Educazione non formale per reintegrare i bambini di strada
    Teclaire Alida Ngo Libock
    I bambini di strada vivono in condizioni molto difficili e sono regolarmente vittime degli autori di attività malsane come la prostituzione minorile, il traffico di bambini e di organi umani, ecc. L’analfabetismo non facilita la loro integrazione socio-professionale e li costringe a lavori umili e pericolosi. Il sistema educativo tradizionale ha dimostrato i suoi limiti nell’ed...

    56,21 €

  • Educação não formal para reintegrar as crianças da rua
    Teclaire Alida Ngo Libock
    As crianças da rua vivem em condições muito difíceis e são regularmente vítimas dos autores de actividades insalubres, tais como a prostituição juvenil, o tráfico de crianças e de órgãos humanos, etc. O analfabetismo não facilita a sua integração socioprofissional e obriga-as a trabalhos humildes e perigosos. O sistema educativo tradicional demonstrou as suas limitações na educ...

    56,21 €

  • Неформальное образование для реинтеграции беспризорных детей
    Текларе Али Нго Либок
    Уличные дети живут в очень тяжелых условиях и регулярно становятся жертвами преступников, занимающихся нездоровой деятельностью, такой как подростковая проституция, торговля детьми и человеческими органами и т.д. Неграмотность не способствует их социально-профессиональной интеграции и вынуждает их заниматься низкими и опасными видами работ. Традиционная система образования прод...

    27,54 €

  • Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Special and Inclusive Education in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous (VUCA) World
    The COVID-19 pandemic is an extreme case of a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) event that grants the opportunity to examine whether special and inclusive education is fully prepared for these complex situations. ...

    190,96 €

  • Kooperatives Lernen für den Erfolg aller
    Antoinette Mengue Abesso
    Die Bildungssysteme in den afrikanischen Ländern südlich der Sahara im Allgemeinen und in Kamerun im Besonderen haben sich angesichts der verschiedenen Wirtschaftskrisen und der Arbeits-, Aufnahme- und Lebensbedingungen der wichtigsten Bildungsakteure im Lehr-/Lernumfeld, nämlich der Lehrkräfte, verschlechtert. Das Fehlen von Lehrplänen mit Praktiken zur Einbeziehung aller Lern...

    56,72 €

  • Cooperative learning for success for all
    Antoinette Mengue Abesso
    Education systems in sub-Saharan African countries in general, and Cameroon in particular, have deteriorated in the face of various economic crises and the working, reception and living conditions of the main educational players in the teaching/learning environment, namely teachers. The absence of curricula based on inclusive practices for all learners in teacher training, the ...

    56,60 €

  • Apprendimento cooperativo per il successo di tutti
    Antoinette Mengue Abesso
    I sistemi educativi dei Paesi dell’Africa sub-sahariana in generale, e del Camerun in particolare, si sono deteriorati a causa di varie crisi economiche e delle condizioni di lavoro, accoglienza e vita dei principali attori educativi nell’ambiente di insegnamento/apprendimento, ovvero gli insegnanti. L’assenza di curricula basati su pratiche inclusive per tutti gli studenti nel...

    56,66 €

  • Совместное обучение для достижения успеха для всех
    Антуанетта Ме Абессо
    Системы образования в странах Африки к югу от Сахары в целом, и в Камеруне в частности, ухудшились в условиях различных экономических кризисов, а также условия работы, приема и жизни основных участников образовательного процесса в среде преподавания/обучения, а именно учителей. Отсутствие инклюзивных учебных программ для всех учащихся при подготовке преподавателей, отсутствие п...

    27,98 €

  • Aprendizagem cooperativa para o sucesso de todos
    Antoinette Mengue Abesso
    Os sistemas educativos dos países da África Subsariana em geral, e dos Camarões em particular, degradaram-se face às várias crises económicas e às condições de trabalho, de acolhimento e de vida dos principais actores educativos no ambiente de ensino/aprendizagem, nomeadamente os professores. A ausência de currículos baseados em práticas inclusivas para todos os alunos na forma...

    56,66 €

  • Perspectives of Cognitive, Psychosocial, and Learning Difficulties From Childhood to Adulthood
    Children with learning disabilities can be as sharp as their peers; however, they may find it challenging to write, read, reason out information, spell things correctly, or process information. Due to this, it is critical for students to understand the ways of learning that suit them the best. They may not be aware of the different ways they can learn or may not be able to deve...

    282,43 €

  • Perspectives of Cognitive, Psychosocial, and Learning Difficulties From Childhood to Adulthood
    Children with learning disabilities can be as sharp as their peers; however, they may find it challenging to write, read, reason out information, spell things correctly, or process information. Due to this, it is critical for students to understand the ways of learning that suit them the best. They may not be aware of the different ways they can learn or may not be able to deve...

    216,58 €

  • Ein neuer Blick auf die sonderpädagogische Betreuung bei Autismus
    Ariely Cristine Coelho Ribeiro / Márcia P.S. Viana
    AUTISMUS MUSS KEINE LEBENSLANGE STRAFE SEIN. Jedes autistische Kind oder jeder autistische Erwachsene hat die große Fähigkeit, seine derzeitigen Einschränkungen zu überwinden und glücklich zu sein! Alle Eltern tun im Rahmen ihrer Überzeugungen das Beste für ihre Kinder, unabhängig davon, ob andere denken, sie täten nicht das Richtige. Autistische Kinder und Erwachsene tun auch ...

    56,21 €

  • Un nouveau regard sur l’assistance éducative spécialisée pour l’autisme
    Ariely Cristine Coelho Ribeiro / Márcia P.S. Viana
    L’AUTISME NE DOIT PAS ÊTRE UNE CONDAMNATION À PERPÉTUITÉ. Tout enfant ou adulte autiste a la capacité de surmonter ses limites actuelles et d’être heureux ! Tout parent, dans le cadre de ses convictions, fait de son mieux pour ses enfants, même si les autres pensent qu’il ne fait pas ce qu’il faut. Les enfants et les adultes autistes font également de leur mieux pour se sentir ...

    56,21 €

  • Un nuovo sguardo all’assistenza educativa specializzata per l’autismo
    Ariely Cristine Coelho Ribeiro / Márcia P.S. Viana
    L’AUTISMO NON DEVE ESSERE UNA CONDANNA A VITA. Ogni bambino o adulto autistico ha una grande capacità di superare i propri limiti attuali e di essere felice! Ogni genitore, nell’ambito delle proprie convinzioni, fa il meglio che può per i propri figli, indipendentemente dal fatto che gli altri pensino che non stia facendo la cosa giusta. Anche i bambini e gli adulti autistici f...

    56,21 €

  • A New Look at Specialised Educational Attendance for Autism
    Ariely Cristine Coelho Ribeiro / Márcia P.S. Viana
    AUTISM DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A LIFE SENTENCE. Any autistic child or adult has great capacity to overcome their present limitations and be happy! Any parent, within their beliefs, does the best they can for their children, regardless of whether others think they are not doing the right thing. Autistic children and adults also do their best to feel present and close to those they l...

    56,21 €

  • Новый взгляд на посещение специализированных учебных заведений для аутистов
    Кристина Коэльо Рибей / Марсия П.С. Виана
    АУТИЗМ НЕ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО ДОЛЖЕН БЫТЬ ПОЖИЗНЕННЫМ ПРИГОВОРОМ. Любой аутичный ребенок или взрослый обладает огромным потенциалом, чтобы преодолеть свои нынешние ограничения и стать счастливым! Любой родитель, в рамках своих убеждений, делает для своих детей все, что может, независимо от того, считают ли другие, что они поступают неправильно. Аутичные дети и взрослые также делают все...

    27,47 €