Economía internacional

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Economía / Economía internacional (2108)

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  • Integrated Approach to Trade and Transport Facilitation
    Asian Development Bank
    To promote smoother flows of goods across borders while reducing trade costs, this report explores an integrated approach to facilitating trade and transport across Asia and the Pacific, for better engagement in value chains. The report examines the current state of trade and transport facilitation, analyzes gaps in the available guidance, and provides strategic recommendations...

    36,99 €

  • Secrets of Forex Trading - A Beginner’s Guide To Forex Trading
    Robert Hill
    Foreign Exchange (Forex) trading is when you buy and sell foreign currencies to try to make a profit. Foreign exchange trading aims to generate profit by predicting the value of one currency in relation to another. The currency used in foreign exchange trading comes from all over the world. Money from one nation can be converted into money from another. Gaining from price chang...

    9,63 €

  • Aktiemarkedspsykologi og Handelspsykologi
    Finn Nielsen
    Med handelspsykologi og strategier til mere succes med at investere! Hvad skal du bruge for at få succes på aktiemarkedet? Svaret er den rigtige tankegang. At handle på aktiemarkedet er 80% simpel psykologi, og alle kan lære det! Tag et kig bag kulisserne i aktiemarkedets verden, og tag din økonomi i egen hånd. Med den rette indstilling til succes! Ønsker du også at investere d...

    10,85 €

  • Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor 2022
    Asian Development Bank
    This volume provides data and analysis on micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Central and West Asia to help policymakers support the development of these businesses.The development of MSMEs remains key to promoting inclusive growth in developing economies in Asia and the Pacific. The Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor (ASM) serves as a resource for...

    85,62 €

  • The Rise of the New Economic Powers and the Changing Global Landscape
    Haico Ebbers
    This book explores the catching-up process of a group of large emerging markets: the New Economic Powers. This process is extremely robust and should be considered as the defining trend of our age, resulting in a pivotal change in world economics and politics. The outcome is that the West cannot dominate the world as it did in the previous 200 years. Today’s world is pluralisti...

    178,77 €

  • Unlocking the Potential of Digital Services Trade in Asia and the Pacific
    Asian Development Bank
    This book explains how rapid digitalization during COVID-19 has accelerated the growth of digital services trade in Asia and the Pacific, and provides analysis on the opportunities, challenges, and associated risks. It explores evolving trends and considers trade agreements, cybersecurity, and effective taxation. It outlines how a greater focus on developing human capital, conn...

    41,30 €

  • Redefining European Economic Integration
    Dariusz Adamski

    157,34 €

  • The Transformation of Global Trade in a New World
    The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected global trade. While factories have stopped production worldwide due to COVID-19, global trade has also been adversely affected by the pandemic. The international trade of the world’s top exporting countries has begun to decline. Although it is too early to judge the impact of the pandemic on world trade, as the virus has not yet been...

    327,70 €

  • The Transformation of Global Trade in a New World
    The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected global trade. While factories have stopped production worldwide due to COVID-19, global trade has also been adversely affected by the pandemic. The international trade of the world’s top exporting countries has begun to decline. Although it is too early to judge the impact of the pandemic on world trade, as the virus has not yet been...

    248,79 €

  • Dispute Settlement Reports 1998
    World Trade Organization

    261,99 €

  • Нефтяные войны
    John Coleman / Джон Коулман
    Нет сомнений в том, что компания Royal Dutch Shell, входящая в состав Комитета 300, является одной из старейших и крупнейших из всех действующих сегодня в мире нефтяных компаний. Его оборот в 2005 году составил 306,73 миллиарда долларов. Покойная королева Нидерландов Юлиана, лорд Виктор Ротшильд, принц Африки Наси сэр Эрнест Оппенгеймер, лондонские Сэмюэли и Дом Виндзоров являю...

    25,16 €

  • Trust, Legality and Exceptionalism
    Baocheng Liu / Christoph Stückelberger / Einar Tangen
    Trust is uniquely human and foundation for human cooperation. Today, the Rule of Law is highly relevant to build trust. The current and growing competition between USA and China as two superpowers reduces trust. It is linked to efforts of superiority, especially visible in the sectors of technology, military, trade, research, education and international standard setting and - e...

    20,34 €

  • Psychologia Inwestowania (Psychologia Giełdowa - Psychologia Tradingu)
    Jakub Kowalczyk
    Z psychologią tradingu i strategiami na większy sukces w inwestowaniu! Czego potrzebujesz, aby odnieść sukces na giełdzie? Odpowiedzią jest odpowiedni sposób myślenia. Handel na giełdzie to w 80% prosta psychologia i każdy może się jej nauczyć! Zajrzyj za kulisy giełdowego świata i weź swoje finanse we własne ręce. Z odpowiednim nastawieniem do sukcesu! Czy Ty również chcesz za...

    10,94 €

  • Le guerre per il petrolio
    John Coleman
    Non c’è dubbio che la Royal Dutch Shell del 'Comitato dei 300' sia una delle più antiche e più grandi compagnie petrolifere che operano oggi nel mondo. Il suo fatturato nel 2005 è stato di 306,73 miliardi di dollari. La defunta Regina Giuliana dei Paesi Bassi, Lord Victor Rothschild, il Principe Nasi d’Africa Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, i Samuels di Londra e la Casa di Windsor sono...

    25,25 €

  • Die Ölkriege
    John Coleman
    Es besteht kein Zweifel daran, dass das Unternehmen Royal Dutch Shell des 'Komitees der 300' eine der ältesten und größten aller Ölgesellschaften ist, die heute weltweit tätig sind. Ihr Umsatz im Jahr 2005 betrug 306,73 Milliarden US-Dollar. Die verstorbene Königin Juliana der Niederlande, Lord Victor Rothschild, Prinz Nasi von Afrika Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, die Samuels von Lon...

    25,15 €

  • When East Asia Meets Southeast Asia
    This book intends to examine the relationship between East Asia and Southeast Asia across three themes: historical perspectives, economic flows of capital and people, and socio-cultural connections. While a substantial number of chapters in the book focus on overseas Chinese (living in Indonesia) and their connections with China and Taiwan historically and contemporarily, they ...

    182,03 €

  • China in Global Value Chains
    Bin Liu / Chuanchuan Li / Feifan Li
    International trade in the 21st century is characterized by the emergence and development of Global Value Chains. With the reform and opening-up deepening, China has become an important participant and practitioner of global value chains, a staunch supporter and defender of the multilateral trading system, and a contributor to and beneficiary of economic globalization. This boo...

    142,12 €

  • Quantitative Analysis of Social and Financial Market Development
    Quantitative Analysis of Social and Financial Market Development is a crucial resource of current, cutting-edge research exploring the latest social and financial developments across Asia. ...

    158,32 €

  • Rooted Globalism
    Kevin Funk
    Does the concept of nationality apply to the economic elite, or have they shed national identities to form a global capitalist class?In Rooted Globalism, Kevin Funk unpacks dozens of ethnographic interviews he conducted with Latin America’s urban-based, Arab-descendant elite class, some of whom also occupy positions of political power in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, and...

    45,60 €

  • Rooted Globalism
    Kevin Funk
    Does the concept of nationality apply to the economic elite, or have they shed national identities to form a global capitalist class?In Rooted Globalism, Kevin Funk unpacks dozens of ethnographic interviews he conducted with Latin America’s urban-based, Arab-descendant elite class, some of whom also occupy positions of political power in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, and...

    107,04 €

  • Handelspsykologi och Psykologi på Aktiemarknaden (Börspsykologi)
    Finn Olsson
    Med handelspsykologi och strategier för att lyckas bättre med investeringar! Vad behöver du för att lyckas på aktiemarknaden? Svaret är rätt inställning. Att handla på aktiemarknaden är 80 % enkel psykologi och vem som helst kan lära sig det! Ta en titt bakom kulisserna i börsvärlden och ta din ekonomi i egna händer. Med rätt inställning till framgång! Vill du också investera d...

    10,82 €

  • The Digital Renminbi’s Disruption
    Chi Lo
    Exposing hidden trends and systemic flaws and debunking myths, The Digital Renminbi’s Disruption contributes to revealing China’s digital disruption and leads to a better understanding of upcoming potential volatility in the wake of the unfolding digital revolution. ...

    87,85 €

  • Decoding China’s Export Miracle
    Yuqing Xing
    In less than three decades, China has emerged as the world’s largest exporting nation with more than $2 trillion exports annually. China’s quick rise as a leading exporter in the world is an unprecedented miracle. There are many theories explaining this miracle. This book adopts the global value chain (GVC) approach to analyze the Chinese export miracle over the last four decad...

    58,07 €

  • The Impact of Global Terrorism on Economic and Political Development
    Ramesh Chandra Das
    This edited collection seeks to address and analyse the ramifications of terrorism and terrorist activities at a world-level, with a specific focus on the economies and political systems in the Afro-Asian regions. ...

    68,40 €

  • Regional Integration in Latin America
    Jesús Cruz Alvarez / Monica Blanco-Jiménez
    This book, focused on the analysis of regional integration and dynamism in Latin American countries, takes a multidisciplinary approach to international business. It uses case studies of major industries to explore the impact of the Pacific Alliance. ...

    39,19 €

  • Les guerres du pétrole
    John Coleman
    Il ne fait aucun doute que la société Royal Dutch Shell du 'Comité des 300' est l’une des plus anciennes et des plus importantes de toutes les compagnies pétrolières opérant dans le monde aujourd’hui. Son chiffre d’affaires en 2005 était de 306,73 milliards de dollars. La défunte reine Juliana des Pays-Bas, Lord Victor Rothschild, le prince Nasi d’Afrique Sir Ernest Oppenheimer...

    25,21 €

  • Freight Broker Business Startup
    Bill Delgado
    Everything you need to know about how to start a freight broker business! Freight Broker Business Startup is the ultimate guide for anyone who wants to start a freight brokerage company. In this book, we’ll cover everything from the industry itself and why it’s so profitable right now, all the way through scaling your business and hiring staff. We’ll also talk about pricing, ...

    158,94 €

  • Toward Inclusive Access to Trade Finance
    Asian Development Bank
    Drawing on a decade of surveys, this report discusses trade finance trends and identifies how access to trade finance can become more inclusive.  A persistently large trade finance gap is an ongoing global challenge, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises, which continue to face significant barriers to access financing. Since 2012, ADB has conducted a Trade Finance...

    32,38 €

  • A Critical History of Poverty Finance
    Nick Bernards
    Finance, mobile, and digital technologies - or ’fintech’ - are being heralded in the world of development by the likes of the IMF and World Bank as a silver bullet in the fight against poverty. But should we believe the hype? A Critical History of Poverty Finance demonstrates how newfangled ’digital financial inclusion’ efforts suffer from the same essential flaws as earlier it...

    127,07 €

  • Aid for Trade in Asia and the Pacific
    Asian Development Bank
    This report explores how aid for trade can be modernized to support Asia and the Pacific’s recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals.Aid for trade has an important role to play in supporting pandemic recovery, especially for the region’s lower-middle-income and least developed countries. Aid for trade can hel...

    44,40 €