Ciencias de la vida: cuestiones generales

Matemáticas y ciencia / Biologia, ciencias de la vida / Ciencias de la vida: cuestiones generales (7429)

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  • From Logos to Bios
    Wynand de Beer

    31,72 €

  • Biocomputing 2018
     The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2018 is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research in the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance. Presentations are rigorously peer reviewed and are published in an archival proceedings volume. PSB 2018 will be held on January ...

    287,37 €

  • Biocomputing 2016
     The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2016 is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research in the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance. Presentations are rigorously peer reviewed and are published in an archival proceedings volume. PSB 2016 will be held on January ...

    267,56 €

  • Bio-Invaders
    Sarah Johnson
    We are pleased to announce a new series ofenvironmental history readers, suitable for students.Comprising essays selected from our journals,Environment and History and Environmental Values,each inexpensive paperback volume will address animportant theme in environmental history, combiningunderlying theory and specific case-studies. The firstvolume, Bio-invaders, investigates th...

    39,21 €

  • L’età dell’oro dei cacciatori
    Alberto Peruffo
    L'universo, il pianeta Terra, l'uomo. L'avventura della specie umana si dipana lentamente dall'essere unicellulare fino all'uomo dei giorni nostri che, tra mille travagli, ha raggiunto la condizione di assoluta supremazia.La presenza nell'uomo moderno dei geni del DNA dell'uomo di Neanderthal ha chiarito che, questi antichi uomini, facevano parte, a ...

    40,53 €

  • Hood
    Luke Timmerman
    NAMED A TOP INDIE BOOK IN 2017 BY KIRKUS REVIEWSLee Hood did that rarest of things. He enabled scientists to see things they couldn’t see before and do things they hadn’t dreamed of doing. Scientists can now sequence complete human genomes in a day, setting in motion a revolution that is personalizing medicine.Hood, a son of the American West, was an unlikely candidate to trans...

    29,03 €

  • Time
    Abdoul khoudouss Kamara
    Abdoul Koudouss Kamara is a Mauritanian mining engineer, born in 1938, who lives in the United States. His research in the prediction of events by calendar periodicities dates back to the 1970s. Having lost his sight in 1990, his work was greatly slowed down.Abdoul K. Kamara is also a practitioner of esotericism. ...

    23,50 €

  • Genotyping of carp breeds Cyprinus carpio L. of Belarusian selection
    Elena Rovba / Oksana Koneva / Sergey Dromashko
    The proposed book refers to the field of biotechnology, in particular to the methods of genetic identification of fish breeds on the basis of molecular genetic markers. It is known that DNA molecular markers are characterized by different efficiency in tests for population affiliation of individuals. Therefore, in the laboratory of genetic processes modeling of the Institute of...

    44,96 €

  • Genotipizzazione di razze di carpa Cyprinus carpio L. di selezione bielorussa
    Elena Rovba / Oksana Koneva / Sergey Dromashko
    Il libro proposto si riferisce al campo delle biotecnologie, in particolare ai metodi di identificazione genetica delle razze ittiche sulla base di marcatori genetici molecolari. È noto che i marcatori molecolari del DNA sono caratterizzati da una diversa efficienza nei test di appartenenza alla popolazione degli individui. Pertanto, nel laboratorio di modellazione dei processi...

    44,96 €

  • Génotypage des races de carpes Cyprinus carpio L. de la sélection biélorusse
    Elena Rovba / Oksana Koneva / Sergey Dromashko
    L’ouvrage proposé se rapporte au domaine de la biotechnologie, en particulier aux méthodes d’identification génétique des races de poissons sur la base de marqueurs génétiques moléculaires. On sait que les marqueurs moléculaires de l’ADN se caractérisent par une efficacité variable dans les tests d’appartenance des individus à une population. C’est pourquoi, dans le laboratoire...

    45,02 €

  • Genotypisierung von Karpfenrassen Cyprinus carpio L. der weißrussischen Selektion
    Elena Rovba / Oksana Koneva / Sergey Dromashko
    Das vorgeschlagene Buch bezieht sich auf den Bereich der Biotechnologie, insbesondere auf die Methoden der genetischen Identifizierung von Fischrassen auf der Grundlage von molekulargenetischen Markern. Es ist bekannt, dass sich die molekularen DNA-Marker durch unterschiedliche Effizienz bei der Prüfung der Populationszugehörigkeit von Individuen auszeichnen. Daher wurde im Lab...

    45,09 €

  • Genotipagem das raças de carpa Cyprinus carpio L. da seleção bielorrussa
    Elena Rovba / Oksana Koneva / Sergey Dromashko
    O livro proposto refere-se ao domínio da biotecnologia, em particular aos métodos de identificação genética de raças de peixes com base em marcadores genéticos moleculares. Sabe-se que os marcadores moleculares de ADN se caracterizam por uma eficiência diferente nos testes de filiação populacional dos indivíduos. Por conseguinte, no laboratório de modelização dos processos gené...

    45,02 €

  • Evolution’s Dangerous Ideas
    Jerry Bergman
    This is the second book to support the fact that Darwinism has caused enormous harm in society. The first book covered how Darwinism fostered scientific racism. This book covers 17 of the most harmful ideas and hoaxes committed in the name of evolution, often concocted to support Darwinism. These few examples of the many available illustrate how Darwinism has misled scientists,...

    21,68 €

  • The Generosity of Birds
    Laura Jan Shore
    'Laura Shore’s The Generosity of Birds illuminates the fullness of life from celebration to elegy, from birth to complicated generational grief. ’...this has nothing to do with my mother, /... Yet there she is, / a viridian flicker / on the periphery of my gaze, the vibrational key /.’ Birds abound whether centerstage or in a reassuring background presence: magpie, Regent Honey...

    16,47 €

  • Gestione dei rifiuti solidi
    Tanya Sango
    I rifiuti generati dalle attività umane quotidiane e lasciati accumulare in discariche onnipresenti, illegali e non regolamentate, vicino alle abitazioni, sono un problema negli insediamenti informali. Se non vengono raccolti e smaltiti in modo appropriato, comportano rischi per la salute pubblica e ambientale. La qualità della vita e le condizioni di vita di coloro che già sof...

    62,94 €

  • Gestão de resíduos sólidos
    Tanya Sango
    Os resíduos gerados pelas actividades humanas diárias e deixados a acumular-se em lixeiras omnipresentes, ilegais e não regulamentadas, perto das habitações, constituem um problema nos aglomerados informais. Se não forem recolhidos e eliminados de forma adequada, representam riscos para a saúde pública e para o ambiente. A qualidade de vida e as condições de vida daqueles que j...

    62,94 €

  • Morals and the Evolution of Man
    Max Simon Nordau
    'Morals and the Evolution of Man' by Max Simon Nordau is a thought-provoking examination of the relationship between morality and the process of human evolution. Published in 1891, Nordau’s work seeks to reconcile the principles of moral philosophy with the scientific theories of evolution that were gaining prominence during the late 19th century.At the heart of 'Morals and the...

    16,01 €

  • Stato delle conoscenze sulle specie aliene invasive dell’India
    Sajad Razvi
    Nel mondo delle specie aliene dell’India in una prospettiva globale. Cosa sappiamo e cosa dobbiamo sapere. Il libro fornisce un resoconto delle specie che si sono evolute per conquistare i centri endemici dell’India, ultimi punti di appoggio delle passate radiazioni/biodiversità.Questi ricchi centri di biodiversità saranno sostituiti da lignaggi meglio adattati in un ambiente c...

    89,45 €

  • Экологическая устойчивость благодаря биофильтрации
    Людовико Офриа
    Эта книга бросает вызов традиционной очистке сточных вод, исследуя такие альтернативы, как фитодепонирование и использование двустворчатых моллюсков. Благодаря подходу, ориентированному на экономические и экологические выгоды, книга представляет будущее, в котором санитария будет способствовать социальному прогрессу, уменьшая глобальное неравенство. В книге представлен подробны...

    60,20 €

  • Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit durch Biofiltration
    Ludovico Ofria
    Dieses Buch stellt die herkömmliche Abwasserreinigung in Frage und untersucht Alternativen wie die Phytodepuration und die Verwendung von Muscheln. Mit einem Ansatz, der sich auf den wirtschaftlichen und ökologischen Nutzen konzentriert, wird eine Zukunft ins Auge gefasst, in der die Abwasserentsorgung zum sozialen Fortschritt beiträgt, indem sie globale Ungleichheiten verringe...

    60,13 €

  • Environmental sustainability through biofiltration
    Ludovico Ofria
    This book challenges traditional wastewater purification, exploring alternatives such as phytodepuration and the use of bivalve mollusks. With an approach focused on economic and environmental benefits, it envisions a future in which sanitation contributes to social progress by reducing global inequalities. The book provides a detailed overview of innovative solutions, charting...

    60,13 €

  • Durabilité environnementale grâce à la biofiltration
    Ludovico Ofria
    Ce livre remet en question l’épuration traditionnelle des eaux usées, en explorant des alternatives telles que la phytodépuration et l’utilisation de mollusques bivalves. Avec une approche axée sur les avantages économiques et environnementaux, il envisage un avenir dans lequel l’assainissement contribue au progrès social en réduisant les inégalités mondiales. L’ouvrage fournit...

    60,13 €

  • Développement de technologies de traitement de l’eau potable
    Mahmoud Fathy
    L’importance d’une eau potable de qualité pour la préservation de la santé humaine a été reconnue très tôt dans l’histoire. Cependant, il a fallu des siècles pour que les gens comprennent que leurs sens seuls ne permettaient pas de juger de la qualité de l’eau. Les premiers traitements de l’eau étaient basés sur la filtration et motivés par le désir d’éliminer le goût et l’odeu...

    48,37 €

  • Entwicklung von Technologien zur Aufbereitung von Trinkwasser
    Mahmoud Fathy
    Die Bedeutung von gutem Trinkwasser für die Erhaltung der menschlichen Gesundheit wurde schon früh in der Geschichte erkannt. Es dauerte jedoch Jahrhunderte, bis die Menschen verstanden, dass ihre Sinne allein nicht ausreichen, um die Wasserqualität zu beurteilen. Die ersten Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen basierten auf der Filterung und waren von dem Wunsch geleitet, den Geschmack ...

    48,37 €

  • Разработка технологий очистки питьевой воды
    Махмуд Фатхи
    Важность хорошей питьевой воды для поддержания здоровья человека была признана уже в ранней истории. Однако прошло несколько столетий, прежде чем люди поняли, что только их органы чувств не могут адекватно судить о качестве воды. Самые первые способы очистки воды были основаны на фильтрации и были продиктованы желанием устранить вкус и В результате системы очистки питьевой воды...

    48,37 €

  • Sviluppo di tecnologie per il trattamento dell’acqua potabile
    Mahmoud Fathy
    L’importanza di una buona acqua potabile per il mantenimento della salute umana è stata riconosciuta fin dall’inizio della storia. Tuttavia, ci sono voluti secoli prima che le persone capissero che i loro sensi da soli non erano giudici adeguati della qualità dell’acqua. I primi trattamenti dell’acqua erano basati sulla filtrazione e spinti dal desiderio di rimuovere il sapore ...

    48,37 €

  • Desenvolvimento de tecnologias de tratamento de água potável
    Mahmoud Fathy
    A importância de uma boa água potável para a manutenção da saúde humana foi reconhecida desde cedo na história. No entanto, foram necessários séculos para que as pessoas compreendessem que os seus sentidos, por si só, não eram suficientes para avaliar a qualidade da água. Os primeiros tratamentos de água baseavam-se na filtragem e eram motivados pelo desejo de remover o sabor e...

    48,37 €

  • Focus sur le programme d’action du Commonwealth en matière d’habitat
    Eleanor Morris
    Le professeur Eleanor Morris, éminente universitaire et consultante en urbanisme, a joué un rôle de premier plan dans les discussions sur la nécessité d’une planification durable qui traite également les aspects économiques, sociaux et environnementaux pour les pays du Commonwealth. En tant que directrice du Conseil de l’écologie humaine du Commonwealth et présidente de son com...

    62,33 €

  • Focus sull’Agenda Habitat del Commonwealth
    Eleanor Morris
    La professoressa Eleanor Morris, illustre accademica e consulente di urbanistica, è stata una figura di spicco nelle discussioni sulla necessità di una pianificazione sostenibile che tenga conto in egual misura degli aspetti economici, sociali e ambientali per i Paesi del Commonwealth. In qualità di direttore del Commonwealth Human Ecology Council e di presidente del suo comita...

    62,33 €

  • Акцент на повестке дня Хабитат Содружества
    Элеонора Моррис
    Профессор Элеонора Моррис, выдающийся ученый и консультант по градостроительству, была одной из ведущих фигур в дискуссиях о необходимости устойчивого планирования, которое в равной степени учитывает экономические, социальные и экологические аспекты для стран Содружества. Будучи директором Совета по экологии человека Содружества и председателем его Исполнительного комитета, она...

    62,30 €