Gopal Thapa / Rojan Shrestha

97,47 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
97,47 €
IVA incluido

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This book is based on the joint research of Dr. Gopal Thapa and Rojan Shrestha which aims to examine the psychological factors of young management graduates’ entrepreneurial inclination. It identifies psychological factors influencing young management women’s graduates, such as attitude, subjective norms, extroversion, and aspiration, while also examining how these psychological factors influence women’s entrepreneurial inclinations. This study addresses the psychological factors that influence young women management graduates’ intentions to operate and start an entrepreneurial venture. This study aims to evaluate the psychological factors of women in Nepal that are to be focused on in the future to encourage and support these young enthusiasts to be entrepreneurs. As entrepreneurship has been a key tool for economic growth and creates platforms for professionalism in women, this study helps to identify the necessary psychological attributes to focus entrepreneurial inclination on women.

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