Elizabeth del Rosario Vázquez Borges / Jorge Alejan Castillo Ontiveros / Roger Iván Méndez Novelo
The structure of this book presents, in Chapter One: 'RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STOCHIOMETRY AND DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: CHEMICAL REACTION AS A MATHEMATICAL FUNCTION', in Chapter two 'ANALYSIS OF THE SOLUBILITY CURVE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE' in Chapter three 'PHASE DIAGRAM OF SODIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION AND WATER TO DETERMINE EUTHETIC POINT AND STATE CHANGES', in Chapter four 'RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WATER PHASE DIAGRAM AND ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY' and in Chapter five 'DIFFERENTIAL ECUATIONS USED IN COOLING LAWS: KEROSENE MELTING'. All these works show the intrinsic relationship of the subjects included as 'Basic sciences in Engineering, in the case of the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, in the four Engineering subjects taught at the Bachelor’s level: Civil, Physics, Mechatronics and Renewable Energies. These activities allow the university student to integrate the knowledge learned. All these works seek to mathematize chemistry, which is fundamental in the learning of engineering, since the student finds meaning in the subjects he is learning, for example calculus, algebra.