Health and Nutrition of Lodha tribal women

Health and Nutrition of Lodha tribal women

Jhunilata Bhuyan / Sasmita Behera

128,26 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
128,26 €
IVA incluido

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This book 'A study on Health and Nutritional Status of Lodha tribal women in Mayurbhanj district of Odisha' examined the nutritional status of three hundred Lodha tribal women in four blocks of the Mayurbhanj district of Odisha. Lodha is a minor tribe of the Mayurbhanj district and there is a lack of research work on the socio-economic status, health, and nutritional status, and morbidity status of Lodha tribal women. All the selected respondents belonged to 18-45 years of age group as well as non-pregnant and non-lactating Lodha tribal women. The questionnaire cum interview method was devised to elicit information directly from the respondents. The collected data were interpreted and analyzed through statistical software such as SPSS 21.0, Excel 20.0, and MSTAT-C. All the respondents belonged to the Hindu religion and particularly vulnerable tribal groups. Most of the Lodha women lived in their home (89.3%) in a nuclear family (80.7%). The study indicates that 86% of the Lodha tribal women were coming under the lower class (V) whereas 13% belonged to upper lower class (IV) but only 1% was from lower middle class (II).

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