Effect of Growth Regulators on Growth and Yield of French bean

Effect of Growth Regulators on Growth and Yield of French bean

Idris Alam Kadari / Rajaram Rathod / Sainath Mingire

61,82 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
61,82 €
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In French bean, the maximum height of plant (34.53 cm), plant spread (31.46 cm), number of leaves per plant (15.73) and number of branches (7.66) in treatment where GA3 200 ppm was applied (T4) while minimum height of plant (25.93 cm), plant spread (24.70 cm), number of leaves per plant (11.66) and number of branches (5.20) per plant respectively observed in the treatment (T8) in Cycocel 200 ppm. The treatment T9 (35.93) days to 50 per cent flowering and it was most effective treatment for inducing earlier 50 per cent flowering and significantly superior over rest of the treatments. Longer green pod length (19.50 cm) were harvested from treatment (T2) GA3 100 ppm while shortest green pods (18.13 cm) were harvested in treatment (T8) CCC 200 ppm. The treatment (T2) GA3 100 ppm produced maximum number of green pods (44.57), yield (0.140 kg) per plant and yield (119.70 q) per hectare while lowest number of green pods (37.46), yield (0.095 kg) per plant and yield (81.29 q) per hectare observed in the treatment (T8) CCC 200 ppm.

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