Babies Medication

Babies Medication

Hernán López López

88,40 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Medicina clínica e interna
88,40 €
IVA incluido

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Assisted human reproduction techniques include insemination, in vitro fertilisation, ovarian stimulation or stimulation by sperm injection into the cytoplasm, determined a transitional process from primitive solutions to the problem of fertility (preventive and curative medicines) to concepts of predictive and perfective medicine to generate designed children that raise a problem of intergenerational order and transhumanism. However, the picture has changed significantly and we are witnessing a permissive society subjugated to political, technical and economic ostentations with different interests than the integration of the family-parental bond as the fundamental nucleus of society. The recognition of the ontological status of the embryo implies that the condition of individual belonging to the human species is acquired per se from the moment of generation or conception, since the embryo possesses unity, novelty, continuity, specificity, autonomy and dignity.

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