'But then what?'

'But then what?'

Lucas Suzigan Nachtigall

108,90 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Historia general y mundial
108,90 €
IVA incluido

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This book, the result of historiographical research, aims to analyse and reflect on the horizons of expectation established in the final moments of the monarchical regime in Brazil regarding the imminent arrival of the Third Reign, as well as its re-signification following the fall of the monarchy and the establishment of a republican regime after the military coup of 15 November 1889. Similarly, we intend to study the persistence and conformation of the same idea in the initial moments of the First Republic and the monarchist movement, as well as understanding the formation of the horizons of expectation that were formed around the idea of the arrival of the Third Reign.

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